1.) Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting This Week: All delegates must attend this week's pre-conference meeting. Parents are welcome, but not required, to attend. (Parents will be required to attend our Feb 6 pre-Sacramento Conference meeting.) We're leaving for Fresno on Saturday morning at 9am from the YMCA. You'll get allllll the other info you need at this week's meeting.
2.) Monday Lunch Order: If you haven't yet, use this form to place your Subway sandwich order. You must bring $7 when you check-in at the buses on Saturday Jan 19. EXACT CHANGE ONLY. http://bit.ly/te2lunch
3.) Delegation Officer Elections (72nd MLC): This year's delegation elections calendar is as follows:
- January 14: Elections Information Distributed
- January 23: Deadline to file to run for an officer position
- January 30: Delegation Elections
- February 27: Swearing-In Ceremony at the Annual Celebration Banquet
All delegates planning to return for next year's program are eligible to run for an officer position. All delegates should carefully review the leadership expectations and officer duty statements. Delegates self-nominate for the position in which they are interested by completing this candidate form. All candidates must complete the form by January 23. Candidate information will be distributed in the January 24 delegation bulletin. Candidates will have 2 min and 30 seconds to deliver their candidate speech at our January 30 meeting. Delegates may ask candidates questions. Elections will be held January 30 and officers-elect will be sworn-in at our Celebration Banquet on February 27 (after Sac Conference).
4.) Third Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet - Save the Date!: Our annual Celebration Banquet will take place on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from 6:15-8:00pm at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova. Ticket information will be available in the next bulletin.
- MUN Secretariat: MUN is our Model United Nations program for middle school students. MLC delegates have the opportunity to attend MUN Conferences as Secretariats - role models and helpers for the younger generation. For more information, please click here. Applications are available in Reggo. Due January 22. Financial aid is available, click here. (You must submit the application directly to CalYMCA. Transportation may be available with our MUN delegations if there is space.)
- Conference on National Affairs (CONA): CONA is a ten-day national Y&G program that brings together delegations from all over the US for an NIC-style debate program. Twenty-five delegates from California are selected for this prestigious program. More information can be found here. Financial aid is available through CalYMCA if you are selected. Apply in Reggo. Due: February 1. NOTE: A lead advisor recommendation is required and must be requested no later than February 1.
- CalYMCA Governing Board, Youth Member: Applications are now open for youth member spots on the CalYMCA Governing Board. In this role you represent your fellow delegates with a vote on the Board of Directors that makes important policy decisions about our programs. This is a very important position with a lot of responsibility and the power to have a lasting impact on Y&G. Requires quarterly meeting attendance. Travel provided by CalYMCA. Apply in Reggo. Due: February 1
- YMCA175: we are waiting on some additional information before we know whether a Sacramento Central Delegation to this London conference is possible. In the meantime, if you are interested in this program, please apply for the Y&G Delegation via Reggo. Due: February 1
You must notify me if you apply for any of these programs so that I can approve your application. Failure to let me know means your application won't be considered by CalYMCA.
Candidates and Leadership Applicants/Applied Program Area Applicants:
- If you are running for elected office, make sure you have reviewed the campaign rules and that you are tracking any campaign expenditures. You MUST bring to conference check-in a completed campaign finance disclosure form to be signed by your lead advisor even if you incurred no campaign expenses! Every candidate must submit a form upon arrival to Fresno, even if it's blank!
- If you have applied for appointed leadership, make sure that you read your email regularly between now and the conference and review the conference schedule when it is released next week to check your interview times and locations.
- That includes applicants for program areas such as Supreme Court and CET and special programs like NJC and YMCA175.
Sac Rack: For new delegates, "Sac Rack" (which is now being called "Cali's Closet by CalYMCA but old advisors are slow to learn new tricks) is a pop-up boutique at T&EII where you can "shop" for Sac-attire, professional wardrobe pieces at very low cost (generally between $1-$5). Vouchers will be provided to all Y-Assist Applicants as well. If you would benefit from a voucher and are not a Y-Assist applicant, please email Christiana ASAP.
Sac Rack Donations: As part of the Sac Rack process, Y&G collects new or gently used professional attire. You can help by bringing donations to the YMCA (2021 W Street) between now and January 18. Here is a flyer you can share with your friends, coworkers, etc, to encourage them to donate as well!
Parent Corner
-Verizon & Remind: Earlier today, you received an email about Remind text messaging no longer working with Verizon phones (note this DOES NOT impact our upcoming conference. It is schedule to take effect January 28). If you are a Verizon customer, please consider calling or tweeting Verizon to ask them to reconsider. For more information, please click here.
-Model United Nations Returns to Sac Central YMCA! This week sees the return of the Model Legislature & Court's companion program for middle school students (grades 6-8) to the Sacramento area. It's been a few years since we have been able to offer the Model United Nations program and we're so excited to bring it back! If you have a middle school student at home or have friends with children in that age group, please pass along our flyer, brochure, and an invitation to attend our first meeting tomorrow, January 8, 2019 from 6:15-7:30pm at the Tahoe Park Community Center (5959) 8th Avenue). Registration is now open!
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
January 16, 2019: Mandatory pre-conference meeting
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno (Sat morning-Mon afternoon)
February 6, 2019: Mandatory pre-conference meetingFebruary 13, 2019: No meeting
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento
February 27, 2019: Third Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet, Old Spaghetti Factory, Rancho Cordova
February 27, 2019: Third Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet, Old Spaghetti Factory, Rancho Cordova
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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