Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #13

Paradise is not acres of charcoal–it’s about the people. We should love Paradise.”
Ward Habriel, City Councilmember of City of Paradise, CA 

Your advising team is proud of the great work you did this past weekend in Fresno. Congrats to all those who applied for and were selected for leadership roles!   

REMINDER: Yes, we do have a meeting tonight (11/15), at 6:30pm in room B3. However, we do not have a meeting next week (11/22), Happy Thanksgiving! 

1.) Payment Reminder: If you are not on Bank Draft you have a $400 payment due by this Friday. Payments can be made online here (online payment instructions found here) or over the phone by calling the YMCA Front Desk at 916-452-9622 ext 0. If you need to submit payment via check, please have your delegate bring it to tonight's meeting, addressed to "Sacramento Central YMCA."

2A.) Post-Conference Survey and CIM Sign-Up: If you have not yet completed our internal post-conference survey please do so! It's vital that you complete it ASAP (it was due 11/15). Delegates who complete it by the end of the day today will receive two points! 
  • Your feedback helps us improve
  • We need you to sign up for the California International Marathon. (If you indicated interest when you registered for the delegation back in September, that does not count as signing up to volunteer. You must complete the survey form and sign up through it. 
  • Parents: make sure your delegate is the only person to complete this form. Double-sign-ups complicate our tracking tremendously. 
2B.) CalYMCA Survey: You have also received, via email, a survey from CalYMCA. Make sure you complete that survey as well!  If you cannot find the email, use this link to take the survey. Make sure you select El Dorado as your delegation!

3.) Program Areas and Role Selection: You'll soon have the opportunity to select your program area for the remainder of the year via our points system.  Here's what you need to know about that process:
  • Here's a link to a list and description of all program areas
  • Here's a link to all elected and appointed leadership opportunities (more on that below).
  • You need to know how many points you have, check the link here and let me know if you think you are missing any points.
  • We do our best to match you with your top choice, however, we usually have more delegates who want a particular program area than we have spots in that program area. Sometimes I can get extra spots, sometimes I cannot. Priority goes to returning delegates and seniors first. 
  • Advisors also reserve the right to match you with a program area in which we know you'll be most successful. 
4.) Political Party Transfer Application: If you are not satisfied with your current political party assignment, you can apply to transfer to another political party using this form. Transfer applications are due by November 29. You must let me know if you intended to transfer between political parties. 

5.) Leadership and Applied Programs: Applications for elected office, appointed positions, and appointed program areas are now available in your Reggo account. You must complete all leadership and applied program applications by December 6 (however, you should apply now). Once you have completed an application, let me know so that I can approve it for you. 

Most leadership positions require you to be placed into that program area so we will also need to make sure there is space for you there. Also, for most leadership positions, if you are not selected/elected for your desired position, you will still serve in that program area. Here is a reminder on how to access your applications (click to enlarge): 


Conference Attendance: We have two remaining conferences this year. Please review our conference attendance policy: 
  • For T&EII (Jan 19-21): Partial attendance is not permitted except in extraordinary circumstances. Regular season sport events, meets, regular season academic club meets, finals, school projects, etc, are not extraordinary circumstances. You are expected to travel to the conference with the delegation, attend the entire conference, and travel home again with the delegation.
  • For ML/C ("Sac Conference," Feb 14-18): Partial attendance is not permitted
Your advisor team is managing the safety of 140 people, coalition wide. It makes things more complicated for us and potentially less safe for you if we need to manage different travel schedules for different delegates. 

Check the website first: In addition to our bulletin, a lot of valuable information can be found at our website. Here, you'll find all past bulletinsdelegation information, a program calendar, and a link to our forms and downloads folder. Remember to check the site first - chances are you'll find answers to most of your questions.

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you tonight!

Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation

Helpful Links:
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
December 2: California International Marathon Volunteer Event
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento

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