Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #15: A Busy December‏

Jingle Bells, Here's some info:

1.) Payment: A payment was due at our December 3 meeting. Please bring your payment to the December 10th meeting.

2.) Community Service Project - speaking of the December 10th meeting, if we can find a community service project (outside of the Y) to do next week we may do that instead of a regular meeting. Ideas? Send them along, quick! otherwise, same bat time and bat channel.

ADDENDUM: Rose's family has forwarded this opportunity. You can indicate your availability on the sign up form linked below and we'll see whether we can make it happen:
With the cold and wet weather finally here, those who are homeless in Sacramento are more in need of a warm, dry place to sleep than ever. Help us to make CBI that safe haven THIS Monday night!  On Monday evening, Dec 8, our congregation will host 80 to 100 homeless individuals for the night as part of the countywide Winter Sanctuary Program. We need volunteers anytime between 1pm and 8pm (you won't need to stay overnight!) to set up the Social Hall, prepare dinner in the afternoon, serve dinner at 5:30pm, interact with our guests, and to serve breakfast (very) early the following morning. We also will need food donations to make the dinner and breakfast possible.

3.) Swim With Santa - is next Friday. We can use help as early as 3pm, however, the official volunteer start time is 5pm. You'll be done by 8pm.
Please complete this form so I know who is coming. Remember, this is required unless you have a significant preexisting commitment.
AND Parking Lot Fundraiser - there's a big Antique Fair under the freeway across from the Y. We let people park in our lot for a donation. It can make us a lot of money, depending on the weather. We need volunteers. Easiest possible job imaginable except that you have to wake up early on a Sunday. 7a -11a at the YMCA.
(Same sign up form)
AND Bill Box Project - we help the Y&G office organize the bill boxes - that's all the legislation from all of the other delegations. It's easy - but time consuming. We'll meet over at the Y&G offices on 3rd Street. I don't know for sure what dates, but I have tentative ones on the same form.

4.) All Kinds of Dates - These are important, please make a note of them:
December 12:            Swim With Santa – YMCA, 5p-8pm
December 13:            MUN Secretariat  App Deadline, Governing Board App Deadline
December 14:            Antiques Fair Parking Lot Fundraiser – YMCA, 7am-11am
December 17:            Holiday Party, Bill Box Work – SECRET SANTA GIFTS!
December 24, 31:      NO MEETINGS – Happy Holidays!
December 29, 30:      Bill Box Meetings (details in upcoming bulletin, save the dates!)
January 7:                  Final Payment Due ($250 or balance of program fees)
January 17:                National Judicial Competition Deadline
January 17:                Conference on National Affairs Application Available
January 17-19:          Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno, CA
February 1:                Conference on National Affairs Application Deadline

5.) Secret Santa - $10 Max, have your gift at our December 17 holiday party meeting. The info on everyone is attached. (See page 2)

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #14: Gobble Up This Great Info!

Happy Thanksgiving! In the rush of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, I hope you'll all consider supporting the less prominently branded, but more important Giving Tuesday by supporting your favorite charity or cause. That could be our delegation or the Y, or your local food bank, shelter, animal rescue, etc . . . . 'Tis the season!

Also - there's a reading test in here. Just sayin'.

1.) No Meeting This Week - there will be no meeting tomorrow (11/25).

2.) Application Madness!  - If you are interested in applying for an elected or appointed leadership position, the Conference on National Affairs, the National Judicial Competition, the MUN Secretariat Program, or the Y&G Governing Board, applications must be submitted by December 4 so I can approve them before 11:59pm on December 5. Except I won't be awake that late because I am very old. So you should text/email me that you have an application that needs approval by Noon on Friday, December 5. And if your application requires an advisor letter of recommendation, I need to know by Monday, December 1. Applications are in Reggo under our registration. Email me if you can't find them.
Here's a link to program areas and leadership opportunities.

3.) Program Area Assignments: Here are your program area assignments:
Appellate Court: Ariel, Calvin
Constitutional Convention: Hannah, Rose, William
Dept of Finance: Emiliano
IAC: Shyanne
Judicial Review: Bailey
Lobbyist: Francis, Dexter
Media Program: Gus, Bella
NIC: Victoria, Efrain, Tony

4.) Secret Santa Time! Hope y'all didn't lose your scraps of paper because I can't help you if you did.
Please complete this form. Once everyone has done so, I'll send everyone the responses and you can grab the info for your person.
There is a $10 max (not a minimum or a target) for gifts. Handmade, funny, etc, all welcome. We'll be exchanging at our December 17 Meeting/Holiday Party. Please complete this form by tomorrow night. (ahem - READING TEST!)

5.) Payment: A $250 payment is due at our December 3 meeting. If you applied for a Y&G individual scholarship, we expect to hear from the office about awards on December 2. So you'll get two updates for me - one today or tomorrow with your current balance and one updated next Tuesday, if necessary.

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Coming up:
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #13: Bye Bob and a bye week

That was an amazing weekend! I hope you all had a great time at our first Training & Elections Conference. I am proud of each and every one of you. You all seemed to dive in enthusiastically (even when super tired) and I loved watching you all learn about the program and each other and support your fellow delegates. Thanks for your hard work! Only a few things to share this week:

1.) No Meeting This Week - there will be no meeting tomorrow (11/12). Next week's meeting (11/19) will feature an explanation of CONA, NJC, the Governing Board, and the MUN Secretariat program. Don't know what any of those things are? All the more reason to make sure you're there next week. We'll also talk cheer-prep for the next conference AND program area selection. Which brings us to . . .

2.) Bob I Survey and Program Area Preferences: Please complete this google form ASAP. When you submit it, you can save a link to go back and alter your program area preferences in case you change your mind. You'll have until Monday, November 17 to make changes on the form - after that, you'll have to email me.

3.) Program Area Availability: Here are the program areas we have to choose from based on the size of our delegation. If the area you want isn't listed, don't panic! As mentioned over the weekend, advisors engage in a competitive market of program are slot swaps. We live for it. So just make sure you complete that form above so I know what to try to get for you:
Appellate Court: 1
Assembly: 2
Bench Trial: 1
Board of Education: 1
Constitutional Convention: 1
Dept of Finance: 1
IAC: 0
Judicial Review: 0
Legislative Analyst: 1
Lobbyist: 1
Media Program: 1
NIC: 2
Political Parties: 0
Polling: 0
Senate: 2

4.) Button sales: Good work, all! We sold $614.75 worth of buttons which, after paying the cost of making the buttons, gives us a net profit of $344.75. This money helps ensure that our delegation completes the program year together. Every button we sell from now on (our FresYes! buttons) is pure profit. Thanks!

