Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, February 22, 2019

SacC MUN Bulletin #3: Which Country Will It Be?

Parents, please make sure to share this week's bulletin with your Ambassadors and encourage them to read the information. This week we will reveal our assigned country! I wonder what it will be . . . .

1.) Sweatshirt Design Ideas Due This Week! Last week we learned that our sweatshirt color this year is Royal Blue. Here is an explanation of what MUN sweatshirts usually look like. Bring your design ideas this week! They must be written down or drawn out (by hand or using a computer) if you want them considered.

2.) Delegation Motto: This week we are going to choose our delegation's motto for the year.  It's a very important meeting! This motto will be a statement of what we think is important to making the world a better place. Another word for that is "values." We'll discuss what values we want to show to others at conferences. You can prepare for our meeting by thinking about the YMCA's values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility. What does it look like when we care for other people? What does it look like when we don't?

3.) Program Areas:
It's time to start thinking about what program area you would like to be in! In each program area, you'll be pretending to be from our assigned country - which will be revealed this week! - so you will propose solutions to problems that face the people in our assigned country and look for other countries who might have the same problems and might want to work with you on solutions.

Here are brief descriptions of the program areas with the number of spots we have in each:

  • General Assembly (1 spot): In GA, you will work in a committee to create a resolution that sets values for the international community. Once you create your resolution with your committee, the resolution will be debated in the entire General Assembly and either be adopted or not. 
  • Economic and Social Council (1 spot): In ECOSOC, similar to GA, you will work in a committee to create a resolution about economic (business and money) or social (how people live and interact) ideas. The resolution will be debated in the larger ECOSOC and will either be adopted or not.
  • Non-Governmental Organization (3 spots): In NGO, you work with a small group to create a program idea meant to address some of the world's biggest problems. You will present your idea with your group at the NGO Fair (think of it like a science fair) to determine which project gets funded (with imaginary money). For example, you might come up with an idea to install large water tanks to catch rain in areas where people lack drinking water. 
  • International Court of Justice (1 spot): The ICJ is a court of law that investigates disagreements between countries. You can serve as a lawyer or a judge in this program area. You will get to learn the facts of a case and come up with arguments if you are a lawyer or decide which side is right if you are a judge. 
  • International Press Corps (1 spot): In IPC you will cover stories about what is happening at the Summit like you would for your school newspaper. You will learn how to ask questions and how to write a news story. 

At our training conference in March, you will learn all about your program area and how to do the jobs in that program area. You may not be in the same program area with people from our delegation, but you will get a chance to meet new people in March who you will see again in your program area in April in Los Angeles!

4.) Apply for A Leadership Role!

MUN is all about trying new things! We may be a new delegation and you may be new Ambassadors, but why not take a chance on applying for a leadership role in MUN? We strive to have someone apply for a leadership position and someone run for an elected position each year.

  • In ECOSOC (see description of this program area above)
    • Elected: ECOSOC President (7th or 8th grade) - represent ECOSOC in program-wide proceedings. Use parliamentary procedure (remember when we made trail mix?) to preside over sessions. Make sure everyone gets a chance to speak and share an opinion. 
    • Elected: ECOSOC Vice President (7th or 8th grade)- Work with the president or preside over sessions if the president isn't there.
    • Appointed: ECOSOC Committee (All Grades!) - Use parliamentary procedure to be in charge of small group of delegates while they debate resolutions. 
  • In GA (see description of program area above)
    • Elected: GA President (7th or 8th grade) - same as the ECOSCO president, above.
    • Elected: GA Vice President (7th or 8th grade) - same as the ECOSOC vice president, above.
    • Appointed: GA Committee Chair (All Grades!) - Same as ECOSOC committees, above.
  • In NGOs (see description of program area above)
    • Elected: Agency Members (All Grades!): Instead of creating the NGO proposals with a small group, you would be in the "Agency" that decides whether to approve NGO proposals. You would suggest to the Secretary General what ideas should get funding.
    • Appointed: Directors (All Grades!): Like a committee chair, you use parliamentary procedure to guide discussions about proposals.  
    • Appointed: Under-Secretary-General (All Grades!): You would be in charge of an agency and will be responsible for making the final funding requests to the full United Nations. 
  • In ICJ (see description of program area above)
    • Elected: President (7th or 8th Grade): Represent the Court in full Summit proceedings. 
    • Elected: Vice President (7th or 8th Grade): Represent the Court if the president isn't there. 
  • In IPC (see description of program area above)
    • Elected: Editor-In-Chief (7th or 8th grade): Coordinate the daily business of the Press Corps. Work to develop look of the IPC publications. Work with Bureau Chiefs to determine what stories are newsworthy and how to report on them. 
    • Appointed: Bureau Chief (All Grades!): Ensure that assigned program areas are properly covered by the press. Help reporters. 
If you have questions about any of these, bring them with you to the meeting. Applications to run or apply for leadership positions are due on March 1. We'll show you how to apply at the next meeting. 

Parent Corner:

Conference Transportation Update: Thank you to all who completed our survey. I think our plan is starting to come together! Please note that this year is unique since it's our first year. Normally, participants are required to travel with the delegation. This is my way of saying that next year's plans may work differently, but we're goin' with it this year as we learn together! Please watch for separate emails from Christiana confirming travel plans!

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy & Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
Join the Sacramento Central YMCA Annual Campaign! (Give online or return this form)
March 8: Payment #2 Due. (Pay online or bring check payable to Sacramento YMCA)
March 22-23, 2019: MUN Training Conference, Camp Jones Gulch
April 25-28, 2019: 18th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

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