Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Important Reminders for the Week!

Short and to-the-point:

1.) California Pizza Kitchen fundraiser tomorrow. See attached flyer [Download it here]: Hope you told everyone you know and encouraged them to enjoy pizza for a good cause!

2.) Big Spoon fundraiser next Monday (Dec 7). These are hard-copy flyers, not electronic ones. They are available at the Y for anyone who would like to grab some to distribute. We'll also have them at the meeting on Thursday.

3.) DRESS CODE MANDATORY FOR THE MEETING ON THURSDAY. If you don't know what this means, you better email me to find out. Don't show up in jeans and sneakers.

4.) BILL HEARING NIGHT IS THIS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3. Bill Sponsors owe me copies of their bills by 8pm this evening or they will not present their work on Thursday. They may also jeopardize their roles for the conference.

5.) If you have not made your November, $250 payment (and are not on an alternative payment schedule) you better bring a check on Thursday or we will not be able to register you on-time for Bob II and the Sac conference. This will also jeopardize your position in program areas.

6.) If you are on an alternative payment schedule, you should have received an individual update email from me last week. If you can make ANY AMOUNT of payment on Thursday you are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to do so (be it $20 or $100).

7.) Parents are encouraged to attend Bill Hearing Night. Please invite your parents.

Bill Hearing Night is mandatory. Anyone failing to attend without talking to Christiana beforehand (24 hours in advance, barring extreme medical emergency) will NOT be registered for the rest of the program and may not be able to participate any more. We don't want this to happen! We value all of you and want you to complete the program. Please be on time (That's 6:30pm not our usual 7pm!), in Dress Code, and ready to present your best work to our guests.

Questions? Attendance concerns? Call Christiana at 916-508-3299.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More Leadership Opportunities!

Are you ready to REALLY take on a challenge? Here are some more chances to demonstrate your leadership skills and really shine in Y&G!

There are two categories of offices on this nomination form (one link for everything listed below)

(Oh, and these are ELECTED positions, so get ready to run. You can totally do this.)

First, statewide leadership - that means Youth Governor or Secretary of State. You'll need to be around next year to pursue these offices, so no seniors. :(

Second, some great program area leadership roles:
Attorney General (10,11,12 - prior Y&G)
Presiding Justice (10,11,12 - prior Y&G)
District Attorney (10,11,12 - prior Y&G)
NIC Adversary General (yeah, I think they have two forms for this - if you're interested, we'll sort it out. See the other post for qualifications.)
NIC Administrative Clerk (10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
SGT-AT-Arms (Senate/Assembly)(10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
Secretary of the Senate (10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
Chief Clerk of the Assembly (10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
SIP Presiding Commissioner (not sure - contact Christiana if you're interested in this position)

All of these are due December 4 and all require an Advisor signature! Don't delay!

(Note: there are limits on how many people from a delegation can run for particular categories. I don't think we'll hit them, so unless that becomes an issue, it's nothing to worry about.)

Delegation Bulletin 8

NOTE: Many of you have received individual payment updates from me via email today. If you did not receive one from me it is because you are on-time and ahead of schedule.

If you DID receive an update from me please be aware that our registration for the remainder of the conference is due December 4 - one week earlier than our next payment deadline. It would be vastly, seriously, and I'm-not-kidding-ly better for you to attempt to meet payment goals by Bill Hearing Night on December 3.

Everyone can and should be taking advantage of holiday get-togethers to sell coupon books and hit up your relatives for lose change. ;) Wait until after dinner when their defenses are down.

If you need a coupon book as an example or some to sell, contact me by 10 AM WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 25.

Upcoming Deadlines
December 4 - Bill deadline
December 4 - Registration for the remainder of conference due - if you need to fundraise, keep this date in mind.
December 4 - MANY applications for leadership positions due - check this website for more info.
December 11 - Bill supplemental information due

Upcoming Events
Dec 1 - Fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen - flyers here
Dec 3 - Bill Hearing Night. Delegate attendance mandatory
Dec 7 - Fundraiser at Big Spoon - several locations.

Ongoing Events
Coupon Book sales
Distribute flyers for the California Pizza Kitchen fundraiser!

Bill sponsors have assignments from me via email. I expect you to get some work done even if it's a holiday week!