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Coming up:
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #12- Let's get our Con On! (That's Conference)

Wow. Bill Hearing Night was AMAZING. I am so, so proud of all of your hard work and appreciative of the many families and community members who came out to support you last night. I really can't think of a better Bill Hearing Night out of the many I've seen. You should all be proud of yourselves. A big thank you to the Bill Sponsors for stepping up to the challenge. Good job with your Sac Attire, too. I don't think I saw anyone out of dress code. This bodes well for Sac Conference in February!

Four things this week:

1.) Training & Elections Conference (Bob) I: Departure information and packing list for our first conference are attached. Note: We are NOT leaving from the Y this year. Please read the attached or you'll be left behind. Robbie will be the advisor you check in with when you arrive at White Rock Elementary. Rob and Christiana will meet you at Camp Roberts.

Don't forget to pack for two weather extremes - warm sunshine in the day, and COLD at night. You'll likely need something heavier than your delegation sweatshirt, so pack accordingly. Remember your sleeping bag and pillow! And many delegates find it comfortable to bring a twin-size fitted sheet for the bed mattresses which tend to be a little dusty (as are most things at Camp Roberts.

Attached is a draft of the schedule. Feel free to check it out. You do not need to print it as a copy will be given to you at the conference. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you bring a highlighter to mark where you need to be and when - the schedule isn't the easiest thing to follow. Also, there may be some changes between this version and the final version on Saturday.

2.) Button Sales: We'll be selling buttons this weekend to raise money for the delegation. They commemorate our last visit to Camp Roberts and celebrate our move to Fresno in January. We'll have to come up with some kind of award for whomever can sell the most! Free lunch at In-n-Out on the way back from the conference, maybe? I heard we had some excellent sales people at the Auction - let's see who can beat them with buttons. . . .

3.) Holiday Festival CHANGES: Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to cancel our usual plans for the Holiday Festival on December 6. Instead, some of our vendors will attend Swim With Santa night on Friday, December 12 from 5-8pm at the YMCA. All delegates are expected to volunteer at this event (which is super cute and a lot of fun). Delegates will help with arts & crafts for kids and serving holiday treats. And with promoting the event!

4.) Meeting Schedule: There will be *no* meeting on Wednesday, November 12 after we return from Camp Roberts. There is also no meeting on Wednesday, November 26 due to Thanksgiving. That leaves November 19 as our only regular meeting this month. Please do your best to attend this meeting. We'll be discussing a lot of important things including role selection for the remainder of the conference. You won't want to miss it. (We will meet again on 12/3, 12/10, 12/12 at Swim With Santa, and 12/17.)

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Coming up:
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory)
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Monday, November 3, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #11- Biggest Week Ever!‏

It's a jam-packed week - here's what you need to know. And please, do a busy advisor a favor and read this.

1.) Payments: This Wednesday is a payment due date. Please remember to bring your payment and submit to Christiana when you arrive at Bill Hearing Night.

2.) Bill Hearing Night: It's this Wednesday at Historic Sacramento City Hall - the fancy old building on I Street across from Cesar Chavez Plaza (915 I Street). Delegates must arrive by 6pm - DO NOT BE LATE. Guests should arrive at 6:30. Here is what I believe are the time limits for the event. Practice your speeches for time!
- Sponsor speech - 3
- Questions of intent/interp (open to all/audience) - 3
- Legislative analyst - OMIT
- Lobbyist for - 2
- Lobbyist against - 2
-Roll call - OMIT
- General discussion - 4 (ish. per chair decision, but have to cut off some time; open to all/audience)
- Lobbyist for summation - 1
- Lobbyist against summation - 1
- Sponsor summation - 2
(hold vote until end, via secret ballot)
Total per bill: 18min.
x 4 bills: 72 min (1 hr, 12 min)

REMINDER: You should dress in "Sac Attire" according to the attached dress code on Wednesday. For gentlemen, that means dress pants, a collared shirt with a tie, and something over that shirt (sweater, sports coat, suit jacket), and dress shoes. For ladies, that means either dress pants or an appropriate (knee) length skirt (or dress) and a blouse or sweater, etc. No bare legs. And dress shoes are required.

3.) Bill Authors: Received a separate email from Christiana - look for it!

4.) Camp Roberts Required Form: The following people need to bring back this waiver form with both delegate and parent signatures on Wednesday: Tony, Shyanne, Ariel, Bailey, Rose, Calvin, Hannah, and Bella.

5.) Training & Elections Conference (Bob) I: Departure information and packing list for our first conference are attached. Note: We are NOT leaving from the Y this year. Please click on the forms and downloads tab for the info.

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Coming up:
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory)
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Monday, October 27, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #10: Final Bill Hearing Prep & Mandatory Meetings

Here's what you need to know as we enter two of our three busiest weeks of the program year:

1.) Keeping Up: Are you informed about what's going on in the state? With midterm elections a week away and upcoming Y&G conferences, inform yourselves! Two great sources for a quick rundown of the news: Rough & Tumble, a collection of top stories and trending issues from media outlets across the state (www.rtumble.com) and The Round Up, a slightly more narrative look at the day's political and policy buzz (subscribe for a free daily email at http://www.capitolbasement.com/)

2.) Next Two Meetings Are Mandatory for Delegates, Highly Recommended for Parents:
October 29 (this Wednesday)6pm-6:30pm Meet the Candidates with Guest Speakers
6:30pm-7:00pm Conference Preparation Information
7pm-8pm: Bill Hearing Practice - all groups should be prepared to present their bills
November 5 (next Wednesday) Bill Hearing Night at Historic Sacramento City Hall (915 I Street)
6pm - Delegate arrival and event pre-meeting
6:30-8pm - Bill Hearing Night presentations
Invite is attached or available here: http://goo.gl/3SlnD73.) Y&G Individual Scholarship Applications: If you applied for Y-Assist, you received an email about the second round of Y&G Individual Scholarships on October 15 and will receive a reminder email today. Please follow up as requested!

