Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #4

At last week's meeting, we broke into bill groups and started discussing our bill ideas. This week, you'll need to be prepared to narrow down your list to one bill idea that you'll work on throughout October and present at Bill Hearing Night.

At the next meeting: We'll take a quick break from bills to talk about our delegation values for this year. We'll be thinking about how we want to be known in Y&G and develop our delegation motto. We also will be choosing our delegation sweatshirt design!  
What's due: Sweatshirt Design Ideas; Leadership Candidate and Applicant Decisions
Now Officially Overdue: Conference registration

Here's what you need to know this week:

1.) Mandatory Meeting This Week: This week is our most important meeting of the year: the one where we will set our Delegation Values for this year. We'll decide together what's most important to us and how we want to be known statewide. Make sure you're there.

UPDATED: To prepare, take a moment to check out these two recent news stories:
2.) Sweatshirt Designs: This year, out sweatshirts will be gold. Sweatshirt design ideas are due this week. Here is an album of previous shirt designs. Bring your design ideas this week! We'll be choosing during the first 15 minutes of our meeting so don't be late!

3.) Leadership Opportunities: There are lots of elected and appointed leadership opportunities in Y&G, both statewide and within various program.  Everyone is qualified for multiple opportunities - check this chart to see what you can run or apply for!. Check out this information on elected/appointed positions. We HIGHLY encourage everyone to take a chance and apply or run for offices available to you! Applications are already available in Reggo (click here for info on how to access applications). Leadership apps are due in Reggo by 6pm on Wednesday, October 2!

4.) Bills, Bills, Bills: Last week we formed Bill Groups. They are:

  • Carenna, Trisha, Liam, Aaron
  • James, Mitchell, Jimmy, Conner
  • Miraya, Jenni Kathina, Priya

While we won't spend much time on bills this week, keep up your bill work! There are lots of resources available! Remember, a bill is a proposed law. Laws are how we set expectations for others in our society, show our values, solve problems, or make life better for all citizens. When you're coming up with a bill idea, think about it in terms of what problem you'd like to solve.
  • Here's what a finished bill looks like, so you know what you're making. 
  • Watch this video about how to start the bill idea and bill research process. 
  • Watch this video about the 4 basic kinds of legislation our State Legislature can consider. 
  • Review this Bill Worksheet - these are the basic questions you'll need to answer about your bill by Bill Hearing Night. (Those questions should sound familiar after last week's presentation!) 
  • Want to know all the current laws? Here they are! (Get to know this site, it's a bill author's best friend!) 
By the October 9, your group needs to have picked a bill topic and started sketching out the answers to the questions on the Bill Worksheet, linked above.


Looking for info? Have a question? Check out the delegation contact info list.

Current Events: You can't set good policy if you don't know what's going on in your community, the state, the country, and the world. Check out the suggested reading link list in last week's bulletin.

Financial Aid: Financial assistance is available and information and applications are available in the paperwork packet. We cannot emphasize this enough: financial concerns should NEVER prevent a delegate from participating in Y&GDon't ghost! Talk to your lead advisor if financial concerns ever arise. 

Family Corner: 

S'moresfest Tickets Are Still Available!! Sponsor opportunities are still available, too. As a thank you to our families for their support - you can use the promo code THANKYOU2019 to get tickets at the early bird price!

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
October 2 - Mandatory Values Meeting
October 12 - S'moresfest 2019 (sign up here)
October 18 - Payment 2 Due
Oct 23 - Practice Bill Hearing Night
October 30 - Mandatory Bill Hearing Night
November 9-11 - Training & Elections Conference I

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

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