"The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Anonymous*
(*NOTE: This quote may be, but you are not!)
1.) Bills, Bills, Bills! The bill develop process is now in full swing. Your family should now have it's their bill worksheet completed and a rough draft of your bill language done by this Thursday. Below are some steps you can take to further develop your bill idea and begin drafting:
- Here's what a finished bill looks like, so you know what you're making.
- Watch this video about how to start the bill idea and bill research process.
- Watch this video about the 4 basic kinds of legislation our State Legislature can consider.
- Should have completed the Family Bill Worksheets - these are the basic questions your family will need to answer about your bill by Bill Hearing Night. (Those questions should sound familiar after last week's presentation!)
- In the same folder, be sure to begin writing your bills language in your family's bill template!
- Want to know all the current laws? Here they are! (Get to know this site, LegInfo, it's a bill author's best friend!)
This week you'll also be finalizing your bill group role (if you haven't yet). Each bill group needs someone fulfilling one of the following roles:
- Bill Sponsor - introduces the bill and gives the opening and closing speeches on the bill
- Pro-Lobbyist - speaks in favor of the bill
- Con-Lobbyist - speaks against the bill
- Legislative Analyst - gives an objective analysis of what the bill does, how much it costs, its benefits or potential negative consequences.
All bill worksheets and bill template MUST be completed by Oct. 17th (that's only 17 days away!). Make sure your family has their roles selected and have strong speeches! I will be making an agenda for bill hearing night in the coming week.
2.) Bill Hearing Night (10/24): Our bill hearing night is on Thursday, Oct 24th from 6-9pm. We are splitting our meeting into two halves, 5 families will present between 6-7:30pm and the remaining 5 from 7:30-9pm. You need only to attend the half of the night with your bill, but you are welcome to stay for the whole meeting. I will announce the order of family presentations in next week's bulletin. This event is open to the public, so be sure to bring your friends and family!
Additionally, all delegates are required to wear Sac Attire (we will cover this in our next couple meetings) to this meeting, even if you are not presenting. For those who do not know what Sac Attire is, it means wear business professional clothing.
The structure of bill hearing night is each family gets 15 minutes to present their bill to the audience and judges. Below is the breakdown for time each role gets to speak:
- Delegation secretary reads enacting clause of bill (30 seconds)
- Sponsor speech (3 minutes) - purpose and major provisions of bill
- Legislative Analyst Speech (2 minutes) – fiscal analysis of the bill
- Pro-Lobbyist speech (2 minutes)
- Con-Lobbyist speech (2 minutes)
- Sponsor's summation speech (3 minutes)
- Judges scoring and comments on bill (3 minutes)
If you have a presenting role and have a question, do not hesitate to each out to me.
3.) S'moresfest Volunteers Needed: Please check here to see if you're signed up for S'moresfest volunteering this coming Saturday, October 12. We are badly in need of additional volunteers for the event itself - the 4p-10p shift - so if you're not going to Oak Ridge Homecoming please come give us a hand! Let me or Christiana know ASAP if you can attend or if you need to change your shift. #liveyourvalues #pleasehelp
Parent Corner
- Join us for S'moresfest 2019! S'moresfest Tickets Are Still Available!! Sponsor opportunities are still available, too. As a thank you to our families for their support - you can use the promo code THANKYOU2019 to get tickets at the early bird price!
As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!
Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation
Helpful Links:
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Mark your calendars for these key events!
October 12, 2019 - S'moresfest 2019 YMCA Fundraising Gala (Sacramento)
Oct. 18, 2019 -Second Payment Due
Oct. 24, 2019 -Bill Hearing Night - Open to Friends and Family (Oak Ridge)
November 9-11, 2019 -Training and Elections 1 Conference (Fresno)
Nov. 15, 2019 - Third Payment Due
December 13, 2019 - Fourth and Final Payment Due
January 18-20, 2020 -Training and Elections 2 Conference (Fresno)
February 13-17, 2020 -72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)
February 13-17, 2020 -72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)
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