4.) School Absences: Every few years, Veterans' Day (or the day it is observed) doesn't fall on a Friday or Monday. This is such a year. Some schools/districts in our area have Monday, November 10 off and some do not. Here is a link to a sample excused absence letter. http://goo.gl/m2kkt9 Most of your schools are familiar with our program and supportive of it, but if not, this is a great opportunity to start a conversation about the benefits of Y&G. Invite any concerned teachers or principals to Bill Hearing Night! (Note: the letter is to submit to your school, not to the Y.)

5.) Sac Attire: What's Sac Attire? It's the dress code to which all delegates, advisors, and staff adhere during our final conference of the year. It's attached to this email. Delegates are required to attend Bill Hearing Night in Sac Attire. If you have questions about the dress code, please bring them to the meeting this Wednesday. http://goo.gl/vMQR1D

6.) Campaign Experience & Fundraising Opportunity: As you saw in the email yesterday, the McCarty for State Assembly Campaign is offering to support local groups who help distribute campaign literature to identified likely voters between now and Election Day. They are offering $50 for every 100 houses visited to leave literature on the doorstep (no knocking or voter contact required). This is a great way to raise some funds for our program while getting a bit of insight into campaigns. If you'd like to help out you can stop by their headquarters at 3021 65th Street. You can also indicate interest here: http://goo.gl/E4uAEm (Please note that sharing this opportunity does not constitute and endorsement or any opinion whatsoever about this race.)

7.) Payment Reminder: The next regular payment is due November 5 for $250. If able, please consider bringing your payment to this week's meeting so you don't forget in the rush of Bill Hearing Night. If you received an alternative pay schedule, please refer to those dates and amounts. As ever, if payments every present a hardship, please speak to Mia or Christiana ASAP.

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Coming up:
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory)
December 6, 2014 Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Monday, October 20, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #9: It's the Bill Writing Home Stretch

It's the busiest two weeks of Y&G, but we're in the home stretch of our bill writing. Great work so far, everyone!

1.) Bill Groups: Sponsors, please email Christiana and Rose a copy of your draft bill language ASAP.  Lobbyists for and against bills should be prepared to present their speeches this week. We have only this week and next week left to prepare for Bill Hearing Night on November 5. Help us - and yourselves - avoid an extra practice meeting by coming prepared this week. 

2.) Meeting Schedule: Please make a note of these meeting dates and topics. Also, please note there are two mandatory meetings in the near future.
October 29 - Mandatory Meeting 6:30pm - 8pm NOTE SPECIAL TIME - Conference prep meeting and Full Bill Hearing Night Rehearsal
November 3, Monday, tentative: If all groups are not prepared to present their bills on October 29, we'll need to have this extra meeting.
November 5 - Bill Hearing Night (MANDATORY): At Sacramento City Hall, delegates arrive at 6:00, event starts at 6:30pm.

3.) Meeting attendance reminder: Meetings start at 6:00pm. If you are going to be late for a meeting you must call or text Rose at 916-501-0428 before 6:00pm. Delegates who fail to contact Rose may be charged $1 in Pizza Fund money for every minute they are late past 6pm up to a maximum of $10. It is easy to avoid this charge by either being on time, or calling Rose. Thank you for your cooperation.
4.) Thanks, Volunteers!: Thank you to to everyone who was able to come out last week for the Kids Are Y Auction. You did a great job and your help was very much appreciated!

4.5) Reading Test: For every parent and delegate who replies to this email by Wednesday at noon, Christiana will donate $1 toward treats for our October 29 mandatory meeting.

5.) Payment Reminder: The next regular payment is due November 5 for $250. If you received an alternative pay schedule, please refer to those dates and amounts. As ever, if payments every present a hardship, please speak to Mia or Christiana ASAP.

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Coming up:
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory) Please note that November 8 is an SAT testing date. Plan to take the tests administered on either Oct 11 or Dec 6 to avoid a conflict with Bob I.
December 6, 2014 Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Monday, October 13, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #8: Delegation Policy Reminders, etc

Here's what you need to know this week:

1.) Attendance, Arrival, and Respect: Meetings start at 6:00pm. Please respect the time your fellow delegates, delegation leadership, and volunteer advisors contribute to the program by arriving on time, ready to get down to business (that means having a note pad, pen, and your calendar with you), by 6:00pm. 

Due to widespread tardiness which hampers our ability to make progress on bills and conduct delegation business, Rose is implementing our Pizza Fund Late Fee contained in the Delegation Contract. If you are going to be late for a meeting you must call or text Rose at 916-501-0428 before 6:00pm. Delegates who fail to contact Rose may be charged $1 for every minute they are late past 6pm up to a maximum of $10. It is easy to avoid this charge by either being on time, or calling Rose. Thank you for your cooperation.
2.) Volunteer sign ups: Thank you to Victoria, Gus, Rose, Hannah, MJ, Tony, Efrain, Bailey, and Francis for completing the volunteer sign up form for the Benefit Auction on October 17. Everyone else, please follow their lead: sign up at the following link to volunteer. This is a mandatory event and your attendance is expected barring special circumstances.

3.) Payment Reminder: The next regular payment is due November 5 for $250. If you received an alternative pay schedule, please refer to those dates and amounts. As ever, if payments every present a hardship, please speak to Mia or Christiana ASAP.

4.) Bill Sponsors: please email Christiana and Rose a copy of your draft bill language by noon this Wednesday. It's just a draft - no need to worry about perfection.

5.) Meeting Schedule: Please make a note of these meeting dates and topics:
October 15: Draft Bill Language Due; Sponsors need to be prepared to present their sponsor speeches.
October 22: Bill Lobbyists need to be prepared to present their speeches (pro and con)
October 29 - Mandatory Meeting 6:30pm - 8pm NOTE SPECIAL TIME - Conference prep meeting and Full Bill Hearing Night Rehearsal
November 3, Monday, tentative: If all groups are not prepared to present their bills on October 29, we'll need to have this extra meeting.
November 5 - Bill Hearing Night (MANDATORY): At Sacramento City Hall, delegates arrive at 5:30, event starts at 6pm.

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Coming up:
Friday, October 17, 5-11pm (MANDATORY): Volunteer at the annual "The Kids Are Y" Tasting & Benefit Auction
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory) Please note that November 8 is an SAT testing date. Plan to take the tests administered on either Oct 11 or Dec 6 to avoid a conflict with Bob I.
December 6, 2014 Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Monday, October 6, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #7: Bills & Volunteering‏

Bulletins: They don't always come out on Fridays! Here's what you need to know this week:

1.) Conference November 8-10: As of now, I'm expecting everyone to attend our first Training & Elections Conference, November 8-10. That's great because the conference is fun and kind of the point of the program. If you are NOT able to attend for any reason, you need to email me no later than Wednesday, October 8 at noon.

