Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
- Emma Lazarus
Bill Hearing Night is This Week (11/01)! Make Sure You're Prepared!
Bill hearing night is a big deal for our delegation. This year is special because I got word that we will have several VIP's coming to bill hearing night this year. In addition to having our local El Dorado County Supervisor John Hidahl coming, we are also going to have several key core staff members from Cal YMCA attend. The Core staff is also bringing several international representatives, through the Northern California World Trade Center, that are in the U.S. learning about our democracy.
List of Confirmed BHN Judges:
Aaron Palm - Oak Ridge High School Principal
John Hidahl - El Dorado County Supervisor
Mr. Seely - Oak Ridge High School Teacher
Johnnie Pina - Legislative Policy Analyst, League of California Cities
Edwin Kim, El Dorado Deputy District Attorney
We will be splitting up the night into two groups for families to present (see below). The first group will present from 6-7:30pm and the second group from 7:30-9pm. The order of the families is the order they will present. PLEASE BE ON TIME OR EARLY TO YOUR GROUP. Delegates do not need to attend the other group's presentations but are welcome to.
Group 1 - 6-7:30pm:
- 1st Adams
- 2nd Stafford
- 3rd Arico
- 4th Parish
- 5th Borg
Group 2 - 7:30-9pm:
- 6th Driscoll
- 7th Causley
- 8th Durham
- 9th Melehani
- 10th Merchant
Here is the script for Bill Hearing Night:
Chair: “The clerk will now read the enacting clause”
Clerk: [reads enacting clause]
Chair: “It is now in order for an author/sponsor speech is such an author/sponsor present”
[Author/sponsor raises hand and is recognized by chair]
Chair: “To what point do you rise?”
Delegate: “To make an author/sponsor speech.”
Chair: “Please rise, state your name and delegation. You have 3 minutes”
Delegate: [gives speech. When done can yield time to questions. If there are no questions, then yield time to the Chair]
Chair: “It is now in order for a legislative analyst speech is such a legislative analyst present”
[Legislative analyst raises hand and is recognized by chair]
Chair: “To what point do you rise?”
Delegate: “To make an legislative analyst speech.”
Chair: “Please rise, state your name and delegation. You have 2 minutes”
Delegate: [gives speech. When done can yield time to questions. If there are no questions, then yield time to the Chair]
Chair: “it is now in order for a lobbyist speech in favor of this bill is such a lobbyist present?”
[Lobbyist raises hand and is recognized by chair]
Chair: “To what point do you rise?”
Delegate: “To make an lobbyist speech in favor of this bill.”
Chair: “Please rise, state your name and delegation. You have 2 minutes”
Delegate: [gives speech. When done can yield time to Questions. If there are no questions, then yield time to the Chair]
Chair: “it is now in order for a speech from a lobbyist against this bill is such a lobbyist present?”
[Lobbyist raises hand and is recognized by chair]
Chair: “To what point do you rise?”
Delegate: “To make an lobbyist speech against this bill.”
Chair: “Please rise, state your name and delegation. You have 2 minutes”
Delegate: [gives speech. When done can yield time to questions. If there are no questions, then yield time to the Chair]
Chair: “It is now in order for an author/sponsor summation speech is such an author/sponsor present”
[Author/sponsor raises hand and is recognized by chair]
Chair: “To what point do you rise?”
Delegate: “To make an author/sponsor summation speech.”
Chair: “Please rise, state your name and delegation. You have 3 minutes”
Delegate: [gives speech. When done can yield time to questions. If there are no questions, then yield time to the Chair]
15 mins per family presentation, total
Each group will have a total of 15 mins for their presentation.
Each family, by this Monday (10/29) at 5pm should have the following things done:
1) Completed the bill worksheet (links below)
2) Completed all speeches for each speaker
3) Completed final bill language for your bill (bill template links below).
I will need to make sure all of the bills are ready so I can send them to our judges before Thursday.
Family bill templates and worksheets:
1) Completed the bill worksheet (links below)
2) Completed all speeches for each speaker
3) Completed final bill language for your bill (bill template links below).
I will need to make sure all of the bills are ready so I can send them to our judges before Thursday.
Family bill templates and worksheets:
- Adams Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Arico Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Borg Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Causley Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Driscoll Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Durham Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Melehani Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Merchant Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Parish Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
- Stafford Family: Worksheet, Bill Language Template
2.) T&E 1 Room Assignments: Follow this link: http://bit.ly/2PdDwxh to see the final room assignments for T&E 1. The room assignments were based off of the room suggestions that delegates submitted last week. Not everyone got the exact room they wanted, but luckily we will only be spending a a couple hours a day in the rooms and mainly to sleep. I tried my best to keep people together but we must have four people to a room. Delegates can switch rooms after T&E 1 if desired, but must let me know. Thank you for your patience and understanding on this.
As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!
Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation
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Mark your calendars for these key events!
November 1, 2018: Mandatory Bill Hearing NightNovember 8, 2018: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
November 9-11, 2018: Training & Elections Conference I, Fresno
December 2: California International Marathon Volunteer Event
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento