We return to Fresno this weekend in our program areas and ready to work! Make the most out of this weekend! The most common goal shared yesterday was meeting new people - so get out there and mingle! But first . . . .
Our goal is 100% participation within our Coalition with a target of $3000 raised. Make a gift that is meaningful to you to ensure that we can continue to fulfill the promise of YMCA programs in Sacramento. For more information, and to make a donation online, please click here: https://www.classy.org/team/205907 (If you prefer to give by check or cash, our pledge form can be found here.)
Here are some of the reasons our delegates gave for giving:
Thank you for your generosity!
And now, on to pre-conference information!
1.) Pre-Conference Info: Here is the pre-con letter, with packing list, distributed at last night's meeting. Parents/Family: if you were not present at last night's meeting please review this letter carefully with your delegate. Don't forget to bring your delegation sweatshirt! Weather Advisory: the forecast has some rain during our trip. Pack layers and an umbrella!
2.) Schedule: If you would like to preview the conference schedule, you can review it here. You do not need to print it out now as you will be given a copy when we arrive in Fresno.
- Sac Schedule: At-a-glance Sac Central Schedule and delegate contact info: https://airtable.com/shr5capXhZ9fdGsuo
- NOTE: Blank spots do not indicate you have no session. Your location may vary by program area subgroup. Check your printed schedule.
- This is a reference but the printed schedule and any updates sent by advisors rule.
- Stuff changes! Keep an eye on groupme and remind!
- Here is a link to all Coalition families/delegations schedule.
- Here is an at-a-glance schedule by program area.
- Applicants/Candidates: If you are a leadership applicant, or candidate, here is your special event schedule: https://airtable.com/shrHOSpLDiVO2dE3Q
- Note: NJC interviews have not been scheduled yet and do not appear here.
- Delegation Officer Meetings: Presidents and Chaplains have meetings to attend: https://airtable.com/shrinbUnXKVwFUYx2
- Program Areas: Here are the program area assignments for all of Capitol Coalition: https://airtable.com/shr9aaVqNRaZohglN
- Not Anonymous Button Award: If you get caught living any of our CapCo Values through your actions, you'll earn your Not Anonymous button. As a reminder our values are: the YMCAs - Caring Honesty, Respect, Responsibility; ours - Respect, Responsibility, Purpose; Eldo's - Empathy, Encouragement, Dedication; and Gold Co's - Empathy, Open-Mindedness, Perseverance. Nominate your friends here: http://bit.ly/buttonaward
- Buddy Photo Challenge! Don't forget to get pics (list here) with your buddy and upload them to the photo pool!: http://bit.ly/buddyphotos71
4.) Travel Info:
- Departure: Be at the YMCA (2021 W Street) by 8:45am. Parents - please do not leave until you have checked your delegate in with an advisor.
- Eat breakfast before you come and bring a sack lunch.
- TRAFFIC ADVISORY: The Sacramento Women's March is scheduled for this Saturday morning. We do not anticipate an impact to traffic to or near the YMCA but check google and allow extra time just in case!
- Return: (estimated) 3:30-4:30pm, Monday, Jan 21 to the Sac Central YMCA
- Meals: Dinner on Saturday, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Sunday, and Breakfast on Monday will be provided.
- You have until this evening to pre-order your lunch for the bus ride back on Monday!
- Bring your $7 exact change for you ordered Monday lunch to bus-checkin on Saturday.
- Spending Money? Not required however many delegations (including ours) sell souvenirs or snacks that you have the option of buying if you wish to bring some pocket money with you.
5.) Hotel Housing Note: At our Fresno conference, we'll again be staying at the Comfort Suites hotel in the River Park area of Fresno. We will be taking a shuttle bus from the hotel to the conference in the morning and back again in the evening. Please Note: as always Delegates will be housed 4-to-a-room and hotels don't have 4 beds in a room. Bring sleeping bags if necessary.
- Click here to see roommate groupings. Use this opportunity to make new friends. As mentioned, you'll be spending very little time in your rooms and you'll be sleeping while in them for the most part.
Don't forget to read this week's regular bulletin, too! Lots of exciting opportunities you don't want to miss! Read it here.
Parent Corner
- Please review the Code of Conduct (en espaƱol) with your delegate. Discuss with them the importance of making good choices. Unfortunately, at the last conference, our Coalition sent home several delegates who made poor choices - primarily by bringing vape-related products to conference. We have asked delegates to give us 55 hours of their time focused on making the most out of Youth & Government. Please discuss the importance of respecting themselves, their peers, and their advisors enough to refrain from bringing these items to conference.
- Emergency Contact: If you will be out of town or unreachable this weekend, please provide me with an alternative emergency contact who is available to respond to any (unlikely) emergencies that arise this weekend.
- Sac Conference Attendance: Sac Conference is Feb 14-18 and constitutes an excused absence from school under the Education Code. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you again that regular season sports or other regular, predictable, or recurring events (like homework or tests) do not constitute valid excuses for missing any part of Sac Conference. Exceptions will only be granted on a case-by-case basis for special circumstances (like state championships, meetings with the pope or president, that sort of thing).
It may seem like no big deal to pop out for a couple of hours, but your advisors are responsible for knowing the whereabouts of 140 people at all times and tracking delegate location when every one is at conference is tricky enough. Y&G is also preparing delegates for real life in that, in life, sometimes you have to make tough choices about what activities to prioritize.
We thank you for respecting this policy and helping us ensure a safe and positive experience for all delegates.
See you on Saturday!!
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Sac Central Delegation Stands For Respect, Responsibility, and Purpose
Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno (Sat morning-Mon afternoon)
January 19-31: Capitol Coalition Annual Campaign (Give online or return this form)
February 6, 2019: Mandatory pre-conference meeting
February 13, 2019: No meeting
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento
February 27, 2019: Third Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet, Old Spaghetti Factory, Rancho Cordova (Ticketing link coming soon!)
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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