2) Payment Due: This Wednesday is a payment due date. Please bring your check to the meeting on Wednesday.

3.) Volunteer sign ups: Thank you to Victoria, Gus, Rose, and Francis for completing the volunteer sign up form for the Benefit Auction on October 17. Everyone else, please follow their lead: sign up at the following link to volunteer. This is a mandatory event and your attendance is expected barring special circumstances.

We have also been asked to provide some volunteers on Friday, October 10 at the Y's Family Night Harvest Festival.  We recognize this is the Friday prior to the Auction you are required to attend, but we're hoping some of you can spare two Fridays in a row. We are happy to sign off on any service hours for school, etc. Returners: think "Delegation of Distinction." Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1e9tYFRT3hpvJQ_fUxDByGORpdPjdrx-BIJ927vNuKvk/viewform?usp=send_form
We've had only one delegate sign up. I'd like to have 4-5 volunteer at this event if possible.

4.) Sweatshirt Designs: Bring what you've got next week! We need to select our design to appear on the Carolina Blue sweatshirts we'll be sporting this year.  Ideally, your idea will be something you have available in a large-scale, high quality digital file. The shirt can be words, a graphic, or a combination of both. If you have a design now, post in the FB group so people can check it out.

5.) Payment Dates: The next regular payment is due October 8 for $250. If you received an alternative pay schedule, please refer to those dates. Some may owe money this week. As ever, if payments every present a hardship, please speak to Mia or Christiana ASAP.

6.) Bill Sponsors: will receive valuable bill drafting information in a separate email, so keep an eye out!

7.) Elected/Appointed Leadership Applications: Delegates wishing to run for/apply for offices (s)elected at Bob I will have access to the application after they are approved in the Reggo system. HOWEVER, here are the questions. Prepare your application now so you can cut/paste in once you have access. Please email Christiana if you are planning to run/apply for something this round. Applications are due this Friday, October 10. https://calymca.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/431216

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Coming up:
Wednesday, October 8, payment deadline
Friday, October 10, Family Night Harvest Festival at the Y
Friday, October 17, 5-11pm (MANDATORY): Volunteer at the annual "The Kids Are Y" Tasting & Benefit Auction
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory) Please note that November 8 is an SAT testing date. Plan to take the tests administered on either Oct 11 or Dec 6 to avoid a conflict with Bob I.
November 5: Bill Hearing Night
December 6, 2014 Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Friday, September 26, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #6: Weekend Retreat and more . . . .‏

Happy Friday! Let's get to it:

1.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka "Baby Bob") will take place at the Sacramento YMCA TOMORROW from 1:30pm  through 12:00 noon Sunday, September 28. We are expecting to see: Shyanne, Gus, Emiliano, Dexter, Francis, Rose, Victoria, Ariel, Tony, Efrain, Calvin, and MJ. If your name isn't on that list and you'd still like to attend, email me right away!  If you have not paid the $20 fee for the weekend, please bring it when you arrive tomorrow. NOTE: No delegate is permitted to drive him or herself to this event. No exception. Delegates caught driving themselves will not be permitted to attend the weekend's event and may jeopardize their continuation in the program.

2.) Individual Y&G Scholarships: All delegates who applied for Y-Assist should also apply for the Individual Scholarships available from Youth & Government HQ. The application is attached. No essay is required and awards are solely need based. Please bring your application tomorrow or you'll be responsible for getting it directly to the Y&G HQ yourself by the Sept. 29 deadline.

3.) Mixed Bags sales: Keep selling! Orders due on October 1. Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax on all orders. Checks are payable to the Sacramento YMCA.

4.) The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction: Please sign up at the following link to volunteer at the Auction on October 17. This is a mandatory event and your attendance is expected barring special circumstances.

5.) The Kids Are Y Part 2: We encourage parents to attend this fun event! It's a great night with some great prizes and food and drink from the best places in town. Tickets are available online at www.biddingforgood.com/kidsarey

6.) October Harvest Festival at the YMCA: The YMCA Membership Director has asked for volunteers on Friday, October 10, for the Y's Family Night Harvest Festival. Volunteers will assist with kid activities, set up, clean up, and general help. Some helpers may also be needed for the Diving for Pumpkins event at the pool. We recognize this is the Friday prior to the Auction you are required to attend, but we're hoping some of you can spare two Fridays in a row. We are happy to sign off on any service hours for school, etc. Returners: think "Delegation of Distinction." Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1e9tYFRT3hpvJQ_fUxDByGORpdPjdrx-BIJ927vNuKvk/viewform?usp=send_form

7.) Sweatshirt Designs: Bring what you've got next week! We need to select our design to appear on the Carolina Blue sweatshirts we'll be sporting this year.  Ideally, your idea will be something you have available in a large-scale, high quality digital file. The shirt can be words, a graphic, or a combination of both. If you have a design now, post in the FB group so people can check it out.

8.) Payment Dates: The next regular payment is due October 8 for $250. If you received an alternative pay schedule, please refer to those dates. Some may owe money this week. As ever, if payments every present a hardship, please speak to Mia or Christiana ASAP.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #5: Registration, Baby Bob, Fundraising

Happy 5th Bulletin, everyone! Here's the news you need this week. There are two action items.

***We WILL have a regular meeting this Wednesday, September 24 from 6-7:30pm***

1.) Registration - go do it! http://www.reggo.org/calymca
Here is a link with instructions (though the process is pretty self-explanatory on the registration site)
Please fill out your complete information (address, parent info, etc, etc)  If you are a returning delegate, information you entered last year should pop up. Review for accuracy. New delegates can either create a Reggo account with their email address or sign-in using Facebook.  Make sure that you select "SACRAMENTO CENTRAL" from the drop-down menu of delegations, when prompted.

