Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #1

Greetings, Sac Central Delegation!  Here are some notes and reminders for the coming week:
Upcoming Deadlines
September 22 - $150 payment due
October 6 - Sweatshirt ideas due
October 15 - T&EI Officer nomination forms due; leadership applications due
Upcoming Events
September 29 - Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser
Oct 10 - Parking lot fundraiser
Ongoing Events
Spaghetti Feed ticket sales
Coupon book sales
This  year, our delegation will choose the sweatshirt color for the coalition. Start thinking about your preferences!
1.)  Arrive on time, depart on time - it's essential that you arrive by 6:30 and that your ride is there to pick you up at 7:30!
2.)  We'll continue to talk about bill ideas at the next meeting. Take a few minutes to watch the news or read the paper tomorrow.
3.)  Bring your calendar or planner to meetings so you can be aware of potential conflicts when we schedule additional fundraisers and events.
4.)  Remember to check the delegation website after and between meetings for updates and announcements.  We'll also post downloadable versions of forms in case you lose any after a meeting.  http://SacCentralDelegation.blogspot.com
5.)  BRING BACK YOUR SIGNED PAPERWORK.  Registration for the first conference is due next week. We cannot register delegates who have not turned in their signed: Delegation Contract; Medical Release Form; Code of Conduct; Payment Policy.  Don't get left behind!