Reminders/News for the Week

1.) FUNDRAISE! Promote fundraisers! Do it for you, for your delegation, for America.

2.) Our next meeting is Bill Hearing Night on December 3. We will begin at 6:30, not at 7pm. Do Not Be Late. Period.

4.) Meeting attendance is required. In the event you cannot attend due to circumstances beyond your control (and you CAN control homework and general studying), you MUST contact Patrick (595-4191) or Christiana (508-3299) prior to the start of the meeting. If you have lost your contact list, pick up a new on at the meeting. Don't assume someone has called on your behalf if you carpool or included your name if they have identified themselves as unable to attend.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Download the CPK Fundraiser flyer here!

Pass this to your friends and family and facebook friends!

Just remember, no mass, anonymous handing-out of flyers or you'll invalidate the fundraiser and that would be :(

Get promoting, y'all!

Live Links to Leadership Applications!

Here are the live links and some important details for upcoming leadership applications. Feel free to email Christiana with any questions. HOWEVER, if you ask a question that would be answered by carefully reading the application, you will not get an answer. Make sure you READ CAREFULLY the entire application!

Permanent Page Form (keep checking back, this one not yet updated)

Governor's Lobbyist Application Form: Due December 4 - Advisor Signature Required! For seniors who were Lobbyists last year.

Governor's Cabinet Application Form: Due December 4 - Advisor Signature Required! Prior Y&G OR proven leadership skills required (hint: that means prior Y&G experience not required if you have an already impressive resume - which I'm sure many of you do).

National Issues Chair Application: Due December 4 - Advisor Signature Required! Note: our delegation can only have one Commission Chair nominee for every 30 delegates - that means our delegation can only have one Commission Chair nominee. If you are interested in applying for this position, you must submit your application to Christiana on or before Bill Hearing Night.

NIC Adversary General Nomination: Due January 8, 2010 - Advisor Signature Required! NIC AG is responsible for either coordinating or delivering the first Con speech for every proposal in the NIC General Assembly. NIC AG will research and prepare or delegate responsibility for reseaching and preparing the Con statements. Also responsible for coordinating four District Adversaries. No prior NIC experience required.

Broadcast Media Application: Due December 4 - Advisor Signature Required! Applicants must also register in another program area because over 100 delegates apply for about 28 spots (this doesn't mean you shouldn't try, however!). Applicants will interview at Bob II. Applicants will not be considered for Broadcast Media if they also apply for another leadership role selected at Bob II. Note: parental signature also required for this application.

Jury Trial Application (note you cannot apply for both Jury Trial Attorney and Supreme Court/Judicial Review - you have to pick one!) Due December 4 - Advisor Signature Required!

Supreme Court/Judicial Review Application: Due December 4 - Advisor Signature Required!

Chief Page Application: Due December 4 - Advisor Signature Required! The ML/C Chief Page will work with the Page Program staff and implement the duties of their office. The Chief Page will create opportunities for fellow delegates to see and participate in every facet of the Youth and Government Program. The Chief Page will plan, organize, assign, manage and appraise their fellow Pages throughout the Y&G Conferences. Prior Y&G experience not necessary.

T&E II Press Corps Application: due at noon at Bob II - to be hand-delivered by you. Advisor Signature Required. Some positions require that you be a senior, some require past Y&G experience, some require past publications/journalism experience - check the description by each position. Lastly - my guess is they have swapped the application requirements for artist and photographer - I would assume photographers must have samples of photos, not drawings. If anyone is interested in those positions, we'll find out.

Most of these forms will open as a Microsoft Word download (Press Corps opens as a pdf). If you cannot open a document, let me know, and I will email one to you in pdf form. You can always download a free Adobe Acrobat pdf reader here. Some also ask for letters of recommendation. If you want an advisor letter of recommendation for an application due December 4, you must request one by November 30 (that's the Monday before the Friday on which applications are due).

Most of these forms require an advisor's signature or other advisor information. Most of them are also due by December 4. This means if you need an advisor signature, you must bring your COMPLETED APPLICATION to Bill Hearing Night on December 3. We can send in your application for you as well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Congrats to Daija Williams - Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Sunday Magazine

Sacramento Central Delegation congratulates delegate Daija Williams on her selection as co-Editor-in-Chief of the Print Media program's Sunday Magazine. Daija continues our delegation's proud history of accepting the challenge of leadership and diving into Y&G with both feet!