2.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka "Baby Bob") will take place at the Sacramento YMCA from 1:30pm Saturday, September 27 through 12:00 noon Sunday, September 28. For those not in attendance this week: a storm last winter rendered several cabins unusable and those housing concerns combined with transportation concerns would've led to the exclusion of many interested delegates. We don't like exclusion! So we're moving the party to the YMCA and it's going to be AMAZING. Also, it's going to be way less than $60 which hopefully will encourage more of you to attend. We're still finalizing some details, but expect the price to be $20 or under. After you reggo register for the conference as directed in item one, fill out this 30-second google form for next weekend's festivities:

3.) Mixed Bags sales: Keep selling! Orders due on October 1. Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax on all orders. Checks are payable to the Sacramento YMCA.

4.) Fundraising: Remember to mark your calendars for the Kids Are Y Auction on October 17 and our Holiday Festival on December 6 - these are our two biggest fundraising events of the year. This week we talked about personal fundraising letters. If you missed the meeting or want to read more, check out this post:

5.) Gubernatorial Candidate Neel Kashkari Visits El Dorado: El Dorado Delegation has invited us to attend a meet-the-candidate night next Thursday, September 25, in the cafeteria at Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills from 7-8:30pm. Delegates and families are invited to attend. Transportation will not be provided, but we encourage you to carpool if you'd like to go. If you have questions about the event, email me.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #4: Camping, Fundraising, Research, Oh My

Welcome to the list, new parents and delegates - glad to have you! Each week, you'll receive a delegation bulletin with all the news you need to know for the week ahead. If you'd like to see the previous two bulletins of the year, you can find all past bulletins here: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/search/label/Bulletin

***Email confirmation time: All delegates - please reply directly to Christiana to confirm you are receiving the weekly emails. At least one parent should be receiving them as well. If your parent is not, please provide me with an email address for them. ***

1.) Final Y-Assist Deadline is TOMORROW, Friday September 12: If you wish to apply for financial aid through the Y-Assist program, the drop-deadline is tomorrow, September 12. Please submit your completed application with supporting documents to the YMCA before it closes tomorrow.

2.) Two payment deadlines next week: September 17 is a $250 payment deadline. If this presents a hardship for your family and you have submitted your Y-Assist application already, please email Christiana directly. If we don't hear from you, we'll assume you'll have your $250 payment next week. For the other deadline, see the next item.

3.) Bear Valley Camping Trip: Our camping trip with sister delegation El Dorado will be held September 26-28 at Bear Valley Y Camp in the High Sierra. The bus will depart at some time after school hours on Friday and return on Sunday afternoon. This is not a required trip. Those wishing to attend (it is a lot of fun!) must bring a $60 payment to next week's meeting. No Y-Assist is available for this cost. If, however, you wish to attend and that cost presents a challenge, please email Christiana immediately.

4.) Bill research: We have some really impressive bill ideas already this year - great work, everyone! Here's the link to the research guide, if you need it. It is also attached to this email.  http://goo.gl/MPiO4E

5.) Delegation Policy: Attached is our Delegate Contract. A few of you haven't submitted it yet (it may have been left out of your initial paperwork). Please take a moment to review and if you haven't submitted this, please sign and return next week.

6.) Delegation Elections: Next week, we'll elect a delegation treasurer, secretary, historian, and sergeant at arms.  If you would like details on the job descriptions for any of these offices, contact Delegation President Rose Meinrath at rose.meinrath @gmail. com

7.) Sweatshirt Ideas: Each year the delegation designs its own sweatshirt. Rose will bring some examples next week. Attached is a picture of some of our past designs. Start thinking about what you'd like this year!

8.) Mixed Bags catalogs were distributed last week. Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax from buyers this year. Checks are made payable to the Sacramento YMCA. All orders due by October 1. Next week, we'll discuss the rest of our fundraising program for the year. Be sure to bring a notepad or paper to the meeting!

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #3: Bill research, payments, and more

Welcome to the list, new parents and delegates - glad to have you! Each week, you'll receive a delegation bulletin with all the news you need to know for the week ahead. If you'd like to see the previous two bulletins of the year, you can find all past bulletins here: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/search/label/Bulletin

1.) Registration, First $100, and Y-Assist Applications MUST be submitted by next Wednesday, September 10: If you've misplaced the forms, you can find everything you need here: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/forms-and-downloads.html

2.) Payments, continued: All delegates are required to submit the initial $100 payment, regardless of whether a Y-Assist application is submitted. If this amount presents a financial hardship for your family, please contact Christiana or Mia ASAP to arrange for a payment schedule. To guarantee your spot in the delegation, you need to have provided your $100 initial payment or have discussed extenuating circumstances with Christiana or Mia by September 10.

3.) Bill Ideas: We had a great first discussion about bill ideas yesterday! If you missed the meeting, or want to read up on some more research tips and tricks, check out this document. It's long, but it's meant as a reference guide. http://goo.gl/MPiO4E

4.) "What Should I Bring To Meetings?" Bill Writing Edition: You don't need much at Y&G meetings, but we ask that you bring your calendar or planner, a notebook/paper, and a pen to each meeting. During the next few weeks as we're discussing legislation and researching ideas, you are encouraged to bring a lap top or tablet, if you have one (obviously, it's not required).

5.) Join our FB group! We have a closed group on FB for sharing updates and events. If you're on FB, but not part of the group, please join us!

6.) Fall Coalition Camping Trip, Sept 26-28: Those of you who'd like to join us for our annual trip to Bear Valley Y Camp in the High Sierra. This is a chance to get to know each other and make new friends from our sister delegation based in El Dorado Hills. This trip requires is not mandatory and requires an additional $60 payment not covered by the standard program fees. More information is coming soon.
7.) Legislative Research Scavenger Hunt: Not mandatory - but a few quick exercises to get you familiar with the research process and looking at California laws and legislation. The attached document will probably help you!

Question 1: You've read a terrible article about a kid whose parents never gave him enough food or let him go to the doctor or even let him leave the house. You are incensed! There should be a law against that sort of thing. In fact, this will be the basis of your bill this year. But, is there a law that covers this already? Keep track of  your research process!

Question 2: During the past summer, with school out and lazy days abounding, you really made the most of out Netflix. The last film you watched before returning to school was "Black Fish" a documentary about the effects of captivity on orcas. You were so moved by the film that you decide to write legislation banning keeping orcas in captivity. Where in California law might such a law best fit? Keep track of your research process!

There might be prizes for those who complete the questions and email Christiana before Tuesday, Sept 9 at midnight.

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Y&G Bulletin #2: Getting our Legislati-On

(Our first few bulletins of the year will be especially information heavy while we're still collecting registration and financial assistance applications and getting everyone up and running. Thanks for paying attention to all of this important information!)

