Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Delegation Bulletin #1

Greetings, Sac Central Delegation! Here are some notes and reminders for the coming week:

Upcoming Deadlines
Oct 9 - Payment #2 ($200)
Oct 9 - Registration for the first conference due - we can't register you without your paperwork!
Oct 9 - Elected and Appointed official applications due
Oct 15 - Sweatshirt design deadline
Oct 16 - Individual Scholarship Applications due

Upcoming Events
Oct 11 - Parking lot fundraiser
Oct 24 - Halloween Volunteer event at the Y
Nov 6 - Sold on Youth Auction at Sac State (HUGE fundraising opportunity!)

Ongoing Events
Raffle ticket sales
Coupon book sales

Bring more bill ideas to the meeting this week. In the next few weeks, we'll move from general discussions to researching bill ideas. It's never too soon to start using the internet to guide your research.

1.) IMPORTANT: If you sign up for an event, such as the College Application Workshop, but can't make it, it's very important that you let Christiana know. On Saturday, two delegates enjoyed a nearly-private tutoring session on how to get into college, but the other 4 delegates who signed up neither showed up nor let anyone know. This is disrespectful to the volunteers who give their time to enrich your Y&G experience. Attendance at events aside from meetings and conferences is never mandatory, but if you sign up, you show up. In the future, unexcused absences will be considered when it comes time to award group scholarship money and select program areas. The 4 absentees this week get one-time-only pass because we'll use this email and the next meeting to make sure you know how to get a hold of someone in case of an absence.

Contact information (translate email addresses which are spelled out to avoid spam coming to us):
Lead Advisor Christiana Dominguez - cell 916-508-3299, email cdominguez at cslea dot com (email notice only valid if received at least 24 hours in advance of event)
Delegation President Patrick Smith - cell 916-595-4191, email smithpat1992 at yahoo dot com (same policy)
Delegation Vice President Chelsea Dascher - cell 916-203-9855, email ccdascher at yahoo dot com (same policy)
Samantha Doffo (Y Liaison) - 916-452-9622 ext 132

2.) Bring your sweatshirt designs to the next meeting! We need to choose one and have time to work with the printers!

3.) Bring your calendar or planner to meetings so you can be aware of potential conflicts when we schedule additional fundraisers and events.

4.) Remember to check the delegation website after and between meetings for updates and announcements. We'll also post downloadable versions of forms in case you lose any after a meeting. http://SacCentralDelegation.blogspot.com

5.) BRING BACK YOUR SIGNED PAPERWORK. Registration for the first conference is due next week. We cannot register delegates who have not turned in their signed: Delegation Contract; Medical Release Form; Code of Conduct; Payment Policy. Don't get left behind!