Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #2

At last week's meeting, you learned about how organizations (and people) determine what public policy to support or oppose and thought about what you'd expect to hear about a public policy proposal to support it. Keep that foundation in mind as we head into this year's bill development process.

At the next meeting: Parents/Family Members will learn about the program. You'll learn about more Y&G program areas as we welcome guest speaker Dan Smith, former Capitol Bureau Chief for the Sacramento Bee. If there's time, we'll divide into bill groups based on general policy areas of interest.  
What's due: Your $15 Field Day Payment; Fall Event Form.

Here's what else you need to know this week:

1.) Family Meeting: Wednesday, September 18, 6:30-7:15pm Please plan to join us for our annual parent info session on September 18. Delegates will meet while advisory review the calendar, program highlights, and expectations for the year. A parent or guardian from new delegate families is required to attend, returning delegate families are welcomed and encouraged to be there. This is a great chance for any prospective delegates and families to learn about the program as well - so please invite anyone who might be interested in joining us this year! Flyers can be found here and we're happy to chat with folks in advance. Email Christiana with questions.

2.) Wake Up to This Week's Current Event: Come to this weeks meeting prepared to debate this bill - something most of you may find highly relevant to your lives! Here's one background article on the issue - I'm sure there are more if you look. As you look at bills, and as we start to think about the bills we'll write this year, keep the 13 questions on this worksheet in mind. This is the basic info legislators and lobbyists have to keep in mind when trying to pass or kill a bill.

3.) Guest Speaker This Week: As we wrap up the first steps of our bill journey this year, we'll welcome former Sacramento Bee Capitol Bureau Chief Dan Smith to our meeting. Mr. Smith will help us learn about life as a journalist as well as what journalists keep in mind when researching stories - like how do you know what sources to believe and how do you know where to find sources to begin with?

4.) Sweatshirt Designs: This year, out sweatshirts will be gold. Sweatshirt design ideas are due by our September 25 meeting and we'll finalize the design at our October 2 meeting. Here is an album of previous shirt designs.

5.) Returners - Check This Out: Returning delegates can get a jump on elected and appointed leadership apps by checking out this information on elected/appointed positions. Returning delegates have a lot more options and we HIGHLY encourage you to take a chance and apply or run for office! Applications are already available in Reggo (click here for info on how to access applications).

6.) New Delegates ONLY - Check This Out: In Y&G, all delegates are part of a political party - but the parties aren't like real world parties. There are six and they are organized around various policy ideas. Please check out this google form and complete it by ranking your top 4 choices for political party this year. Returners will return to the same parties as last year and have an opportunity to change parties after T&EI; returners should not complete this form. 


Bowling! We'll head over to Capitol Bowl in West Sac at 12:30 after we wrap up the Delta Clean-Up on September 21. One game of bowling, shoe rental, and pizza will be covered by the delegation. Additional games/lane time can be purchased at delegates' expense. Complete the sign up form to RSVP! Let's go bowling!

Get Informed: You can't set good policy if you don't know what's going on in your community, the state, the country, and the world. Here are some resources for staying informed. Start a new habit by starting your day with a quick review of the headlines:

  • Rough & Tumble - a headline aggregation site that runs down the top California headlines each day.
  • Sacramento Bee - a hometown favorite! 
  • Governor's Pres Releases - At this time of year, usually at least once a day, the Governor issues a press release about the bills he has signed and vetoed. Check out veto messages - they can give you ideas on how to improve a bill you might think is a good idea that didn't make it this session. 
  • Capital Public Radio State Government News - The Legislature adjourned its session at 3am on Saturday morning - now, a bunch of bills have died or are heading to the governor. Read over the latest State Government news - a great place to find bill ideas!

Weekly Meetings: Delegates should be at Tahoe Park Community Center ready to get to work at 6:30pm each week. Our meetings end at 8:00pm. Delegates should bring a notebook, pen, and calendar/planner to every meeting.

Financial Aid: Financial assistance is available and information and applications are available in the paperwork packet. We cannot emphasize this enough: financial concerns should NEVER prevent a delegate from participating in Y&GDon't ghost! Talk to your lead advisor if financial concerns ever arise. 

Fall Volunteer Events and CapCo Field Day: Thank you to all who came to our parking lot fundraiser! Next up is Delta Clean Up + Bowling. Then we have Field Day and S'moresfest. If you haven't signed up yet, do it quick!

Family Corner: 

Join us for S'moresfest 2019! Each year, the YMCA's fall fundraising gala provides us with the opportunity to meet fellow YMCA supporters as we eat BBQ and gourmet s'mores, drink beer and wine, and shoot arrows. (Yes, all of that happens). Parents are invited for a great date night out for a great cause. Early bird tickets are just $50 each and are on sale now! Sponsor opportunities are still available. And we're still on the lookout for a last couple of live-auction packages. If you have a vacation home or an interesting job/connection/idea for a behind the scenes tour or experience, contact Christiana today! 

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
September 13- Paperwork and First Payment Due
September 18 - Parents Meeting, 6:30-7:15pm
September 21 - Delta Clean-Up Day & Bowling (sign up here)
September 25 - Sweatshirt Designs Ideas Due
September 28 - CapCo Field Day (sign up here)
October 12 - Smoresfest 2019 (sign up here)
October 18 - Payment 2 Due
October 30 - Mandatory Bill Hearing Night
November 9-11 - Training & Elections Conference I

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

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