Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, August 21, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #1: Welcome [Back]!

Hooray for the start of another program year. It was great to see so many returning delegates this week AND so many new delegates, too! We're really excited for the coming year.

You'll receive weekly delegation bulletins (usually on Friday) so make sure to check your email or the FB group at least once a week (by Tuesday afternoon at the latest!) to keep up on the latest news and updates.

Here's what you need to know for next week:

1.) We'll meet again on Wednesday, August 26, at 6pm at the Sacramento Central YMCA (2021 W Street). This week, we'll jump into the bill writing basics after we spend some time getting to know one another. You'll also hear about our first fundraiser of the year and our upcoming Coalition retreat.

2.) Parents and delegates who missed the first meeting are invited to hang out after our regular meeting concludes to go over registration information and get all of your questions answered.

3.) Don't forget to bring back your registration materials! If you attended our meeting last Wednesday, you should've received registration materials for the year. If you couldn't make it (or if you lost your paperwork), just follow these steps to register:

(Remember) You can find all forms and meeting handouts any time in the Sac Central online docs and forms folder.

Here’s what you need to do to register for our program.

STEP 1: Complete the online registration form found here: http://bit.ly/capcoreg2015

STEP 2: Complete and return the registration packet found here:

STEP 3: Complete and return the Y-Assist Financial Aid application (if applicable) found here: Cover Letter and Application

STEP 4: Check out the Delegation Calendar found here.

STEP 5: Parents, there’s some interesting stuff here.

STEP 6: Questions? Check out this Contact Info doc on where to find answers:

4.) It's time to brush up on current events. Check out these articles about California policy and legislation. We might just chat about them a bit next week:
-Four years ago, California made Amazon start collecting sales tax for online purchases by Californians. How'd that work out? http://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article31669109.html
-Police training and tactics are in the news a lot right now. What do you think about the issue? http://www.latimes.com/local/crime/la-me-warrior-guardians-20150821-story.html
-Should research animals be made available for adoption? Returners: Can you find the legislation discussed in this article? http://www.latimes.com/local/political/la-me-pc-california-senate-acts-to-require-adoption-of-cats-and-dogs-used-in-research-20150820-story.html

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