Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Delegation Bulletin #20: And then there were two [meetings]

1.) Bob 2 Survey -
Nearly 100% completion on this. THANKS! If you're one of the final two who need to complete this - please do!

2.) Meeting Schedule -
We'll meet this Wednesday, 1/29. We will again be meeting in the CDC rather than our usual location. So you'll enter view the W Street, lower parking lot, NOT the V St entrance.

And next week, our February 5 meeting is MANDATORY for all delegates and high encouraged for parents (especially parents of new delegates). We will be reviewing important information for Sac Conference. We also we have a training for the YMCA's Annual Campaign. This yearly fundraising drive benefits all YMCA programs including Youth & Government and, because we love our program and our community, we're all going to be participating in the Annual Campaign this year. All delegates will serve on a campaign team. Parents are more than welcome to join as well. I do not predict that this will be a significant demand on your time - probably an hour or two outside of the 2/5 meeting.

3.) Payments -
If you still owe payments, you should know how much you owe and you should either a) be bringing your final payment this week or b) have checked-in with Christiana regarding an alternative payment schedule.

4.) Community Service?
What's it going to be? Someone come with a plan on Wednesday because we're running out of time!

5.) Sac Attire Time
Attached is the Dress Code. Review it! We'll answer questions this week. Avoid getting sent back to your room to change during Sac Conference by making sure you understand the ins-and-outs of Sac Attire in advance.

6.) CONA Apps and NJC recommendations/notice -
The CONA Deadline is earlier this year. You must have your application completed online prior to Thursday, Feb 13. Our delegation has a great tradition of delegates being selected to attend - most recently Tony Brisson! Please submit your application and all other requirements on or before Thursday, February 13, 2014, including references, video submissions, and financial aid application (optional.) Please remember that spelling and grammar are important. Click here for all the info and app links:
NJC - If you applied for and interviewed for NJC, remember that you must have your recommendations submitted prior to Friday, February 14, 2014. At least one recommender must be your Lead Advisor. If you haven't asked your Lead Advisor yet - please do so prior to February 10! NJC info is here: http://calymca.org/programs/national-judicial-program/njp-resources/

From Scott at the Y&GHQ:

If you're a 9th-11th grader, you should apply to be one of the lucky delegates who gets to serve on Y&G's Board of Directors. Selected delegates will serve for one year on the body that governs Y&G. Current delegates serving on our Board are Sam Leichenger, Mackenzie Boss, Elena Dreisbach, Casey Khang Moore, and Morris Yang. To apply, click the link below. This is one of those awesome opportunities Y&G offers that nowhere near enough people take advantage of. https://docs.google.com/a/calymca.org/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDZsUWZ0SzZBNjR6Mkhxd1VpREZkRGc6MA#gid=0

It's be great to see someone from Sac Central serving on the Board! You'll have the opportunity to represent your fellow delegates in policy decisions that really effect Y&G. So if you want to have input over the dress code, the political party system, and anything else, go fill out that app!  DUE by FEBRUARY 13.  If you apply, you'll need a letter of rec from your lead advisor. Requests for a letter of rec must be received by Christiana by February 10.  

Coming Up:
January 29: Regular Meeting
January 31: NIC final proposals due
February 5: Final Regular Meeting of the Year!
February 12: No Meeting
February 13-17: 66th Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento, CA
March 5 (tentative): Year End Party
April 4-6: Spring Conference (Corcoran, CA)

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