Can't wait to read your magazine, Daija!

Delegation Bulletin 7

The Calendar mistakenly lists this week's meeting as Wednesday. It is NOT on Wednesday. It is at its normal time on its normal day - Thursday at 7pm.

Upcoming Deadlines
December 4 - Bill deadline
December 4 - Registration for the remainder of conference due - if you need to fundraise, keep this date in mind.
December 4 - MANY applications for leadership positions due - see website for details. http://SacCentralDelegation.blogspot.com
December 11 - Bill supplemental information due

Upcoming Events
Nov 18 - Mock Bill Hearing Night.
Dec 1 - Fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen
Dec 3 - Bill Hearing Night. Delegate attendance mandatory
Dec 7 - Fundraiser at Big Spoon (tentative)

Ongoing Events
Coupon Book sales
Distribute flyers for the California Pizza Kitchen fundraiser!

Bill sponsors should be ready to present their bills this week and answer questions from the rest of the delegation. This means bringing your research and other background material with you. This, in turn, means you should HAVE some research and background material.

A big THANK YOU to all delegates for arriving on-time on Friday and for being picked up on-time on Sunday. Your advisors appreciate it!

Reminders/News for the Week

1.) Bill groups should be writing actual language this week and should know roughly where in California Code their proposals would live. A hint for most groups: look up the Penal Code.

2.) Bring your calendar or planner to all meetings!

3.) Would you like to invite a VIP to our Bill Hearing Night? A principal, school counselor, advisor, teacher, or community leader? If so, please provide names and addresses by November 18.

4.) Meeting attendance is required. In the event you cannot attend due to circumstances beyond your control (and you CAN control homework and general studying), you MUST contact Patrick (595-4191) or Christiana (508-3299) prior to the start of the meeting. If you have lost your contact list, pick up a new on at the meeting. Don't assume someone has called on your behalf if you carpool or included your name if they have identified themselves as unable to attend.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Control your role assignment, add leadership to your college applications

UPDATE: Use the live links found here instead of below!!!!!!

Apply for these leadership positions! You'll learn more about them at Bob I. All are due December 4 (some of the links below will be updated - so check back if your desired job isn't listed in the drop-down menu).

Permanent Page Form
Governor's Lobbyist Application Form
Governor's Cabinet Application Form
National Issues Chair Application
NIC Adversary General Nomination
Broadcast Media Application
Jury Trial Application
Supreme Court/Judicial Review Application
Chief Page Application

Delegation Bulletin 6 - Ready to Meet Bob?

Remember: this week's meeting is mandatory for delegates. Please be on time. We will run an efficient meeting from 7pm to 8pm so that everyone can get home to finish packing and get a good night's sleep (especially your advisors).

Upcoming Deadlines
November 12 - $250 payment deadline
(mandatory for conference attendance without prior Y approval for alternate plans. NO EXCEPTIONS)
December 4 - Bill deadline
December 4 - Registration for the remainder of conference due - if you need to fundraise, keep this date in mind.
December 4 - MANY applications for leadership positions due - click here for details.
December 11 - Bill supplemental information due

Upcoming Events
Nov 12 - Last regular meeting before Bob I - Attendance is mandatory.
Nov 18 - Mock Bill Hearing Night.
Dec 1 - Fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen
Dec 3 - Bill Hearing Night. Delegate attendance mandatory
Dec 7 - Fundraiser at Big Spoon (tentative)

Ongoing Events
Coupon Book sales
Distribute flyers for the California Pizza Kitchen fundraiser!

As a delegation, we raised over $1200 last weekend between the Auction and the Antique Fair. Well Done! We appreciate everyone's participation. Did you miss out on fundraising opportunities? There are still coupon books to sell - which make great holiday gifts!

Tentative upcoming meeting agendas:
Nov 12 - Prepare for the first conference; full bill debates and final preparation for Bill Hearing Night!
Reminders/News for the Week

1.) Bill groups should be writing actual language this week and should know roughly where in California Code their proposals would live. A hint for most groups: look up the Penal Code.

.) Bring your calendar or planner to all meetings!

