Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2019-20 El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #5

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.” – 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy 

1.) Volunteering: Helps the Community and Helps Us! Thank you to all of the delegates and advisors who participated in the Quick Quack carwash this past Saturday! If you missed that event, fret not! There are more volunteer events coming up. Sign-ups for all events are now available here.
  • Saturday, September 21: Great American River Clean Up, Negro Bar State Park, 9a-12pm;  (4 points)
  • Field Day: Saturday, September 28: 10am-3pm, Sacramento Central YMCA (2021 W Street): Lunch, activities, and t-shirt. $15 fee to attend to cover food and materials. Payable by check or cash (in a LABELED envelope!) (4 points)
A note about attendance at the Quick Quack car wash. We have a large amount of delegates sign up to volunteer at the event, and a large number of delegates email or message advisors saying they couldn't come last minute. While we always understand that things come up, do you best to honor the things you commit to. Dedication is one of our values, lets #liveourvalues by being dedicated to the things we say we are going to do.

2.) 2019-20 El Dorado Delegation Sweatshirt Designs:  The call for this year's El Dorado sweatshirt designs is now open! Please submit your sweatshirt designs to this google drive folder as a PDF. All designs need to incorporate the El Dorado delegation name and be Y-appropriate (no drug, alcohol, or offensive designs). I have included some previous design ideas in the folder for reference. Please make the designs no more than two colors as we have to pay more for additional colors in the design. Submit your designs by Oct 3, 2019.
3.) T&E I Leadership Applications & Descriptions: Elected Leadership applications for the 72nd Training & Elections I are available in Reggo now. Registrations are due by Thursday, October 3rd.
  • You can find a complete list of MLC appointed and elected positions with descriptions on the MLC Resources page under the Leadership & Elections Page.
  • New Development & New For This Year! Forum Chairs will apply via an application in Reggo, and the application is open now.
Reggo will allow you to submit up to one application each for elected leadership, appointed leadership, and an appointed program. Click here for instructions on how to access leadership forms in Reggo. 
71st MLC Election Changes
The number of delegates El Dorado can run for an elected leadership position has changed. The new maximum number of delegates a delegation can run is 4. 
Elected Leadership is broken down into three categories. There are a limited/unlimited number of candidates per delegation that can run in each category. The breakdown is:
  • Category 1: Forum Lt. Gov, Forum Speaker, Lt. Gov, Speaker, Sec of State, Chief Justice. Max 1 candidate in category 1
  • Category 2Speaker and Pro-Tem of ConCon, IAC Chief Rap, District Attorney, Legislative Pro-Tems, NIC PC, Attorney General.  Max 4 candidates from category 2. (or 3 if you have 1 from category 1)
  • Category 3: State Superintendent of Public Instruction, CIB State Treasurer, State Legislative Analyst, Youth Governor  (Formerly grassroots positions. No limit as to how many can run per delegation.)
El Dorado may only have four candidates for Elected Office between Categories one and two each year. For a quick list of elected leadership positions and their categories, please click here. 

To be eligible to run for Youth Governor, delegates must complete the 73rd Youth Governor Intent to Run application in Reggo, attend a meeting at T&E I, and get lead advisor approval to run within their I&A party. It is possible for multiple delegates in the same delegation to run for Youth Governor if they meet the above requirements. 
  • Lead and Governor Lobbyist interviews have been moved to T&E I. These interviews are conducted via a phone call. Results will be announced at T&E I.
73rd Youth Governor Update  
The process for running for the 73rd MLC Youth Governor has changed this year. Here are steps:
  1. Submit an Intent to Run application in Reggo. Your political party is the party you were assigned during the 71st MLC. Application deadline is October 3, 2019.
  2. After the application deadline, candidates will be sent a position information form with Youth Governor expectations, important dates, and job duties. Candidates will need to print out the form and acquire the proper signatures.
  3. Attend the Youth Governor information session prior to opening session at Training & Elections Conference I and turn in the information form with all signatures. 
    If you have questions, email elections@calymca.org
What does this all mean? It means, if you are interested in running for an elected, leadership appointed, or appointed position please let me know ASAP so we can begin coordinating. If there are multiple candidates that would like to run for the same office, we will also need to hold a delegation primary. Please take a look at this information and let's chat!

4.) Bills, Bills, Bills! The bill develop process is now in full swing. Please spend this week thinking of ideas for your family's bill idea. The California state legislature adjourned last Friday (well technically at 3am on Saturday morning) with many bills failing to pass. I encourage you to look at some of the bills that did not pass this year to use as inspiration for your bill. If you are having trouble, please reach out to your family leader or advisor for help. Bring your bill idea to this week's meeting to discuss further with your family. Remember, there are two criteria for a good bill idea: 1) It cannot be existing law and 2) It has to pertain to California (sorry no federal bills). Best of luck with your bill idea search! 

Parent Corner

First Payment Was Due Last WeekPlease note that our first payment is due Sept 13. You have three payment options this year:
  1. Pay the entire program fee of $1750 via check payable to the "YMCA of Superior California" or online here
  2. Pay the first installment of $437.50 (via check or online) and return the completed Bank Draft (EFT) Enrollment Form (found in the paperwork packet)
  3. Submit your completed Y-Assist Application with supporting documentation and a deposit of $100 via check or online. Please note that Y-Assist Applications without supporting documentation cannot be processed.
The YMCA is committed to equal program access for all interested in participating in Y&G. If payments ever present a hardship, talk to us. We are here to help. If you want to do this program, then we want you to do this program, too. 

Join us for S'moresfest 2019! Each year, the YMCA's fall fundraising gala provides us with the opportunity to meet fellow YMCA supporters as we eat BBQ and gourmet s'mores, drink beer and wine, and shoot arrows. (Yes, all of that happens). Parents are invited for a great date night out for a great cause. Early bird tickets are just $50 each and are on sale now! Sponsor opportunities are still available. And we're still on the lookout for a last couple of live-auction packages. If you have a vacation home or an interesting job/connection/idea for a behind the scenes tour or experience, contact Derek today! 

Bill Hearing Night Date Change: After speaking with the delegates, officers, and advisors, I have decided to move Bill Hearing Night up one week to Thursday Oct. 24th to remove the conflict with Halloween. (Apparently most of the delegation and advisors care more about Halloween than I do, whoops!) Please make a note of this so you can mark your calendars to attend. 

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation

Helpful Links:
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Question about the Sacramento Central YMCA?
Question about CalYMCA?
Want to know how many points you have?
Want to know which family you are in?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 13, 2019 - First Payment Due
Sept. 21, 2019 - Great American River Clean Up Volunteer Event (Folsom)
Sept. 28, 2019 - Capitol Coalition Field Day (Sacramento)
October 12, 2019 - Smoresfest 2019 YMCA Fundraising Gala (Sacramento)  
Oct. 18, 2019 -Second Payment Due
Oct. 24, 2019 -Bill Hearing Night - Open to Friends and Family (Oak Ridge)
November 9-11, 2019 -Training and Elections 1 Conference (Fresno)
Nov. 15, 2019 - Third Payment Due
December 13, 2019 - Fourth and Final Payment Due
January 18-20, 2020 -Training and Elections 2 Conference (Fresno)
February 13-17, 2020 -
72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)

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