1) Delegation Calendar is available for download here in both doc and pdf forms It's important that you review the calendar and make sure you are available for delegation meetings, events, and conferences. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6ee6r3nMe6cY3lHdllnZ3JablE/edit?usp=sharing

2) Bill ideas: This week, we'll begin discussing the bill development process. Think about what problems you'd like to fix in our state. Come prepared for the next meeting by checking out this information about where bills come from and what kind of bills we deal with in Y&G. Feel free to bring your laptop or tablet if you want. (not required)

3) Pop Quiz: Who likes Pizza? If ten delegates reply to Christiana directly in an email telling her a) what kind of pizza they like and b) which of the four kinds of legislation you would use to require the State Department of Fish and Wildlife to track squirrel populations in California, we'll have pizza at our next meeting. (hint, answer is in the link in item #2)

4) Registration packets should be returned next week. If you lost your paperwork, you can visit this link to download and complete. If you missed the last meeting, you can *still* download and complete the form and be all caught up at the next meeting. Please include your medical and dental coverage policy numbers, as requested on the registration forms.

5) Payment schedule revisions. We have changed the payment schedule. The new schedule can be seen in the registration materials linked above or you can pick up a new copy at next week's meetings. First payments are due next Wednesday, September 3. The amount due is $100.

6) Y-Assist Applications: All delegates may apply for the Y-Assist program. Program fee assistance is provided on the basis of need. You can find the application at the link below. Your application will not be considered without the required attachments. If your tax and other paperwork doesn't provide a complete picture of your need, please also attach a separate letter explaining your circumstances. Y-Assist applicants are required to make at least a $100 payment as well, however, you can spread that out over the few weeks we have between now and the initial payment deadline. Please bring something with your application - whether it's $20, $50, or $100. At the same time, if you have special circumstances, please talk with us ASAP. We don't want cost to be the reason you choose not to participate. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6ee6r3nMe6cakk0NWRSdXJwU0E/edit?usp=sharing

7) "What Should I Bring To Meetings?" You don't need much at Y&G meetings, but we ask that you bring your calendar or planner, a notebook/paper, and a pen to each meeting.

8) Parent Meeting handouts: thank you to the three parents who attended our information session. For those who missed it, you can review the handout here:
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Friday, August 22, 2014

Y&G Bulletin #1: Welcome New Delegates!

Hello! Welcome to another exciting year of Youth & Government. We're glad to have you (or to have you back, in some cases). Each week, I'll be sending a bulletin with delegation information. It's important that you take a few minutes to read this email each week - you'll be prepared, informed, and happy, if you! Oh, also, sometimes, we hide easter eggs in the bulletins with little reading tests that can earn you prizes. It's all part of the fun. So here we go:

1) Registration packets should be returned next week. If you lost your paperwork, you can visit this link to download and complete. If you missed the last meeting, you can *still* download and complete the form and be all caught up at the next meeting.

2) Payment schedule: as mentioned at the first meeting, there may be some changes to our payment schedule to be a bit more budget friendly. Revised schedules will be distributed at the next meeting. First payments: a $100 initial payment is listed as due on September 11 in the registration material you currently have. To make the payment schedule for the year more spread out and manageable, I am strongly encouraging all delegates to bring their first $100 payment to the next Meeting on Wednesday, August 27.  Please bear with us as we smooth things out on this front. We appreciate your patience.

3) Y-Assist Applications: All delegates may apply for the Y-Assist program. Program fee assistance is provided on the basis of need. You can find the application at the link below. Your application will not be considered without the required attachments. If your tax and other paperwork doesn't provide a complete picture of your need, please also attach a separate letter explaining your circumstances. Y-Assist applicants are required to make at least a $100 payment as well, however, you can spread that out over the few weeks we have between now and the initial payment deadline. Please bring something with your application - whether it's $20, $50, or $100. At the same time, if you have special circumstances, please talk with us ASAP. We don't want cost to be the reason you choose not to participate.

4) "What Should I Bring To Meetings?" You don't need much at Y&G meetings, but we ask that you bring your calendar or planner, a notebook/paper, and a pen to each meeting.

5) Parent Meeting, Wednesday, August 27 at 7pm: After our regular meeting this week, parents are invited to attend a special information session. All parents are welcome. Parents of new delegates are strongly urged to attend. Come meet us! We want to meet all of you!

6) Miscellaneous:
a) It's not at all too late to join! Bring your friends and classmates. They'll thank you by November and especially by February, we promise.
b) We'll spend a whole meeting talking about fundraising in a few weeks. Remember: don't let program fees scare you off.
c) Have you liked our FB page yet? Have you joined the close FB group? Links are below!
d) If you ever miss a meeting or lose a form you can always find copies of what was distributed here:

It's the start of the year and you know what that means! Things are likely to change from one week to the next. So hang in there, thanks for your patience, and get ready for a great year

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Coming up:
September 26-28: Fall Coalition Retreat, Bear Valley Y Camp.
Also in September: Mixed Bags Fundraiser
Friday, October 17, 5-11pm (MANDATORY): Volunteer at the annual "The Kids Are Y" Tasting & Benefit Auction
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory) Please note that November 8 is an SAT testing date. Plan to take the tests administered on either Oct 11 or Dec 6 to avoid a conflict with Bob I.
Also in November: Bill Hearing Night
December 7, 2014 Holiday Festival (TENTATIVE, Mandatory)
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pre-Season Delegation Bulletin #2: First Meeting + Laser Tag‏

We're gearing up for another great Youth & Government program year. Here are three dates to know:

Sunday, August 17, 1-4p
: Summer Social Event #1 - Laser Tag at Country Club Lanes! Take your best shot - beverages, snacks, and one Laser Tag game per-person will be provided. Your RSVP is essential! Let me know by Wednesday, August 13 if you can attend and how many prospective delegates you'll be bringing along.  You can RSVP by replying to this email or via our Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/302841413221018/ 

Wednesday, August 20: First meeting of the year! 6pm at the Sacramento Central YMCA in Studio B (note: this room is downstairs in the main building. It is *not* the same room in which we met last year.) The YMCA is located at 2021 W Street, Sacramento, CA 95818.

Wednesday, August 27, 7pm (following regular delegate meeting at 6pm): Parents' Meeting: Please join us for an overview of the program, its benefits, policies, values, and calendar. Get answers to all of your questions!

