Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #5: Bills and Baskets

October is the most "homework" intensive month in the Y&G calendar - everyone should be helping to research their bill group's bill idea and working on their assigned role. Everyone should arrive at next week's meeting having done some research and knowing some facts to assist the group's work. If you have a laptop or tablet, bring it to the meeting next week (not required). And don't forget: Reggo leadership apps are due by Monday! Our delegates have a good reputation in Y&G and are frequently successful in their appointed leadership applications and running for office is a great way to make friends statewide! 


1.) Camp Capital City Silent Auction Basket: At this week's meeting, your officer team asked for donations to make up a delegation Silent Auction Basket for Camp Capital City. All donations must be received at next week's meeting. If you cannot bring in the item you indicated, please let Ting know ASAP:
Peet's Coffee - Miranda
Coffee Mug - Trisha
Hot Chocolate - Miraya
Starbucks stuff - Cameron
See's Candy - Liam
Godiva truffles - Connor
Marshmallows - Sam
Ghirardelli chocolate, basket, paper filler - Ting

If you are not on this list but would like to contribute, please bring something coffee related or something chocolate related. Thank you for your generosity!   

2.) October 5 Movie Night at the YMCA (Updated List): Thank you to the following delegates who have volunteered to help out at our Movie Under The Stars on Friday, October 5. The event is free and all are invited! The following delegates volunteered to help at the event: 

Miranda Villarreal
Ting Ting Pu
Cameron Wyatt
Keymora Robertson
Aaron Reese
Leo Newman
Kayla Piegaro

Please check in at the front desk of the Y (2021 W Street, Sac, 95818) with Carmen at 5:30pm. Casual attire is fine - wear a delegation shirt or sweatshirt if you have it! - and CLOSE-TOED shoes please. Event should finish no later than 9:30pm. Delegate volunteers will be selling raffle tickets, helping with set up and clean up, greeting guests, working the popcorn machine, etc.

3.) Bill Groups:  The following bill groups were formed this week. If you were not able to attend this week's meeting, you'll need to find a bill group in which to work. Each bill group needs 4 members. Each bill group provides an opportunity to learn about a new topic and to perform important work. Thank you to all who brought bill ideas. If your bill idea did not make it to the bill group stage, there may still be opportunities to work on your issue throughout the year (in Forum, NIC, etc)

Parental Leave (group full) Ting, Trisha, Miraya, Keymora
Plastics in Schools/Environmental Issues (group full) Miranda, Kayla, Jenni, Jimmy
Carpool Lane Access for Students Aaron, Sam, Connor, [open space]
Tree Damage Liability Liam, Cameron, Leo, [open space]

Each bill group needs someone fulfilling one of the following roles:
Bill Sponsor - introduces the bill and gives the opening and closing speeches on the bill
Lobbyist For - speaks in favor of the bill
Lobbyist Against - speaks against the bill
Legislative Analyst - gives an objective analysis of what the bill does, how much it costs, it's benefits or potential negative consequences. 
Note: The Bill Author - the person who writes the bill and is in charge of that draft language, is usually the same person as the Bill Sponsor but not always. That's up to your group to decide. 

4.) Bill Group Work Due October 10: In addition to know your roles, bill authors this week should be researching their bill idea and begin working on their draft bill worksheet. Here's info on bill research from a couple meetings ago. Each bill group has a worksheet and bill template file in google drive you can use to collaborate on your work. Make sure you are making edits in YOUR group's document! Hopefully you've taken a look at the bills handout already.
5.) Elected and Appointed Leadership Apps DUE MONDAY in REGGO: Y&G is all about taking risks and getting outside of your comfort zone. There's no better way to do that than through applying for elected or appointed leadership positions.  There's something for everyone - especially our returning delegates. Here is a comprehensive list of all program areas and leadership positions. Wondering what you qualify for? Check out this chart of your options.  For even more details about Elected positionsclick here. Appointed, click here. I especially encourage all former Houses delegates to pursue leadership in the Houses program (committee chair is a great role!) If you're interested in running or applying for a leadership position, you must complete a short application in Reggo no later than Monday, October 8. You can find the applications in your Reggo account (click to enlarge): 

6.) October 13 Camp Capital City Volunteers (Updated List): Below is the list of those who have volunteered to help at Camp Capital City on Saturday, October 13. If you cannot work the shifts you signed up for, first try to find a substitute for your shift, next contact Christiana. If you would like to volunteer and aren't on the list

NameOct 13 9a-1pOct 13 1p-5pOct 13 5p-10p
Aaron Reesex
Cameron Wyattx
Connor McLaren Finellix
Jennifer Tsaoxx
Jimmy Wong

Kayla Piegarox     x      x
Keymora Robertsonxx
Miranda Villarrealx
Miraya Gomezx
Sam Schlenkerx
Ting Ting Pux


Bill Hearing Night Date Confirmed: Tuesday, October 30: This year's Bill Hearing Night will take place again at the Historic City Hall Chambers in downtown Sacramento. We have received a final confirmation of the date from Council Member Steve Hansen's office: Tuesday, October 30 from 6-8pm. This is a very important night for all delegates and attendance is mandatory. Parents, family, and friends are also invited and strongly encouraged to attend! Mark your calendars!

Get to know the website. In addition to our bulletin, a lot of valuable information can be found at our website. Here, you'll find all past bulletinsdelegation information, a program calendar, and a link to our forms and downloads folder. Remember to check the site first - chances are you'll find answers to most of your questions!

Parent Corner

-Bill Hearing Night, Tuesday October 30: Parents, please save the date for our annual Bill Hearing Night. It's a chance for delegates to show off the mountain of hard work they are going to spend October completing and we depend on the input of attendees to select which of our student-authored legislature is submitted for February's Model Legislature to represent our delegation. It's a definite highlight of the year! 

Camp Capital City: The Sacramento Central YMCA's signature fall fundraising event is quickly approaching! This evening of nostalgic summer camp themed fun supports our Y-Assist Fund, providing program access to all in our community, regardless of financial need. We'd love to have you attend! Tickets and sponsorships are available! Click here for more info.

At the next meeting we'll . . .  
-- Play Bulletin and Current Event Related Jeopardy!
-- Work on bills in your bill group
-- Give a speech for the delegation elected leadership primary (if needed)

See you on Wednesday!

Sac Central Delegation Stands For RespectResponsibilityand Purpose
Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
October 17, 2018: Payment #2 Due
October 24, 2018: Mandatory Practice Bill Hearing Night
October 30, 2018: Mandatory Bill Hearing Night
November 7, 2018: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
November 9-11, 2018: Training &Elections Conference I, Fresno
January 19-21, 2019: Training &Elections Conference II, Fresno
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. 

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