All your hard work so far has led to this: Bill Hearing Night is next Tuesday, October 30. You've all done great work and I'm really impressed by your efforts!
1.) Bill Hearing Night is this TUESDAY!
Who: All delegates and their families! Bill Hearing Night is for everyone - invite friends, family, teachers, everyone!
Where: Sacramento Historic City Hall Hearing Room (915 I Street)When: 6pm-8pm
Parking: There is a structure available at 10th and I Streets and street parking around city hall along I Street and 9th and 10th Streets. Please make note of parking meter hours and avoid tickets.
BE ON TIME! Make sure you leave time to be IN CITY HALL and ready to go AT 6PM. It is a weeknight in downtown Sacramento. There will be heavy traffic coming into and going out of downtown and it may take you time to find parking. Have a plan for arriving on time and make sure you communicate that to any family members attending or giving you a ride.
2.) Sac Attire: As we reviewed at the last meeting, all delegates are expected to wear "Sac Attire" to Bill Hearing Night. Sac Attire is what we call our professional dress code - the style of clothes we wear to our final conference of the year. Click here for a review of Sac Attire. If you have questions, ask!
3.) Bill Hearing Night Format: The Delegation President will welcome everyone to Bill Hearing Night and introduce the first bill group. Delegates presenting a bill will sit on the dais. You may use the microphones to speak if you wish but be very careful with them. Do not unnecessarily bend or play with the microphones. If the green light is on, your mic is on. If you're not presenting or speaking, make sure you turn off the mic. Delegates not presenting will sit towards the back of the room to allow our guests to sit in the front.
The script for the proceeding can be found here. You don't need to stand during your presentations since you'll be sitting at the front of the room with access to the microphones.
Each bill groups makes the following speeches: The script for the proceeding can be found here. You don't need to stand during your presentations since you'll be sitting at the front of the room with access to the microphones.
- Bill Sponsor - introduces the bill and gives the opening and closing speeches on the bill (up to 3 min sponsor speech and 2 min summation speech). Speeches should include information about the problem your bill hopes to solve and why your way of solving it is the best way. If you can anticipate the likely Con arguments (which you should know from working in your bill groups) and address why they are no big deal, all the better.
- Lobbyist For - speaks in favor of the bill (up to 2 min speech and 1 min summation speech). The Pro Lobbyist should support the solution within the bill language but doesn't necessarily need to make the same arguments as the Bill Sponsor. Work with the Bill Sponsor to see what pro comments might not fit into their allotted time to see whether you can help by adding these arguments to your speech.
- Lobbyist Against - speaks against the bill (up to 2 min speech and 1 min summation speech). NOTE: on Bill Hearing Night the Con Lobbyist should not be aiming to kill the bill at all costs. At Bill Hearing Night, the goal is to present highly debatable bills to the audience. While you can point out structural problems with the bill language, the majority of your time should be spent on the substantive reasons to vote against the bill. Why is this the wrong way to solve the problem?
- Legislative Analyst - gives an objective analysis of what the bill does, how much it costs, it's benefits or potential negative consequences. (up to 2 min speech) A Legislative Analyst should not be arguing for or against the bill. They are usually largely concerned with cost or possible legal impediments to the proposed solution.
4.) Bill Draft Language Must Be Finalized by Sunday at 6pm: We are hoping to print bill language for our guests but can't do that unless all four bills are finalized. Ask if you need help! Make sure you check your bill template for feedback left previously.
- Parental Leave: Worksheet, Bill Language (Trisha, Miraya, Keymora, Priya)
- Plastics/Environmental: Worksheet, Bill Language (Kayla, Jenni, Jimmy, Mitchell)
- Carpool Lane Access: Worksheet, Bill Language (Aaron, Sam, Connor, James)
- Tree Damage: Worksheet, Bill Language (Liam, Cameron, Leo, Natalie)
5.) No Meeting Wednesday, October 31: Bill Hearing Night will be our meeting next week. There's no meeting on Wednesday night. Happy Halloween!
Next Two Meetings are Mandatory: TUESDAY Oct 30, Bill Hearing Night, and the week after (Nov 7), our pre-conference meeting, are both mandatory. Be there!
Payment #2: If you haven't yet, please bring your payment to our next meeting, or pay online. (Click here for instructions on using the online payment system.) If you have a question about the amount owed, please contact Dylan. Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated!
Check the website first! In addition to our bulletin, a lot of valuable information can be found at our website. Here, you'll find all past bulletins, delegation information, a program calendar, and a link to our forms and downloads folder. Remember to check the site first - chances are you'll find answers to most of your questions!
Parent Corner
- New Parent Mandatory Meeting Nov 7: Our pre-conference meeting is coming up on November 7. A family member from each new delegate family is required to attend. Returning delegate families are encouraged to attend.
At the next meeting we'll . . .
-- Select our bill for the 71st Model Legislature & Court!
See you on Wednesday!
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
TUESDAY October 30, 2018: Mandatory Bill Hearing Night
November 7, 2018: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
November 7, 2018: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
November 9-11, 2018: Training & Elections Conference I, Fresno
November 16, 2018: Payment #3 Due
December 2, 2018: California International Marathon Volunteer Event
November 16, 2018: Payment #3 Due
December 2, 2018: California International Marathon Volunteer Event
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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