Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #8: BHN Special!

We've already reached Bill Hearing Night! Time flies when you're learning how to run the world. You all did a wonderful job at our Practice Bill Hearing Night at this week's meeting. Very impressed by your preparation! There are still some things to do, though, so read this bulletin carefully.

At the next meeting: Bill Hearing Night! Wear Sac Attire! 
What's due: Final updates to your bill language and bill worksheet. 
Now overdue: Payment #2

1.) Bill Hearing Night:

Here is the updated BHN Procedure and BHN Script. Check out both of those links because times and speech requirements have been updated (lobbyists need a 1 min summation speech in addition to their initial pro/con speech). In our delegation, we don't read from our cell phones or tablets so make sure to print or write out your speech in advance. For tips on constructing your persuasive speech, check this out. 

Make sure you have a notepad and pen with you. You'll want to track critical questions and comments from the audience and work those into your summation speeches, lobbyists and sponsors!

We'll convene our annual Bill Hearing Night in the Historic Hearing Room at old Sacramento City Hall (915 I Street) from 6:00-8:00pm. Allow time for downtown traffic and to find parking and still arrive on-time, ready to go at 6pm. Do not be late.

BHN Reminders:
  1. Practice your speeches with a timer running
  2. Print your speech
  3. Wear Sac Attire
  4. You may do a subdued "CapCo" callback. No shouting please :)
  5. Voting: all present at BHN are eligible to cast a vote for the bill that goes on to Sac Conference. So turn out your vote! 
  6. All bills must have identified a primary and secondary sponsor on their bill worksheet who are committed to serving those roles in the Houses program at Sac Conference
2.) Bill Language and Worksheets:

Authors need to check out their bill language and worksheets. I have left notes of things for you to update or expand on that need to be taken care of by Monday, Oct 28 at 5pm.   Every bill group has notes that need to be addressed on their language, worksheet, or both

3.) Letters of Recommendation

Feeling the college application stress? Y&G Advisors are happy to provide letters of recommendation upon request. Here's what you need to do:

  • Email Christiana (or the advisor of your choosing) your request and include:
    • Due dates for any requested letters
    • Submission Process (email? online form? sealed envelope?)
    • If you have it - a resume or list of your other activities, accomplishments
  • It's your responsibility to nag until you receive confirmation that the letter has been written and submitted.
  • Please give at least 2 weeks notice in advance of due dates where possible. 
  • Also - if you're applying to Claremont McKenna College, def let Christiana know. If you're not applying, research it and then you should definitely apply there :) 
4.) Planning Ahead: Prepare for an earlier-than-you're-used-to Conference departure on Saturday, November 9. Per the last bulletin, we're taking the train and delegates will need to be at the Amtrak station at 6:50am on the dot. More details at our Pre-Con meeting on Nov. 6. But plan those rides now!

5.) Updated! MUN Secretariat Program: MLC has a companion program for middle school students called Model United Nations (MUN). MLC delegates are eligible to serve as MUN Secretariats - leaders who help the Model UN Ambassadors succeed in their roles at conferences by teaching them and being role models. Details on the Secretariat duties can be found here. (disregard the deadlines in this document, however) Applications are available now in Reggo and are due by November 12.

While not required to attend local MUN delegation meetings (expected to be on Tuesday starting in January), Sac Central Secretariats are welcome and encouraged to do so. There are two conferences to attend, however, over March 14-15 (Santa Cruz Mountains) and April 23-26 (Los Angeles). There is a $515 cost to participate and financial aid is available. If you are interested in applying for financial aid, make sure to complete the Secretariat application on time and let an advisor know. 


Schedule Overview
  • Nov 6 - Mandatory Pre-Conference meeting - required for all delegates. Family member required for new delegates, recommended for returning delegates. 
  • Nov 9-11: Training & Elections Conference I (Fresno)
Family Corner: 

November 6 Pre-Conference Meeting is mandatory for all delegates and for a family member of new delegates. It's highly encouraged for a family member of returning delegates to attend as well. Of special note: a new transportation plan for the upcoming conference. 

Model United Nations Family Info Night, Tuesday December 10: Do you have a middle schooler at home? We have a program for you! Join us on Tuesday, December 10 for a Family Information Session on the YMCA's Model United Nations program for grades 6-8. To sign up for the MUN mailing list, click here

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
October 30 - Mandatory Bill Hearing Night, Sac Attire Required
November 6 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
November 9-11 - Training & Elections Conference I
November 14 - Secretariat Applications Due in Reggo
November 15 - Payment #3 Due
December 4 - Elected/Appointed Leadership and Program Apps due in Reggo
December 8 - California International Marathon Volunteer Event
December 13 - Swim with Santa Volunteer Event at the YMCA
December 13 - Payment #4 Due
January 15 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
January 16 - CONA, NJC, Governing Board Apps Due in Reggo
January 18-10 - Training & Elections Conference II
February 5 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 13-17 - 72nd Model Legislature & Court
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

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