We have just two meetings left before our three-week Winter Break!
Get ready for California Government Jeopardy this week. Prepared delegates will do some basic research on the structure of California government, the leaders of various branches (speaker, pro-tem, Chief Justice, recently elected/soon to be sworn in Constitutional officers), recent current events, who the elected leaders are for the YMCA's geographic area (state, county, city, federal) legislative stuff . . . spend 10 min googling and you'll do great!
1.) Payment Reminder: The fourth and final program payment for the year is due by December 14. Payments can be made online here (online payment instructions found here) or over the phone by calling the YMCA Front Desk at 916-452-9622 ext 0. Checks are payable to "Sacramento Central YMCA."
2.) CIM A Great Success! Thank you to all who were able to help out this past Sunday. The weather was perfect and the runners and the Sacramento Running Association really appreciated our being there!
3.) Program Area Assignments: You've all been placed in your program areas. Everyone is in their first or second choice programs. At T&EII in January, you'll meet within your program area to learn all about your role for the Model Legislature & Court in February
- Aaron - Board of Ed
- Cameron - Forum
- Connor - CIB
- James - Houses (Secondary Bill Sponsor)
- Jennifer - CIB (pending CalEPA application)
- Jimmy - CIB (pending CalEPA application)
- Kayla - Board of Ed
- Keymora - ConCon
- Leo - Lobbyist
- Liam - Houses (Primary Bill Sponsor and Alternate Committee Chair)
- Miraya - Bench Trial
- Mitchell - Forum
- Natalie - ConCon
- Priya - IAC
- Sam - Houses
- Ting - SoS (Undersecretary of State)
- Trisha - Bench Trial
4.) Rooming Assignments for T&EII: At the next meeting, you'll let me know any changes to roommate preferences for the second conference. As with before, the YMCA rules require that delegates only house with others within one grade level of each other (so 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th are fine, but 9th and 11th or 10th and 12th are not - wherever possible). When considering roommate changes you must:
- Bear in mind you'll only be in your rooms for sleeping for very short periods of time.
- Discuss with your previous roommates
- Discuss with your potential roommates
- Hold our delegation values/YMCA values paramount in these discussions, especially Caring.
- Engage in this process with kindness and empathy, always. Anything less is not acceptable in our family.
5.) Delegation Holiday Party and Gift Exchange, Wednesday, December 12: Our annual holiday party and gift exchange will be held on Wednesday, December 12. It will be our last meeting before Winter Break. At this week's meeting, you'll select your Secret Santa match from the hat. If you are not planning to attend the December 12 meeting or do not want to participate in the gift exchange, you must let me know at this week's meeting. Gifts must be less than $10 in value and can be homemade/funny/silly/etc (candy always works!). You'll get a list of gift ideas for each participant at this week's meeting, too.
The following delegates need to complete the post-con survey so we have their gift info or they won't get to participate in the gift exchange because we don't have gift info. http://bit.ly/postcon71A
- Aaron
- Leo
- Mitchell
- Trisha
6.) Eldo Delegation Holiday Party: The El Dorado Delegation would like to invite Sac Central to attend its holiday party on Thursday, December 13 in El Dorado Hills. More information will be provided when it is available. (It will be held at a delegate's home. Parents will be present. Advisors will be in attendance. Transportation not provided.)
7.) Swim With Santa, Friday December 14 at the YMCA: Our Swim With Santa volunteer event is coming up on Friday, December 14. The follow delegates have volunteered to attend. All are welcome! In pool: Miraya, Sam, Ting. Not-in-pool: James, Kayla, Keymora, Natalie.
Conference Attendance: We have two remaining conferences this year. Please review our conference attendance policy:
- For T&EII (Jan 19-21): Partial attendance is not permitted except in extraordinary circumstances. Regular season sport events, meets, regular season academic club meets, finals, school projects, etc, are not extraordinary circumstances. You are expected to travel to the conference with the delegation, attend the entire conference, and travel home again with the delegation.
- For ML/C ("Sac Conference," Feb 14-18): Partial attendance is not permitted.
Your advisor team is managing the safety of 140 people, coalition wide. It makes things more complicated for us and potentially less safe for you if we need to manage different travel schedules for different delegates.
Buddies! Check out the buddy challenge info here. Each new delegate has been paired with a returning delegate. Returners - make sure to check in with your buddy frequently during the conference to answer questions, offer advice, and build a new friendship!
Check the website first! In addition to our bulletin, a lot of valuable information can be found at our website. Here, you'll find all past bulletins, delegation information, a program calendar, and a link to our forms and downloads folder. Remember to check the site first - chances are you'll find answers to most of your questions!
Parent Corner
- Please note our winter break dates and when meetings resume in January!
- Please provide prompt payment of any outstanding program fees by December 14 - help advisors and staff have a happier holiday season without needing to send lots of reminders!
- Please note our winter break dates and when meetings resume in January!
- Please provide prompt payment of any outstanding program fees by December 14 - help advisors and staff have a happier holiday season without needing to send lots of reminders!
At the next meeting we'll . . .
--Play California Government Jeopardy!
-- Discuss current events/Practice Parli-Pro
--Discuss Winter Holiday Party Plans and Social Events
See you on Wednesday!
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
December 5, 2018: Regular Delegation Meeting
December 12, 2018: Sac Central Holiday Party and Gift Exchange (details TBD)
December 14, 2018: Payment #4 (Final) Due
December 14, 2018: YMCA Swim With Santa Volunteer Event, Sac YMCA
December 19, 2018: No meeting
December 26, 2018: No meeting
January 2, 2019: No meeting
January 9, 2019: Regular meetings resume
January 16, 2019: Mandatory pre-conference meeting
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno (Sat morning-Monday afternoon)
February 6, 2019: Mandatory pre-conference meetingFebruary 13, 2019: No meeting
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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