Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #6: The No-Meeting Edition

Here’s what you need to know this week – it’s a little long, but it’s valuable! I’m even going to tell you right up front that there are two reading tests in here, so, keep an eye out for them! (hint hint, siren sound, red light, flashing neon)

1)  No regular meeting on Wednesday!

2) I’m expecting to see Rose, Maret, Jordyn, Chloe, Holly, Bailey, Ariel, Shyanne, Tony, and Calvin on the bus to Baby Bob on Friday. If you need a packing list, it's available at the "Forms" section at the blog. Key items: sleeping bag, WARM CLOTHES, and a flashlight (that's not your cell phone). If for any reason you are unable to attend you need to call Christiana directly to tell her.

Please be at the Sac YMCA at 4:30 on Friday for departure. (We will also be stopping in El Dorado Hills at Oak Ridge High to pick up our sister delegation and continuing on from there)

We will depart Bear Valley at 11am on Sunday and expect to be back at the YMCA by 1pm.

3) Mixed Bags Sales continue! You have until October 2 to sell all that you can! Remember, you do *not* need to collect sales tax because it is included in the listed price of each item. Nearly 50% of each item you sell will be credited towards your program fees.

4) You have a wee bit of homework this week to prepare for our next regular meeting on October 2:

- Bill ideas: remember when we talked about where bill ideas come from? Take a moment each day to check out the headlines in the paper. Try Rough & Tumble – rtumble.com – a great run down of what’s big news in California each day. Think about challenges that might be facing your neighborhood or your school. What would you like to see changed? Bring an idea with you to the October 2 meeting.

- Fundraising letters: If you’re interested in trying your hand at a personal fundraising letter, bring your first draft to the meeting on October 2. Remember: your letter should be proofread by at least two people and needs to be approved by Christiana before you mail it out! (Click here for fundraising letter tips: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/2011/10/y-bulletin-3-letter-writing-and-more.html#more)

- We’ll spend a few more minutes discussing elected and appointed leadership opportunities. Check out this list of options available to you and if you’re considering a run or applying, come ready to talk about your plans! Elected leadership info is here : http://calymca.org/programs/model-legislature-court/advisor-manual/elected-leadership/  Appointed leadership info is here: http://calymca.org/programs/model-legislature-court/advisor-manual/mlc-appointed-leadership/

- Still reading? Reply to this email with “Of course I’m still reading” so I know.

5) Sweatshirt design ideas are due on October 2 too! You can submit them early and I’ll post them to the blog and FB group (or you can post to FB yourself) .

6) By October 2, everyone should have submitted $360 in total payments. The next $260 payment is due by October 12 (so by October 12, you should have submitted $620 in total payments) (If you have applied for Y-Assist you should be finding out your award and amended payment plan soon – so be on the lookout for that information.)

7) Bill Boot Camp is coming! What’s Bill Bootcamp? A special Saturday meeting during which we knock out most of the bill writing process. We’ll walk you through research and drafting. And there will be pizza. Maybe a movie. It’ll be fun, you’ll like it. This year’s Bill Boot Camp is planned for Saturday, October 12. If you are unable to attend that day, let me know ASAP, otherwise, we’ll expect to see you. Boot Camp is expected to run from 9 to 1 (with optional movie after).

8) One more survey document! Yes, you’ve submitted some of this info to us already. But do your data-entry-weary advisors a favor and just type it into this form so it organizes itself. We’ll be so grateful that if we get 100% participation before FRIDAY, September 27, we’ll buy y’all dinner for the October 2 meeting. We expect it will take you about 5-10 minutes to complete. Piece of cake, right? Click here: http://goo.gl/o8y6qk

Upcoming Events:
Oct 2: Mixed Bags sales due
October 9: Payment due date
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night
Dec 15: Holiday Art, Craft, & Gift Festival

Like our page: https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoCentralDelegation
Join our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacramentoCentralDelegation/
Missed a bulletin: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/bulletins.html
Need a form: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/forms-and-downloads.html

Friday, September 20, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #5: College, Camping, and Cash

Happy Friday! Here's the news:

- Remember, NO regular meeting next week. Regular meetings resume Wednesday, October 2 at 6pm at which time your Mixed Bags Designs orders will be due. Didn't get a catalog? Let me know!

MIXED BAGS- As mentioned above, we're now in the midst of our annual Mixed Bags sale. You do NOT need to collect sales tax on the items you sell. If you have any questions at all about this fundraiser, let me know.

- I'm expecting the following people to be at the YMCA next Friday, September 27, at 3:45pm to depart for our weekend away at Bear Valley Y Camp (packing list is here): Rose, Maret, Jordyn, Chloe, Holly, Bailey, Ariel, Shyanne, Tony, and Calvin.  Don't see your name but wanting to (or expecting to) go? Email me ASAP!

- This coming Sunday, September 22, we'll hold a College Application Workshop from 10am-2pm in our usual meeting location at the YMCA. Here's the flyer. This event is free for you and any friends who might be interested. I'm expecting to see: Alberto, Anna, Alex, Karen, Tony, Sam, and Max. If you're bringing friends or if you're coming but don't see your name listed, please let me know ASAP! If you are coming, and you have a copy of your transcript handy, bring it along. If not, don't sweat it. Do bring paper and a pen, though.