3.) Last week, we offered prizes to those who read the Bulletin and replied. Out of 22 delegates, only 5 replied. Not good. This week - do better. This week, reply by telling me what time you should arrive at the YMCA on Friday morning. Your prize? You get a sweatshirt and you get to go to a conference.

4.) Departure time for Friday morning is 3:30am. Do not, however, wait until 3:30 am to arrive. Plan to arrive at 3am. An El Dorado advisor will be at the YMCA to check you in (your advisors have luggage duty in El Dorado Hills). Your parents must remain at the YMCA until you have been checked in by an advisor. Please do not park in the lower parking lot as the buses need room to maneuver.

5.) Don't forget to pack some pens and a highlighter for the conference. A notebook or pad of paper can be helpful as well.

6.) The buses will stop for breakfast on the way to the conference and stop for lunch on the way home. We recommend you bring some pocket money to buy food. Of course, you can always pack a breakfast to bring with you on Friday

7.) Other delegations will be selling items at the conference (like food, sodas, t-shirts, tote bags, etc). These are optional for purchase and certainly not required. If you might want to buy anything, however, bring some extra pocket money for that. You do NOT, however, need money for anything at the conference - all meals there will be provided to you. See your schedule for menus. Vegetarian food is available.

8.) Would you like to invite a VIP to our Bill Hearing Night? A principal, school counselor, advisor, teacher, or community leader? If so, please provide names and addresses by November 18.

9.) Meeting attendance is required. In the event you cannot attend due to circumstances beyond your control (and you CAN control homework and general studying), you MUST contact Patrick (595-4191) or Christiana (508-3299) prior to the start of the meeting. If you have lost your contact list, pick up a new on at the meeting. Don't assume someone has called on your behalf if you carpool or included your name if they have identified themselves as unable to attend.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Meeting Location And Time Changes for Nov 5!

The meeting will be start at 6:45pm tomorrow instead of 7pm.

The meeting will also be held in the TEEN CENTER in the main building of the YMCA (ask the front desk for directions) instead of our usual Board Room location due to last minute Auction preparations taking place there.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

YMCA Financial Need Application: Required for Grant Awards

Our departure for the first conference is swiftly approaching. We've had tremendous success this year already by adding more delegates and running more productive, and I hope more fun, weekly meetings. Sam, Rob, and I are very proud of what we've accomplished so far this year and we expect it to continue and improve (we have really high expectations, have you noticed?)

I'm pleased to inform you that the Y&G Scholarship Committee has awarded our delegation $250 towards the fees for the first conference and $1700 towards the fees for the remaining conferences in grant money to support our mission of ensuring that everyone who puts in the work and demonstrates the dedication is able to participate in Y&G.

Many of you have also taken advantage of the program's individual scholarship program. The committee deciding that award does not meet until November 20 - so if you have applied, expect to hear back at the end of November or beginning of December.

As we have discussed previously, everyone has the opportunity to participate in delegation fundraisers regardless of demonstrated financial need or financial hardship.

In awarding the grant money given to us by the Y&G scholarship committee, however, it is important for us to also take into account demonstrated financial need - along with meeting attendance and participation, fundraising attendance and efforts, and dedication to the delegation as a whole.

Available here to download is the YMCA's standard financial need application. Note: This is NOT a separate award for which to apply. This is a generic application we would like to collect from those wishing to demonstrate eligibility for the grant money we have received. You'll note that some of the application's information or questions may not apply to our program - you can leave those areas blank. Clearly, we're not using this information to determine membership discounts, nor do you need to be concerned with the "what programs are you applying for" section on the back, since this isn't about camp, sports, or swim lessons.

You do need to fill out the family member and income information and provide the requested documents.

You have until Friday, November 6 at 5pm to submit this information. If you are attending the Auction, you may submit it to Christiana at the Auction until 7pm. I will have extra copies of the application at the meeting on Thursday as well if you cannot print out the attachment. That won't leave you much time to complete it, however, so keep that in mind.

We encourage you, however, to bring this to the meeting on Thursday.

If you have questions or concerns about this application YOU or a parent MUST CALL CHRISTIANA ASAP at 916-508-3299. Otherwise, I will expect to see applications from those who have expressed financial need and requested accommodations thus far this year.

