Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Delegation Bulletin #19: Payment Updates & Bob II Info (and two reading tests)‏

*****NJC APPLICATION DUE TODAY: If you have any interest in this additional program, fill this out today: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12QHde1RslQ9fmW1BwuFt0say2QzdfVYvd25HSVXm4Ck/viewform  If you have questions about NJC, I'm sure Rose would be happy to answer them (naderpup@gmail.com) ***** The Conference on National Affairs Application is not due until Feb 12, but why wait? Apply today. Info and app here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14cfJ5mhYY1dSbKJc-SnWIyP-526rQZ__lUMZOaUvKwM/viewform

1.) Payments: About half of you have received payment updates this morning. The other half we expect to have information out to by tomorrow evening. The final payment deadline is next Wednesday, January 15. The final payment amount is $160 (I had a typo in the previous email, sorry about that). If, after you receive your payment status update,  you need additional time for payments, just let your advisor know. Thanks for your patience on this!

2.) Bob II: Here you'll find the information we distributed at last night's meeting regarding Training & Elections Conference II (Bob II). Parents, please read the parent letter regarding departure and return times. If you have any questions about what to bring, etc, please let me know.

3.) Meeting Attendance: Finally, next week's meeting is mandatory for all delegates and parents are invited, but not required, to attend.

                    3a.) Special note about Jan 15 location and READING TEST: next week, the Y Board is holding a meeting in our normal location. So we will meet in the Child Development Center next door. Please *do not* enter the building using the V Street Entrance. Instead, you'll enter via the lower parking lot accessible on W Street (where the buses pick us up for conferences). Your advisor will love you forever if you reply to this email telling her where you'll show up to the meeting next week. But wait, there's more . . . .

3b.) Reading Test Two: Looking ahead - from April 4-6, Y&G holds Spring Conference. It's a mini-weekend camping trip to the Corcoran YMCA (another in-the-middle-of-California locale). We do not know yet whether we'll be participating, but we'd like to know delegate interest. This event is open to all delegates, including potential new delegates for next year. It's a great opportunity to introduce people to Y&G without the full year commitment. It would likely require you to miss part or all of school on Friday, April 4. We would travel either by Amtrak train or by bus. The cost is anticipated to be between $200-250, with limited financial aid available. And we'll stay in tents on the lawn of the Corcoran YMCA (which is pretty easy camping, actually, with full access to bathrooms, showers, the pool, etc, at the Y). If you are interested in attending, let me know. Indicate how likely you would be to attend. Spring Conference also involves 3 meetings or so in advance of the conference.

4.) Conference Attendance: Attendance at the final two conferences is mandatory, barring certain, very rare, exceptions. I know finals are a concern for some delegates right now. Hopefully, you have managed your time in preparation for the trip. There will be study time during the conference in the evenings and, depending on your program area, some during the day as well. These conferences are the good part (and what most of your program fees go towards) - don't miss out!

4.) Hotel Rooming Preferences: One person only should complete the form on behalf of the room grouping. Be kind. Make sure everyone is included. Thanks!  http://goo.gl/6XfKKF

5.) Community Service: We heard some great ideas last night. If you brought an idea, bring more specifics next week. Community service projects are delegate organized and delegate led. (i.e.: go for, y'all!) Regarding Delegation of Distinction criteria, our delegation must log .5hr/delegate. That's not very much. (If you want to know more about the Delegation of Distinction Criteria, check out this link: http://calymca.org/calymca-wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2013-2014-Delegation-of-Distinction.pdf  In our delegation, we tick off most of these boxes because they reflect what we should be doing, whether or not anyone gives us a special title for doing so.)

Coming Up:
January 15: Regular Meeting - MANDATORY
January 18-20: Training & Elections Conference II, Camp Roberts, CA; NIC draft proposals due
January 22: Meeting TBD
January 29: Regular Meeting
January 31: NIC final proposals due
February 5: Final Regular Meeting of the Year!
February 12: No Meeting
February 13-17: 66th Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento, CA
March 5 (tentative): Year End Party
April 4-6: Spring Conference (Corcoran, CA)

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