Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #16: Welcome to 2015!

Did everyone have a great Winter Break? Hope you rested up because we're going to hit the ground running!

1.) Meeting January 7: We're back to our regular meeting schedule this week. Agenda highlights: Conference Preview, Food Drive Planning with Victoria, NIC proposal help for our NIC peeps, and more!


Late breaking news update:

We still need to wrap up the bill boxes project so we're going to combine that with our meeting this week. Accordingly, we will be meeting at the Y&G HQ ****not at our YMCA****.

Here is where you need to be:

2555 3rd Street, Suite 215
Sacramento CA 95818

Our meeting will go from 6:15 to 8pm. (The start time is adjusted a bit to ensure that everyone can arrive on time)

Delegates, please email Christiana so that she knows you know where our meeting is this Wednesday.

1a.) NIC delegates: you should have sketched out some proposal ideas. You'll need to have a draft proposal to take with you to T&EII. Remember that Tony is a great NIC resource! And your delegation is happy to be an idea sounding board.

2.) A new google form for a new year! Huzzah - you LOVE these, right? In this edition: payment reminders, community service opportunities and more. All information I need from you that's easiest to collect this way. It's also handy for checking up on who reads the bulletin. Make sure you click and complete today:

3.) Payment reminder: your final payment is due this Wednesday, January 7. If your parent is going to call in a payment or drop it off, please do so BEFORE the Wednesday meeting. We need all payments in on time this week. Thanks!

4.) Hotel Room Assignments for T&EII: This week, you'll be grouping yourselves into hotel rooms for Fresno. We'll have two male rooms of 4 each, 1 female room of 3, and 1 female room of 4. Please make this process kind or we'll take over for you. Note that during the Fresno conference you will not be permitted to return to the hotel during conference hours so you'll be spending barely any time there at all anyway and you'll all be next door to each other.

5.) Application deadlines are coming! NJC, CONA, etc etc - some stuff needs letters of rec, some don't.  Don't let things go to the last minute!

Calendar Highlights:
January 7:                  Final Payment Due ($250 or balance of program fees)
January 17:                National Judicial Competition Deadline
January 17:                Conference on National Affairs Application Available
January 17-19:          Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno, CA
February 1:                Conference on National Affairs Application Deadline
February 12-16:        67th Model Legislature & Court
February 25:              YMCA Annual Campaign Call Night (mandatory)

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