Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #9: Get Ready for #FresYes!

Fantastic job at Bill Hearing Night! The evening earned rave reviews from all who were there. I hope you're as proud of yourselves as your advisors are of you. Congrats to Liam, Leo, Cameron, and Natalie for their work on what will be our official bill for the 71st Model Legislature & Court. Now it's time to get ready for our first conference! 


1.) Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting November 7! All delegates are required to attend this week's meeting. Failure to do so may jeopardize your ability to attend the conference.
New Delegate Families: one member of your family must attend the meeting with your delegate. If no one is available to attend, a family member must contact me ASAP.
Returning Delegate Families: a family member is strongly encouraged to attend but not required. 

2.) Training & Elections Conference I Nov 9-11:  I really hope you've had these dates in your calendar for a good long while, but our first conference is next week! 
  • Departure: 6:30pm, Friday, November 9, from the Sacramento Central YMCA (2021 W Street)
    • There will be NO meal stop on the way down and NO food available when we arrive. Eat dinner prior to coming to the Y or bring a sack dinner with you for the bus.
    • We depart at 6:30pm. That means you need to be there by 6:15pm.
  • Return: (estimated) 5:30-6:30pm, Sunday, November 11 to the Sac Central YMCA
    • There will be NO meal stop on the way back. We will eat lunch at the conference in Fresno and you will be back by dinner time. 
    • We will send a Remind text to the parent group when we depart from Fresno and when we hit Stockton with our ETA.
    • The YMCA will likely be closed when we arrive back. PARENTS/FAMILY MUST ARRIVE ON TIME TO PICK UP THEIR DELEGATES.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday, and Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday will be provided. 
  • Spending Money? Not required however many delegations (including ours) sell souvenirs or snacks that you have the option of buying if you wish to bring some pocket money with you. 
  • Other details? Provided at this week's meeting! 
2.) Review the Code of Conduct: Please review the Code of Conduct (en español) which all delegates and parents signed as a part of the registration process. We will review this during the meeting along with our delegation rules and expectations.  

3.) Buddies! Our buddy program returns this year. For a list of buddies and the buddy photo challenge, click here. Each new delegate has been paired with a returning delegate. Returners - make sure to check in with your buddy frequently during the conference to answer questions, offer advice, and build a new friendship! 

4.) Hotel Housing Note: At our Fresno conference, we'll be staying at the Comfort Suites hotel in the River Park area of Fresno. We will be taking a shuttle bus from the hotel to the conference in the morning and back again in the evening. There are a few important things to note about hotel life:
  • Delegates will be housed 4-to-a-room. Hotel rooms generally have 1 King Bed or 2 Queen Beds. Some of the rooms at our hotel will also have a pull out couch. We have no control over whether the room block we are given has rooms with one bed or two beds or pull out couches. No hotel room is going to have 4 separate beds, however. Roommates should discuss with each other potential sleeping arrangements and prepare to bring sleeping bags if necessary.
    • Fresno does not have the hotel capacity, nor could we absorb the expense if it did, to house delegates two to a room. This will be the same for our second conference in Fresno and the final conference in Sacramento. 
  • We will be spending very, very little time at the hotel. Once we leave in the morning (probably around 7am), no one will be able to return to the hotel until the conclusion of the conference day (around 10:30pm). You must take whatever you need with you in the morning. A backpack (allowed again at the convention center, hooray!) or tote bag is highly recommended. 
  • During both Training & Elections Conferences (the Fresno Conferences), delegates are only allowed in rooms belonging to the same gender. Boys can visit other boy rooms and girls can visit other girl rooms prior to curfew. This is a privilege that can be lost, however.
  • This year, new rules from YMCA of the USA have restricted roommate groupings to being within a grade of each other. Accordingly, there wasn't much choice in rooming. Rooms have been assigned. Click here to see roommate groupings. Use this opportunity to make new friends. As mentioned, you'll be spending very little time in your rooms and you'll be sleeping while in them for the most part. 

Check the website first! In addition to our bulletin, a lot of valuable information can be found at our website. Here, you'll find all past bulletinsdelegation information, a program calendar, and a link to our forms and downloads folder. Remember to check the site first - chances are you'll find answers to most of your questions!

Parent Corner

New Parent Mandatory Meeting Nov 7: Our pre-conference meeting is coming up on November 7. A family member from each new delegate family is required to attend. Returning delegate families are encouraged to attend. 

- Are you part of our parent text list? If not, Text @sc71parent to 81010 to join!

At the next meeting we'll . . .  
-- Prepare for Sac Conference!
Play some pre-con jeopardy, if time allows

See you on Wednesday!

Sac Central Delegation Stands For RespectResponsibilityand Purpose
Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
November 7, 2018: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
November 9-11, 2018: Training & Elections Conference I, Fresno
November 16, 2018: Payment #3 Due
December 2, 2018: California International Marathon Volunteer Event
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. 

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