Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #13: Parents, We Need Your Help!‏

Have I mentioned yet how proud I am of all of our delegates? Great Bill Hearing Night, great conference weekend . . . this year is going so well and that's all down to each of you!

Here's what you need to know/do this week
(the alternative title of this week's bulletin could also be "Fun With Google Forms.")

1.) Please complete your Bob I survey and role preferences: http://goo.gl/pFwjAf
(As part of that process, you will need to register for Bob II: https://app.reggo.org/calymca

Also, you should have received a surveymonkey survey from the Y&G head office. Please take a moment to complete that as well.

2.) Future Leaders Campaign & YMCA Strong Kids Campaign: Each year, Y&G undertakes a massive fundraising campaign (just like we do at the delegation level). Similarly, our own Sacramento YMCA (and all YMCAs) conduct their annual fundraising campaigns. Both campaigns work much in the same way: campaigners call Y&G supporter or Y members and ask for donations. We need two volunteers for the Future Leaders Campaign and two volunteers for the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign (the same people can volunteer for both). You'll receive training on how to fundraise. Future Leaders campaigners get to go to a few special meetings during Bob II and Sac Conference. Please email Christiana ASAP if you'd like to volunteer.

3.) Speaking of volunteering! (PARENTS: This is the part where we need your help) We discussed our upcoming Holiday Festival at the last meeting.  Here's a google form to complete about volunteering for the day. ALL delegates are required to complete it. Parents, we ask you also to click through and read about the event and consider donating some of your time. We need to line up approximately 25 volunteers to be on-hand at all times during the day (which means more than 25 people as we'll have some shifts of volunteers scheduled). Click here to complete the form:

4.) Historian needed! Alberto would like us to elect/select a delegation historian. Responsibilities include documenting our events with pictures and helping us create a Delegation newsletter quarterly. Those interested should come to the next meeting prepare to give a short speech about their qualifications.

5.) Causes.com fundraiser: once again this year, we'll be conducting a fundraising push through causes.com. This online platform sends contributions directly to our YMCA. Donating is fast and easy and secure. Donations can range from a minimum of $10 to ???? Please share this link on your Facebook page or via email to friends and family.  Proceeds will help us meet remaining need this year, seed next year's scholarship fund (yes, already!), and also support the reestablishment of our sister program for middle-schoolers, the Model United Nations.

Last year, we raised $1005, this year, we want to continue on to the $2000 mark!

Parents, we ask you to share the link as well.

For the cost of two lattes + tax today, donors can ensure a stronger community tomorrow!

Coming Up:
Nov 20: Campaigns and Holiday Festival planning
Nov 27: No meeting – Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 30/Dec 1: Holiday Festival Promotional Blitz – volunteers needed
December 4: $260 Payment due; Final bill work; NIC proposal ideas and program area prep; Bob II elected/appointed
Dec 6: ML/C registration (role selection) due; Concessionaire’s due
Dec 6: Final Bill drafts due
Dec 6: Elected/Appointed Leadership Applications Due
December 8: Holiday Festival Promotion at the Antique Fair – volunteers needed
December 15: Holiday Festival at the Y (all hands – and then some - needed!)

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