- January 9 - Regular meetings resume
- January 16 - Mandatory pre-conference meeting
- January 19-21 - Training & Elections Conference II (Fresno)
- January 23 - Regular meeting
- January 30 - Regular meeting
- February 6 - Mandatory pre-conference meeting for ALL delegates and a family member (new and returning).
- February 13 - No meeting
- February 14-18 - 71st Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)
2.) Training & Elections Conference II: We'll leave for our next conference around 9am on Saturday, January 19. During this conference, you'll meet in your program area groups to learn about how your program areas work and what you'll be responsible for at Sac Conference. Our mandatory pre-conference prep meeting is Wednesday, January 16. Want to double-check your program area? Click here.
- Several program areas (NIC, DOF, LegAn) require you to submit proposals immediately after T&EII, so make sure that you pay close attention to submission instructions and deadlines! It will be your responsibility to get your materials in on time. NIC delegates must bring 20 copies of their draft proposals to T&EII (one signed by the lead advisor).
2A.) Candidates and Leadership Applicants/Applied Program Area Applicants:
- If you are running for elected office, make sure you have reviewed the campaign rules and that you are tracking any campaign expenditures. You MUST bring to conference check-in a completed campaign finance disclosure form to be signed by your lead advisor even if you incurred no campaign expenses! Every candidate must submit a form upon arrival to Fresno, even if it's blank!
- If you have applied for appointed leadership, make sure that you read your email regularly between now and the conference and review the conference schedule when it is released next week to check your interview times and locations.
- That includes applicants for program areas such as Supreme Court and CET and special programs like NJC and YMCA175.
3.) T&EII Monday Lunch Orders AND READING TEST: At T&EII, you'll be provided with dinner on Saturday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Sunday, and breakfast on Monday. The conference does not provide lunch on Monday before we leave for home and we will make no lunch stops. If you would like to purchase a lunch for the bus ride (HIGHLY ENCOURAGED) use this form to place your Subway sandwich order. You must bring $7 when you check-in at the buses on Saturday Jan 19. EXACT CHANGE ONLY. http://bit.ly/te2lunch
- This is a reading test. Even if you don't want lunch, please complete the form and select "I don't want a sandwich" from the drop down!
4.) Sac Rack: For new delegates, "Sac Rack" (which is now being called "Cali's Closet by CalYMCA but old advisors are slow to learn new tricks) is a pop-up boutique at T&EII where you can "shop" for Sac-attire, professional wardrobe pieces at very low cost (generally between $1-$5). Vouchers will be provided to all Y-Assist Applicants as well. If you would benefit from a voucher and are not a Y-Assist applicant, please email Christiana ASAP.
5.) Sac Rack Donations: As part of the Sac Rack process, Y&G collects new or gently used professional attire. You can help by bringing donations to the YMCA (2021 W Street) between now and January 18. Here is a flyer you can share with your friends, coworkers, etc, to encourage them to donate as well! If you'd like a customized flyer to post at your place of work, we're happy to provide you with one. Email details to Christiana.
Make Your Voice Heard in Sacramento!: This past November, the voters in Sacramento voted to extend and increase a special sales tax. Now, the City is putting together a committee to oversee how that money is spent. One member of the committee must be between the ages of 16 and 24 years old. No reason that can't be YOU! If you live in the City of Sacramento, apply today to represent your fellow Sacramentans on this important topic. For more info, check out this website. Applications are due by 5pm on January 9.
Payment Reminder: The fourth and final program payment for the year was due by December 14. Payments can be made online here (online payment instructions found here) or over the phone by calling the YMCA Front Desk at 916-452-9622 ext 0. Checks are payable to "Sacramento Central YMCA" and should be dropped off at the YMCA as soon as possible.
Conference Attendance: We have two remaining conferences this year. Please review our conference attendance policy:
- For T&EII (Jan 19-21): Partial attendance is not permitted except in extraordinary circumstances. Regular season sport events, meets, regular season academic club meets, finals, school projects, etc, are not extraordinary circumstances. You are expected to travel to the conference with the delegation, attend the entire conference, and travel home again with the delegation.
- For ML/C ("Sac Conference," Feb 14-18): Partial attendance is not permitted. Though we happen to be the home team, pretend the conference is located in SoCal, Texas, or the dark side of the moon. No ins-and-outs.
Parent Corner
- Looking Ahead: Our next conference runs from Saturday, January 19 through Monday, January 21. We will likely depart from the YMCA around 9am on Saturday and return around 3pm on Monday. Our final conference, the full Model Legislature & Court, runs from Thursday, February 14 through Monday, February 18. Unlike our Fresno trips, because the final conference is here in Sacramento, parents must provide transportation to and from the downtown Sacramento area. Plan for Thursday arrival around 10am and Monday pick-up around 9am. Our February 6 pre-MLC meeting will be mandatory for all delegates and a member of each delegate's family. Please make plans to attend!
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
January 9, 2019: Regular meetings resume
January 16, 2019: Mandatory pre-conference meeting
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno (Sat morning-Mon afternoon)
February 6, 2019: Mandatory pre-conference meetingFebruary 13, 2019: No meeting
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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