Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Gold Country MLC Bulletin #3

Thank you to those of you who came out on Saturday to help clean up Deer Creek! We sure saved a lot of trash from polluting the Yuba River Watershed. Nicely done. In case you missed it, enjoy the attached photo taken at the event. [check your email for the photo!]

At the last meeting, Nevada County Judge Tom Anderson spoke with us about how the court system works to enforce laws. The Courts program of Y&G closely mirrors the California court system and features Bench and Jury Trials, along with Appellate and Supreme Court programs.

At the next meeting: We'll be talking about our values, hearing from our local mayors, and kicking off the bill development process!
What's due: Political Parties Ranking Sheet (new delegates only)
Now officially overdue: Delegation Registrationpaperworkpayment 1, conference registration

Here's what you need to know this week:

1.) Field Day is Saturday, September 28: 10am-3pm, Sacramento Central YMCA (2021 W Street). You'll get lunch, activities, and a CapCo t-shirt! If you haven't RSVP'ed yet, PLEASE do so at bit.ly/falleventsignup. As of right now I have received the following RSVPs: Ethan, Jihada, Mia, Nalasia, Skyler. If you would like to come but aren't listed, PLEASE LET ME KNOW BY TOMORROW (MONDAY) so that we can be sure you get a t-shirt.

2.) 2019-20 Gold Country Delegation Sweatshirt Designs:  The call for this year's GoldCo sweatshirt designs is now open! Please submit your sweatshirt designs by bringing them to the 10/3 meeting. All designs need to incorporate the Gold Country delegation name, show up well on GOLD sweatshirts, and be Y-appropriate (no drug, alcohol, or offensive designs).Please make the designs no more than two colors to keep costs down (white and black count as colors).

2a.) We will dedicate fifteen minutes of this week's meeting to deciding together what's most important to us and how we want to be known statewide. This discussion will lead to our identifying our three delegation values together, values which will be displayed on the back of our sweatshirt.  
3.) T&E I Leadership Applications & Descriptions: Elected Leadership applications for the 72nd Training & Elections 1 are available in Reggo now. Registrations are due by Thursday, October 3rd. Click here for instructions on how to access leadership forms in Reggo. You may submit up to one application each for elected leadership, appointed leadership, and an appointed program. 
MLC leadership position descriptions can be found here for elected and here for appointed. A "quick view" of all positions can be found here--pay special attention to those needing application prior to T&E-I. 
Those serious about leadership positions, please review the rules hereIF YOU INTEND TO RUN OR APPLY, PLEASE LET ME (MJ) KNOW ASAP.  
New This Year! Forum (Freshman) Committee Chairpersons will apply via an application in Reggo, and the application is open now. 
4.) Next Guest Speakers: At this coming meeting, we'll be hosting TWO guest speakers: the mayors of Grass Valley (Lisa Swarthout) and Nevada City (Reinette Senum)! They'll be talking about great ways to make a difference locally in your areas of interest.

Bills, Bills, Bills! At the last meeting, we split into three bill groups with preliminary focus areas: (1) Homelessness, (2) Food Waste Reduction, and (3) Environment.

If you missed the meeting, rest assured that nothing was set in stone. You should join the bill group that most closely matches what you want to change about California policy, and then you'll have a chance to contribute to the discussion about identifying a bill topic. Hopefully we'll have bill groups of even sizes, so if you don't know yet what you want to do, keeping yourself open to go where you're needed is just dandy. 

Please spend this week thinking of bill ideas. The California State Legislature
adjourned last Friday with many bills failing to pass. Check out bills that did not pass this year at the California Legislative Information site to use as potential inspiration for your bill. Bring your bill idea to this week's meeting to discuss further with group. Remember, there are two criteria for a good bill idea: 1) It cannot be existing law, and 2) It has to pertain to California (no federal bills).

You'll want to bring ANY bill ideas, no matter how loosely formed, to the meeting. Here are the videos and handouts from our past few meetings, in case you could use a refresher:
  • Watch this video about how to start the bill idea and bill research process. 
  • Watch this video about the 4 basic kinds of legislation our State Legislature can consider. 
  • Review this Bill Worksheet - these are the basic questions you'll need to answer about your bill by Bill Hearing Night (October 28). 

Current Events: You can't set good policy if you don't know what's going on in your community, the state, the country, and the world. Check out the suggested reading link list in last week's bulletin. 

Financial Aid: Financial assistance is available and information and applications are available in the paperwork packet. We cannot emphasize this enough: financial concerns should NEVER prevent a delegate from participating in Y&GDon't ghost! Talk to your lead advisor or Dylan (see email for phone number) if financial concerns ever arise. 

Parent Corner

EARLY BIRD TICKET PRICING ENDS MONDAY NIGHT! Join us for S'moresfest 2019! Each year, the YMCA's fall fundraising gala provides us with the opportunity to meet fellow YMCA supporters as we eat BBQ and gourmet s'mores, drink beer and wine, and shoot arrows. (Yes, all of that happens). Parents are invited for a great date night out for a great cause. Early bird tickets are just $50 each and are on sale now! Sponsor opportunities are still available. And we're still on the lookout for a last couple of live-auction packages. If you have a vacation home or an interesting job/connection/idea for a behind the scenes tour or experience, contact MaryJane today! 

Lead Advisor

Helpful Links:
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Looking for forms or handouts?

Mark your calendars!
Sept. 28, 2019 - Capitol Coalition Field Day (Sacramento/(sign up here))
October 12, 2019 - S'moresfest 2019 YMCA Fundraising Gala (Sacramento/sign up here to volunteer)  
Oct. 18, 2019 -Second Payment Due
Oct. 28, 2019 -Bill Hearing Night - Open to Friends and Family (Grass Valley City Hall)
November 9-11, 2019 -Training and Elections 1 Conference (Fresno)
Nov. 15, 2019 - Third Payment Due
December 13, 2019 - Fourth and Final Payment Due
January 18-20, 2020 -Training and Elections 2 Conference (Fresno)
February 13-17, 2020 -
72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.  

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