"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Bill hearing night is this week! I am so excited for all of you to show off the dedication, encouragement, and empathy you have put into your family's bills. There will be judges from both Oak Ridge and the real legislative community who will be assessing your bills and giving you constructive feedback. Make sure to have all of your bill language and speeches ready for your presentations. Practice makes perfect, so I encourage you to time your speeches and say it to your friends and family first to practice. Let your family leader or advisor (or me!) know if you need help! Best luck on Thursday!
1.) Bill Hearing Night THIS WEEK (10/24): Our bill hearing night is this Thursday, Oct 24th from 6-9pm. We are splitting our meeting into two halves, 5 families will present between 6-7:30pm and the remaining 5 from 7:30-9pm. You need only to attend the half of the night with your bill, but you are welcome to stay for the whole meeting. Below is the order and group of each family:
Group 1: 6-7:30pm
1) Adams
2) Arico
3) Durham
4) Parish
5) Stafford
2) Arico
3) Durham
4) Parish
5) Stafford
Group 2: 7:30-9pm
1) Borg
2) Causley
3) Driscoll
4) Melehani
5) Merchant
2) Causley
3) Driscoll
4) Melehani
5) Merchant
This event is open to the public, so be sure to bring your friends and family!
Additionally, all delegates are required to wear Sac Attire to this meeting, even if you are not presenting. For those who do not know what Sac Attire is, it means wear business professional clothing. Here is a link to the official dress code for the 72nd Model Legislature and Court system.
The structure of bill hearing night is each family gets 15 minutes to present their bill to the audience and judges. Below is the breakdown for time each role gets to speak:
- Delegation secretary reads enacting clause of bill (30 seconds)
- Sponsor speech (3 minutes) - purpose and major provisions of bill
- Legislative Analyst Speech (2 minutes) – fiscal analysis of the bill
- Pro-Lobbyist speech (2 minutes)
- Con-Lobbyist speech (2 minutes)
- Sponsor's summation speech (3 minutes)
- Judges scoring and comments on bill (3 minutes)
This year, only 4 bills will advance to the conference. The judges will rank their top 4 bills and we will announce the winners at the end of the night. You definitely want to make sure your family's bill is one of the top 4!
I will be pulling the bills from this folder, so be sure the final bill language in your family's bill template here!
Last, but not least, you will receive 10, yes 10 points, for attending bill hearing night and an additional 1 point if you bring a friend or parent! These points will help you get the program area of your choice after the first conference. Ask a returner about the points if you have questions.
2.) Upcoming Weekly Meeting Schedule: We have a busy schedule the next couple weeks. Please mark your calendars for these events in the coming weeks:
- Bill Hearing Night - 10/24
- No Meeting (Happy Halloween) - 10/31
- Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting - 11/7
- Training and Elections 1 Conference - 11/9-11/11
3.) Mandatory Parent and Delegate Pre-Conference Meeting (11/7): Our first Fresno conference is right around the corner! Make sure you attend our mandatory pre-conference meeting to discuss the logistics, and what you will be doing as delegate at the conference. If you are a new delegate (or a returner!) this meeting will be especially important to attend. Each delegate will get 5 points if they attend this mandatory meeting and an additional 2 points if they bring an adult member of their family. Get those points y'all!
4.) Fresno Conference Lunch Order: Please fill-out this link for your Fresno 1 conference lunch order for the bus ride home. Since the conference does not provide lunch on Nov 11, we order lunch from Subway to eat on the way home. If you would like to order a sandwich for the ride home on the 11th, fill-out this form and bring $7 in EXACT CHANGE IN CASH to the bus on Nov 9th. More details to come about the Fresno conference in the coming weeks.
Parent Corner
- Mandatory Parent and Delegate Pre-Conference Meeting (11/7): Our mandatory parent pre-conference meeting is Nov 11 at 6:30pm. Please attend this meeting to learn about the conference, the logistics, and what your delegate will be doing there. If you cannot make this meeting, please let me know.
- Friendly Payment Reminder - Oct 18th: Our second payment installment of $437.50 was due last week, on Oct. 18th. Please pay here online or have your delegate bring a check made out to the Sacramento Central YMCA to this week's meeting. Please contact Dylan O'Tarrow if you have any questions about payments.
As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!
Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation
Helpful Links:
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Question about our delegation?
Want to know how many points you have?
Want to know which family you are in?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
Oct. 18, 2019 -Second Payment Due
Oct. 24, 2019 -Bill Hearing Night - Open to Friends and Family (Oak Ridge)
November 9-11, 2019 -Training and Elections 1 Conference (Fresno)
Nov. 15, 2019 - Third Payment Due
December 13, 2019 - Fourth and Final Payment Due
January 18-20, 2020 -Training and Elections 2 Conference (Fresno)
February 13-17, 2020 -72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)
February 13-17, 2020 -72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)
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