- Payments: Last week was a payment deadline that most of you missed. That's okay! But let's not start a trend. Refer to the payment policy you all signed with the list of payment due dates. Please add them to your calendar. If you didn't bring a payment last week, please bring your $260 payment either to the Y when you come for Baby Bob and submit to the front desk, or to our meeting on October 2. Here's the payment schedule:
August 28 - $100
Sept 19 - $260
Oct 9 - $260
Nov 6 - $260
Dec 4 -$260
Jan 8 - $260

-Registration: here's your reading test for the week! Click here and go register yourself for our first conference of the year! You can create a log in or use your FB account (if you have one). Select "Training & Elections Conference I" and on the next screen put a "1" in the box next to "Delegate Registration. Enter your info as requested. And select "Sacramento Central" from the drop-down selection menu of delegations.  Ready? GO! https://app.reggo.org/calymca

Upcoming Events:
Oct 2: Mixed Bags sales due
October 9: Payment due date
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night
Dec 15: Holiday Art, Craft, & Gift Festival

Like our page!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Delegation Bulletin Bonus! Reminders before Wednesday‏

A quick Monday check-in!

- We won't be meeting next week (9/25) and have a lot of important information to discuss this week, so plan on meeting from 6p-7:30p this week. We'll need all of our time, so please arrive early enough to be in the room by 6p!

- Did you get that Baby Bob payment in? Your absolute-last-chance-we-mean-it to get your payment in has been extended to this week's meeting. If we don't have your $60 payment at 6pm on Wed, Sept 18, you won't be able to attend.

- This coming Sunday, September 22, we'll hold a College Application Workshop from 10am-2pm in our usual meeting location at the YMCA. Here's the flyer! This event is free for you and any friends who might be interested. But I need you to RSVP by Friday so we can plan for the right number of people!

- Treats for all delegates who confirm receiving emails and reading them carefully by replying to Christiana with the words "READ IT" in the subject line.

Upcoming Events:
Sept 18-Oct 2: Mixed Bags fundraising sale
Sept 27-29: Baby Bob!
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night
Dec 15: Holiday Art, Craft, & Gift Festival

Don't forget:
Like our page
Join our group
Missed a bulletin
Need a form

Friday, September 13, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #4: Camping, Money, Fun‏

A few quick highlights this week:

1.) Baby Bob payments should've been turned in by today to the Y. Did you forget? Don't panic. Drop off your payment at the Sacramento YMCA before Monday - 2021 W Street.$60 guarantees your spot. (email me if you have financial concerns). I've attached the flyer to this email!

2.) Next week we'll be focusing on fundraising: what events are planned, what are your ideas, and a chance to learn some real-world skills that will help you beyond Y&G!

3.) We need your t-shirt ideas for Baby Bob ASAP!  And your sweatshirt ideas for the delegation sweatshirt for the year are due next week. We'll be choosing between dark heather gray, hunter green, or sand colored sweatshirts for the year.

4.) Our college prep workshop will be Sunday, Sept 22 - look for more details on Monday!

5.) Our Holiday Festival is a GO! Attached is the letter for possible artists or vendors to participate. Do you know any? Help us spread the word!

6.) Join our FB group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacramentoCentralDelegation/

Upcoming Events:
Sept 11: Fall Retreat Payment Deadline
Sept 18-Oct 2: Mixed Bags fundraising sale
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night
Dec 15: Holiday Art, Craft, & Gift Festival

Like our page: https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoCentralDelegation
Join our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacramentoCentralDelegation/
Missed a bulletin: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/bulletins.html
Need a form: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/forms-and-downloads.html

Friday, September 6, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #3: Getting Down To Business

Thank you to all of the parents and new delegates who attended our Parents' Night. We hope you found answers to all of your questions. If not, let us know!

We still have room for new delegates, so grab those friends you've been meaning to bring along, and come on down. The sooner you join, the more fun you have.

This week, we'll get down to business as we discuss current events and bill ideas, along with the elected and appointed leadership posts that give you a chance to step-up to leadership.

Most Important Thing This Week:
We want to make you official, but we can't without your registration forms and your initial $100 payment. If you haven't submitted your forms, please bring them next week. If you need to print a copy, click here. Or, bring a parent to the meeting and fill out everything on Wednesday!

If the initial $100 payment presents a challenge and/or you need to apply for financial aid, make sure to submit that application along with your registration material. Applications must be submitted with supporting documentation or they cannot be considered. If the initial $100 presents a challenge, please bring what you can - $50, $20? - and discuss with an advisor or with Mia.  Application is available at the same link.

Why is this especially important this week? Because we potentially will have some delegation decisions on which to vote and only registered delegates will likely be eligible. Final eligibility determination will be decided by your delegation president. Don't miss your chance to make your voice count!

1) Think about those sweatshirt ideas! Designs will be due on September 18!
2) The deadline to register for our Fall Leadership Retreat at Bear Valley Y Camp is this week. The cost to attend is $60 and covers transportation, lodging, meals, and a t-shirt. Don't miss it!

Upcoming Events
Sept 11: Fall Retreat Payment Deadline
Sept 18-Oct 2: Mixed Bags fundraising sale
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night

Like our page: https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoCentralDelegation
Join our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacramentoCentralDelegation/
Missed a bulletin: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/bulletins.html
Need a form: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/forms-and-downloads.html