Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Y&G Bulletin #2: Getting our Legislati-On

(Our first few bulletins of the year will be especially information heavy while we're still collecting registration and financial assistance applications and getting everyone up and running. Thanks for paying attention to all of this important information!)

1) Delegation Calendar is available for download here in both doc and pdf forms It's important that you review the calendar and make sure you are available for delegation meetings, events, and conferences. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6ee6r3nMe6cY3lHdllnZ3JablE/edit?usp=sharing

2) Bill ideas: This week, we'll begin discussing the bill development process. Think about what problems you'd like to fix in our state. Come prepared for the next meeting by checking out this information about where bills come from and what kind of bills we deal with in Y&G. Feel free to bring your laptop or tablet if you want. (not required)

3) Pop Quiz: Who likes Pizza? If ten delegates reply to Christiana directly in an email telling her a) what kind of pizza they like and b) which of the four kinds of legislation you would use to require the State Department of Fish and Wildlife to track squirrel populations in California, we'll have pizza at our next meeting. (hint, answer is in the link in item #2)

4) Registration packets should be returned next week. If you lost your paperwork, you can visit this link to download and complete. If you missed the last meeting, you can *still* download and complete the form and be all caught up at the next meeting. Please include your medical and dental coverage policy numbers, as requested on the registration forms.

5) Payment schedule revisions. We have changed the payment schedule. The new schedule can be seen in the registration materials linked above or you can pick up a new copy at next week's meetings. First payments are due next Wednesday, September 3. The amount due is $100.

6) Y-Assist Applications: All delegates may apply for the Y-Assist program. Program fee assistance is provided on the basis of need. You can find the application at the link below. Your application will not be considered without the required attachments. If your tax and other paperwork doesn't provide a complete picture of your need, please also attach a separate letter explaining your circumstances. Y-Assist applicants are required to make at least a $100 payment as well, however, you can spread that out over the few weeks we have between now and the initial payment deadline. Please bring something with your application - whether it's $20, $50, or $100. At the same time, if you have special circumstances, please talk with us ASAP. We don't want cost to be the reason you choose not to participate. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6ee6r3nMe6cakk0NWRSdXJwU0E/edit?usp=sharing

7) "What Should I Bring To Meetings?" You don't need much at Y&G meetings, but we ask that you bring your calendar or planner, a notebook/paper, and a pen to each meeting.

8) Parent Meeting handouts: thank you to the three parents who attended our information session. For those who missed it, you can review the handout here:
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