(We encourage recent alumni who haven't left for college yet to attend any of these events to share your experience with prospective delegates.)
There you have it - the dates you need to start the new year off right.

Remember, this and every past bulletin can always be found at the links below. Please like our Facebook page and join our Facebook group for the latest delegation news.

Like our page! Need a form? (updates with 2014-15 forms by August 20)

Coming up:
September 20 or 21 (TENTATIVE): College Application Workshop. Will be open to all current and prospective delegates and their friends.
September 26-28: Fall Coalition Retreat, Bear Valley Y Camp.
Also in September: Mixed Bags Fundraiser
Friday, October 17, 5-11pm (MANDATORY): Volunteer at the annual "The Kids Are Y" Tasting & Benefit Auction
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory) Please note that November 8 is an SAT testing date. Plan to take the tests administered on either Oct 11 or Dec 6 to avoid a conflict with Bob I.
Also in November: Bill Hearing Night
December 7, 2014 Holiday Festival (TENTATIVE, Mandatory)
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pre-Season Delegation Bulletin: Summer Social Events, Volunteer Opportunities, Meetings‏

Hope you've been having a great summer! I know some of you are headed to college soon and we wish you a lot of luck on your big adventure. All returning delegates and recent grads are included in this message because we hope those of you in town will join us for our social events and help get the word out to prospective delegates.

Grab your calendars and save these dates ASAP! Blue dates are "pre-season" social and recruiting events, open to all. Green dates are items of note for the regular program year. I need RSVPs for our two social events.

Saturday, August 1, 12p-3p: Summer Social Event #! - Movie day at the YMCA! Join us for snacks and an appropriately themed movie at the YMCA. Your RSVP is very much appreciated. Let me know if you can make it and if you plan to bring along any friends. All are welcome. Meet in Studio B in the Sacramento Central YMCA (2021 W Street) We'll provide some food, but feel free to bring a treat to share as well (not required)

Friday, August 8, 5:30-9:30pm: Volunteer Opportunity - help out watching K-6 graders at the YMCA Parents' Night Out. We need 6-8 volunteers. Who's in?

Sunday, August 17, 1-4p
: Summer Social Event #1 - Laser Tag at Country Club Lanes! Take your best shot - beverages, snacks, and one Laser Tag game per-person will be provided. Your RSVP is essential! Let me know by Wednesday, August 13 if you can attend and how many prospective delegates you'll be bringing along.

Wednesday, August 20 (TENTATIVE): First meeting of the year! Time TBA

Friday, September 12, 5:30-9:30pm: Volunteer Opportunity - help out watching K-6 graders at the YMCA Parents' Night Out.

September 20 or 21 (TENTATIVE): College Application Workshop. Will be open to all current and prospective delegates and their friends.

September 26-28 or Oct 3-5 (TENTATIVE): "Baby Bob" Fall Coalition Retreat, Bear Valley Y Camp.

Also in September: Mixed Bags Fundraiser

Friday, October 17, 5-11pm (MANDATORY): Volunteer at the annual "The Kids Are Y" Tasting & Benefit Auction

Also in October: Bill Boot Camp

November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory) Please note that November 8 is an SAT testing date. Plan to take the tests administered on either Oct 11 or Dec 6 to avoid a conflict with Bob I.

Also in November: Bill Hearing Night

December 7, 2014 Holiday Festival (TENTATIVE, Mandatory)

January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)

February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Like our page! Need a form? (updates with 2014-15 forms by September 1)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Delegation Bulletin #22: The Last Regular Bulletin Of The Year‏

**YMCA Annual Campaign Kick-Off** You were all invited by our Executive Director to attend on Tuesday, 2/11, at the Sterling Hotel at 5:30. You MUST however, RSVP to JRSpringer@ ymcasuperiorcal. org right away if you plan to attend. It would be great to see you there! Alex will be speaking. #cool

(Note: Check your email for the attachments referenced below)

1.) No Meeting Next Week -
Because . . . .

2.) 67th Model Legislature & Court Convenes Thursday, February 13All the arrival info you need is attached to this email. ALL PARENTS AND DELEGATES: Please read the attached information.
(Note: I have confirmed that there are no minibars to worry about at the Sheraton, but that also means no fridges. Plan your snacks accordingly.)

3.) Dress Code  -
It's attached (again) to this email. So is a reference guide (for the gals). 

4.) Arrival Day NotesThis is a preview of what I'll be giving you on Thursday if you want to read ahead. Note: there may some changes to this document between now and your arrival on Thursday. You don't need to print this. Save a tree.

5.) CONA, Youth Board, and Awards applications should be submitted by the end of the day on February 12.

6.) Tell Us When It's Your Moment!There's nothing that warms an advisor's heart like catching one of you doing your thing in your program area. So if you're about to present your bill, make your lobbyist pitch, give a big speech, do ANYTHING you have advanced warning about, GroupME us about it. We want to be there to cheer you on. Quietly and non-embarrassingly, we promise. Or at least we'll do our best.

7.) Mixed Bags Spring Sale -
The catalogs are in and will be distributed at check-out on Monday, February 17.

Did we forget any info we promised at the last meeting? Ask us about it ASAP!

#ProTip: Get some rest between now and Thursday, team. You're in for a wild, fun, exhausting ride. You'll need your strength.

Coming Up:
February 12: No Meeting
February 13-17: 66th Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento, CA
March 5 (tentative): Year End Party
April 4-6: Spring Conference (Corcoran, CA)

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Delegation Bulletin #21: T-Minus 10 . . .‏

1.) Meeting Schedule -
This week's meeting is MANDATORY for all delegates and high encouraged for parents (especially parents of new delegates). It will run from 6pm to 7:30pm We will be reviewing important information for Sac Conference. We also we have a training for the YMCA's Annual Campaign. This yearly fundraising drive benefits all YMCA programs including Youth & Government and, because we love our program and our community, we're all going to be participating in the Annual Campaign this year. All delegates will serve on a campaign team. Parents are more than welcome to join as well. I do not predict that this will be a significant demand on your time - probably an hour or two outside of the 2/5 meeting. Please arrive on time.

2.) Meeting Location - back to our usual place - the Board room at 1926 V Street.

3.) Payments -
If you still owe payments, you should know how much you owe and you should either a) be bringing your final payment this week or b) have checked-in with Christiana regarding an alternative payment schedule. Please, please, please remember your final payments.

