Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #9

"Depending on the story that you're telling, you can be relatable to everybody or nobody. I try and tell everybody's story." 
Chance the Rapper

1). Did you get your last payment in?: Payment deadline was Oct 13th for $375. Please bring your checks to this week's meeting or pay online here

2). Bill Hearing Night: Bill hearing night is in two weeks! This year's bill hearing night will be Nov. 2nd starting at 6pm in B3. We will be splitting up the delegation into two groups, one group will go from 6-7:30 and the second group will go from 7:30-9pm. The event is mandatory for all delegates and your parents won't want to miss this chance to see what delegates have been working on so far this year. Stay tuned for more information on this later this month.

3). Bill Work - Next 2 weeks critical!: Each family needs to have its draft bill language and bill worksheet completed by this Thursday. When you are done, please make sure all information is upload/saved to your family's bill folder on the google drive. 

  • Check out the complete video tutorial library on the bill writing process. Watch videos 1-4 to help get you on the write track.  
  • Here is a breakdown of the bill process in 10 easy steps
  • Remember that short bills are good and simple ideas are great. You don't need to rewrite the entire education code and drown yourself in work!  
  • There are many organizations that develop sample legislation for just about every topic under the sun.  Google can you help you find them. Also, chances are, if a topic interests you, it probably interested a legislator recently. Do some key word searches in the bills that were introduced in the real state legislature - perhaps you'll find a good starting point for your idea. Maybe you can fix a vetoed bill or one that died in committee. 
  • Want to see some bills from last year? Check out this bill book.
  • Use this online folder to hold your bill worksheet and bill language drafts. There are two documents for each bill idea. There is one set of documents for each family already set up. Use the bill template to help you work on setting up your statutory language. 

  • For those who want to dive deep into bill details, you can check out this Common Bill Mistake and How to Avoid Them document.   

    Bill work is tricky - but there are LOTS of resources available - including returning delegates/former bill sponsors and your advisors! You can do this - we promise.

    4). Are You Getting Your Points?: As we get closer to selecting our roles, we want to make sure that all delegates are aware of the points system and where you can go to look at your points.

    The points system is a way for delegates who participate in events, attend meetings, get their payments/paperwork in on time, etc to be rewarded with a better chance at selecting their program area. Each year, our delegation has more delegates than slots for many program areas. Because of this shortage of spots, our delegation created the points system to incentive delegates to participate. The more you participate, the points you have and the better shot you have at getting the program area you want. 

    Here is a link to the points, you can view how many points you have and where you rank in the delegation. Please let me know if you there are any point corrections.

    5). Dietary Restrictions? If you have not already indicated on the form when you registered for the conference your dietary restrictions (Vegan/Vegetarian/Gluten-Free/Etc) please make sure you let me know ASAP. The conference now will now have vegan options. 

    6). Fresno Conference Room Assignments: We will be selecting room assignments for the Fresno Conference at this week's meeting. Males will be rooming with males, and females with females. Please be thinking of who you want in your room before the meeting. If you are unable to attend Thursday's meeting, please ask a fellow delegation to reserve space in a room for you.

    Please note:
    For female delegates we'll have 14 rooms with 4 delegates; 2 rooms with 3 delegates; and 2 rooms split with SacCentral (2 Eldo and 2 Sac Central)

    For male delegates we'll have 9 rooms of 4 and 1 room of 3. 

    Helpful Links:
    Missed a bulletin?
    Need to make a payment?
    Mark your calendars for these key events!
    October 13$375 Payment Due
    November 2nd: Bill Hearing Night, 6pm-9pm (Mandatory)
    November 9: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
    November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training and Election Conference I (19 pts)
    December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
    January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training and Election Conference II
    February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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