Thank you for a great year and a great program.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Delegation Bulletin 5 - Countdown to the first conference!

Remember: this week's meeting is mandatory for delegates and encouraged for parents. The meeting this week STARTS AT 6:45PM not at 7pm. Please arrive on time. We will not wait for late-comers and you'll miss important information. The second half of the meeting we will continue to work in bill groups. Bill sponsors and group members should be bringing in outside research and information this week: we're past the brain storming stage now!

Upcoming Deadlines
November 12 - $250 payment deadline
(mandatory for conference attendance without prior Y approval for alternate plans. NO EXCEPTIONS)

Upcoming Events
Nov 5 - First Conference planning meeting. Attendance is mandatory. Parents are invited to attend to learn more about our conferences.
Nov 6 - Sold On Youth Auction 5:30pm-8:00pm at Sac State Ballroom (BIG MONEY FUNDRAISER)
Nov 8 - Antique Fair Parking Lot Fundraiser
Nov 12 - Last regular meeting before Bob I - Attendance is mandatory.
Nov 18 - Bill Hearing Night. Parents are welcome. Delegate attendance mandatory
Dec 1 - Fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen (tentative)
Dec 3 - POSS SCHEDULE CHANGE: we may hold Bill Hearing Night on Dec 3 instead of Nov 18 depending on room availability at City Hall. Please keep BOTH dates open.
Dec 11 - Fundraiser at Big Spoon (tentative)

*Note on Mandatory Events: Even if you think you have an ongoing exception from Patrick or Christiana about missing regular meetings, that exception DOES NOT APPLY to the Nov 5, 12, and 18 meetings. You will need to speak to Christiana separately about these meetings if you have a specific, valid reason for being unable to attend. Very few excuses will be accepted.

Ongoing Events
Raffle ticket sales (you have until Friday to sell them! Call Sam if you want to pick up tickets this week to sell: 916-452-9622 ext 132. If you have tickets you have checked out but not sold, please bring them back on Thursday)
Coupon Book sales

Tentative upcoming meeting agendas:
Nov 5 - Prepare for the first conference; bill groups will present any changes to their bills
Nov 12 - Prepare for the first conference; full bill debates and final preparation for Bill Hearing Night!

Auction Details: Those wishing to attend the Auction on Friday must arrive at the Ballroom at Sacramento State by 5:45pm and plan to stay until about 8:15pm. If you need a parking pass, email Sam to let her know: sdoffo at sacymca dot org.

Reminders/News for the Week
1.) Bill groups should be writing actual language this week and should know roughly where in California Code their proposals would live. A hint for most groups: look up the Penal Code.

2.) Meeting attendance is required. In the event you cannot attend due to circumstances beyond your control (and you CAN control homework and general studying), you MUST contact Patrick (595-4191) or Christiana (508-3299) prior to the start of the meeting. If you have lost your contact list, pick up a new on at the meeting. Don't assume someone has called on your behalf if you carpool or included your name if they have identified themselves as unable to attend.

Absences may count against you when choosing role selection and may preclude your continued participation in the program. Last week's attendance was great - thank you!

3.) Save your self and your advisors considerable stress by getting your payments in on-time or even early. We don't want to leave anyone behind when we head to Bob I on November 13th. Remember: have a parent call Samantha Doffo at 916-452-9622 ext 132 if you have continuing or changing payment concerns. We can only assist with problems about which we are informed! It's better to make ANY payment ($50 a week? $20 a week?) than none at all.

4.) Meeting Check-in Process: Upon arriving at meetings, delegates should first check the side table for any sign-up forms, handouts, or other information. CELL PHONE POLICY: Beginning Oct 15, delegates must turn off their phones (vibrate-mode is not the same as turned-off!) and leave them on the side table for the duration of the meeting. Delegates are not permitted to make or answer calls or texts during the meeting. This policy ensures an efficient, respectful meeting and allows us to continue with an hour-format for our meetings. Exceptions to this policy are granted only in legitimate, medical emergencies. Otherwise, everyone can survive for an hour. (This policy extends to the wearing of headphones/ear pieces/or blue tooth equipment. All are prohibited during the meeting.)

4a.) Are you reading your bulletins? Reply by email saying "I read it!" and receive a prize at this week's meeting.

5.) Bring your calendar or planner to all meetings!