Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #10

Below is your weekly El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #10. 
This is what you need to know this week: 

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” 
Malala Yousafzai 

1). Bill Work - Bill Final Drafts Due!All family groups must have their final roles selected, speeches drafted, and final bill language in their family's bill template on our google drive by the meeting on Thursday. We will being going over each bill groups idea and troubleshooting at the meeting. Make sure to think of any questions by Thursday.

2). Bill Hearing Night - All of the Info!: Bill hearing night is next week! This year's bill hearing night will be Nov. 2nd starting at 6pm in B3. We will be splitting up the delegation into two groups, one group will go from 6-7:30 and the second group will go from 7:30-9pm. The event is mandatory for all delegates and your parents/friends won't want to miss this chance to see what delegates have been working on so far this year.

Delegates in the 6-7:30pm time slot MUST be in B3 BY 6pm. Delegates in the 7:30-9pm time slot MUST be in B3 BY 7:30pm. All delegates will also need to be in Sac attire for this event. Below is the list of which families will go during each time slot:

6-7:30pm slot:
  • 1st Borg
  • 2nd Arico
  • 3rd Merchant
  • 4th Parish
  • 5th Stafford
7:30-9pm slot:
  • 6th Adams
  • 7th Driscoll
  • 8th Durham
  • 9th Melehani
  • 10th Causley
By this week's meeting, you need your draft speeches prepared. Here is a reminder of the roles and speech-lengths for each: 
  • Bill Sponsor: Generally, this is the person who came up with the bill idea. Sponsors will need to prepare a 3 minute sponsor speech to give at the opening and a 3 minute "summation" speech to give at the closing. Sponsor speeches should be full of evidence of research, highlight the necessity of the bill, and why the bill is a good idea.  
  • Lobbyist For: Lobbyists in support of the bill should work with the Sponsor. Pro-Lobbyists want to support the Sponsor, reinforcing what is good about the bill and why it should pass. The Pro-Lobbyist's mission is to get the bill passed! Pro-Lobbyists can also bring up arguments in favor of the bill that wouldn't fit in the Sponsor's speech. Pro-Lobbyists must prepare a 2 minute Pro speech.
  • Lobbyist AgainstLobbyists against a bill have one mission: KILL THE BILL! Con-Lobbyists must prepare a 2 minute Con speech. Con speeches should have evidence of research, not just a "this bill is bad" statement. You'll need to tell the audience what specifically is wrong with this bill and why it would be bad public policy. You can suggest changes that would save the bill as well. 
  • NOTE: Summation speeches for all members may need to be flexible to incorporate arguments against whatever your initial speech was about. Some delegates choose not to pre-write their summation speech but to improvise instead based on the discussion that has taken place during the bill presentation.
  • Sponsor and Lobbyist speeches are persuasive. For tips on persuasive speech writing, check out this doc.
Bill Hearing Night Format:
Parents and guests have three opportunities to participate:
1.) They can ask questions of intent and interpretation
2.) They can participate in general discussion
3.) They get to weigh-in on the bill that proceeds to Sac Conference.

Parents and guests will also be asked to track the following criteria:
Evidence of Research: Did speakers cite research? Is it evident the speaker has facts to support the bill and gives a well-prepared presentation? An ideal speech is both informative and well supported.
Debatability: Is there room for argument on the bill? Does it spark emotional or logistical debate? Does the bill encourage intense and energetic debate on both sides of the issue presented?
Feasibility: Did the Sponsor describe a practical way of implementing and enforcing (if applicable) the idea? Ideal presentations will detail methods for implementing the suggested policy changes.
State Relevance: Is the issue of statewide importance?
-Creativity: Does the bill present a new or creative way of looking at an issue? Ideal bills will be both creative and practical in the way they address the issue at hand.
-Presentation-Style Feedback: Do audience members have any constructive advice for all speakers on a bill when it comes to presentation style? (i.e.: watch for time limits, don't say as many "ums," eye contact with audience, speaks too loudly or softly, fast or slow, etc)
3). Halloween Party: In honor of Halloween, bring your best costumes to next week's meeting. We will be having a best costume contest, so make sure your costume is fun (but also Y appropriate.) 
4). Are You Getting Your Points?:  Here is a link to the points, you can view how many points you have and where you rank in the delegation. Please let me know if you there are any point corrections.

5). Payment Reminder: Have you submitted your payments yet? The last payment was due on October 13th. The next payment is due on Nov. 9th for $375. Please bring a check or pay online.

Helpful Links:

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment
Mark your calendars for these key events!
November 2nd: Bill Hearing Night, 6pm-9pm (Mandatory)
November 9$375 Payment Due
November 9: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training and Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
December 15: Final $375 Payment Due
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training and Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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