4.) Community Service - We need to have completed 8 delegate-hours of community service by 2/13. Which is easy to do. Get it done!

5.) CONA Apps and Youth Board recommendations/notice -
The CONA Deadline is earlier this year. You must have your application completed online prior to Thursday, Feb 13. Our delegation has a great tradition of delegates being selected to attend - most recently Tony Brisson! Please submit your application and all other requirements on or before Thursday, February 13, 2014, including references, video submissions, and financial aid application (optional.) Please remember that spelling and grammar are important. Click here for all the info and app links:
If you have not yet requested a lead advisor letter-of-rec, let Christiana know you need one ASAP.
Ariel - NJC - submitted
Bailey- NCJ - submitted
Rose - CONA - pending
Rose- Youth Board - pending
Tony - Youth Board - pending
Tony - CONA - pending

If you don't see your name on this list and you need a Lead Advisor reco - you know what to do (by Feb 10)!

Coming Up:
February 5: Final Regular Meeting of the Year!
February 12: No Meeting
February 13-17: 66th Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento, CA
March 5 (tentative): Year End Party
April 4-6: Spring Conference (Corcoran, CA)

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Delegation Bulletin #20: And then there were two [meetings]

1.) Bob 2 Survey -
Nearly 100% completion on this. THANKS! If you're one of the final two who need to complete this - please do!

2.) Meeting Schedule -
We'll meet this Wednesday, 1/29. We will again be meeting in the CDC rather than our usual location. So you'll enter view the W Street, lower parking lot, NOT the V St entrance.

And next week, our February 5 meeting is MANDATORY for all delegates and high encouraged for parents (especially parents of new delegates). We will be reviewing important information for Sac Conference. We also we have a training for the YMCA's Annual Campaign. This yearly fundraising drive benefits all YMCA programs including Youth & Government and, because we love our program and our community, we're all going to be participating in the Annual Campaign this year. All delegates will serve on a campaign team. Parents are more than welcome to join as well. I do not predict that this will be a significant demand on your time - probably an hour or two outside of the 2/5 meeting.

3.) Payments -
If you still owe payments, you should know how much you owe and you should either a) be bringing your final payment this week or b) have checked-in with Christiana regarding an alternative payment schedule.

4.) Community Service?
What's it going to be? Someone come with a plan on Wednesday because we're running out of time!

5.) Sac Attire Time
Attached is the Dress Code. Review it! We'll answer questions this week. Avoid getting sent back to your room to change during Sac Conference by making sure you understand the ins-and-outs of Sac Attire in advance.

6.) CONA Apps and NJC recommendations/notice -
The CONA Deadline is earlier this year. You must have your application completed online prior to Thursday, Feb 13. Our delegation has a great tradition of delegates being selected to attend - most recently Tony Brisson! Please submit your application and all other requirements on or before Thursday, February 13, 2014, including references, video submissions, and financial aid application (optional.) Please remember that spelling and grammar are important. Click here for all the info and app links:
NJC - If you applied for and interviewed for NJC, remember that you must have your recommendations submitted prior to Friday, February 14, 2014. At least one recommender must be your Lead Advisor. If you haven't asked your Lead Advisor yet - please do so prior to February 10! NJC info is here: http://calymca.org/programs/national-judicial-program/njp-resources/

From Scott at the Y&GHQ:

If you're a 9th-11th grader, you should apply to be one of the lucky delegates who gets to serve on Y&G's Board of Directors. Selected delegates will serve for one year on the body that governs Y&G. Current delegates serving on our Board are Sam Leichenger, Mackenzie Boss, Elena Dreisbach, Casey Khang Moore, and Morris Yang. To apply, click the link below. This is one of those awesome opportunities Y&G offers that nowhere near enough people take advantage of. https://docs.google.com/a/calymca.org/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDZsUWZ0SzZBNjR6Mkhxd1VpREZkRGc6MA#gid=0

It's be great to see someone from Sac Central serving on the Board! You'll have the opportunity to represent your fellow delegates in policy decisions that really effect Y&G. So if you want to have input over the dress code, the political party system, and anything else, go fill out that app!  DUE by FEBRUARY 13.  If you apply, you'll need a letter of rec from your lead advisor. Requests for a letter of rec must be received by Christiana by February 10.  

Coming Up:
January 29: Regular Meeting
January 31: NIC final proposals due
February 5: Final Regular Meeting of the Year!
February 12: No Meeting
February 13-17: 66th Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento, CA
March 5 (tentative): Year End Party
April 4-6: Spring Conference (Corcoran, CA)

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bob II Schedule & Reading Test Results

Reading Test Results: Thank you to Tony, Jordyn, Bailey, Anna, Maret, Holly, and partial credit to Ariel. If your name doesn't appear in this list, please catch up with Delegation Bulletin which can be found here.

Bob II Schedule
As ever: please review the schedule. You don't need to print it now, you'll receive a copy on Saturday. Bring a highlighter with you to mark-up your schedule. The location of the Saturday "barracks" meeting will depend on our assigned barracks - which we won't know until we arrive. No schedule session is optional aside from social events. if you have a session assigned, you must attend. If you don't feel well at any point, please tell an advisor or program staff and, if necessary, report to the medic (See map). You are not permitted to return to the barracks during an assigned session elsewhere unless it is to use the restroom or retrieve something (badge, etc).

We have three candidates running for positions during this conference. Aside from making sure you eat and stay hydrated, all delegates are expected to make themselves available to help our candidates however they need during free time and meal times.

Political Party Conventions: All delegates required to attend one.
Voting: Caucus style voting takes place Sunday evening. We will select our meeting place dependent on barracks assignments. All delegates required to attend.

Schedule items to note (not a complete list):
- Delegation Presdient's Mixer
- Broadcast Media interviews
- Press Corps writing samples due by 12:30pm
- Candidates' meeting after opening joint session
- Future Leaders Campaign dinner
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: Make Your Own Taco Night
- MUN Secretariat interviews
- Candidate Mixer, Saturday
-President Pro-Temp Election
- Sac Rack

Sunday- Committee Chairs training - Chair + Advisor
- Del. Presidents Meeting
- Del. VP Meeting
- Candidate Meeting

Monday- All Delegates must have packed and removed their belongings from their barracks prior to departing for breakfast/joint session or by 8:30am at the latest. No exceptions.
- Volunteers who sign up for cleaning assignments prior to Monday morning will be rewarded :)