Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Delegation Bulletin #7: A party, some bills, and some REALLY important dates

Some stuff for everyone, some stuff for each delegation - give it a read and stay informed!
Public Service Announcement: Monday, October 24 is the final day to register in order to vote in the November 8 election. Is everyone you know who is over 18 registered? If not, send them this link: http://registertovote.ca.gov/

Last Chance to Sign Up For Our Halloween-Themed Field Day

Join us on October 29 for a day at the park with delegates from the El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegations. Location is TBD, but it will take place at a park in El Dorado Hills this year, Sac Central - we'll set up some carpools! We'll eat, we'll play, we'll get to know each other. It's going to be a great day! (El Dorado Delegates earn 3 points for attending!) #costumeparty #fun  If you previously RSVPed for the old date and now need to change your status, just register again at the link below.

DEADLINE: To attend, you must RSVP by next Thursday, October 20: http://bit.ly/CapCoFieldDay2016 and bring your $10 to this week's meeting. We're doing this event in El Dorado HIlls this year, so we really expect a high turnout from El Dorado delegates!
Note that attendance at this event also assists both delegations' Delegation of Distinction applications.

Bill Development:
BILLS! By next week bill groups should:
1) have a draft of this bill worksheet and
2) have a draft of their actual bill language that they email to Christiana by 11:59pm on Wed Oct 19. Here is a template for your bill. You can download or save a copy of this and edit it. Here is a video tutorial explaining the parts of a bill. The trickiest part of your bill language is figuring out what section of existing law you are amending or repealing or where you should add a new section.  Here is a video tutorial on how to figure out where you bill would live in statute.
3) have assigned roles to each member of their bill group (who will give the sponsor speech, who will lobby for, who will lobby against, etc)
4) have a sponsor/author prepared to give a 1 minute mini-speech on the problem their bill solves and how, and why they chose to address this problem.

El Dorado Note: Every member of bill groups in which the author submits a draft worksheet and draft language to Christiana by 11:59pm on Wed, Oct 19 (El Do) will receive 2 points for each document. That's a possible 4 bonus points on the line for each member of a group!

SAC CENTRAL Delegation Information
Special meeting times for October 19 and October 26: It's a sprint to Bill Hearing Night for us! To make sure we are prepared for Bill Hearing Night on November 2, our next two meetings will start at 6pm and conclude at 8pm (in other words, we'll have 2 hours meetings). These are the only long meetings we anticipate needing this year. It is ESSENTIAL that delegates carve out the extra time to make sure we complete the bill drafting process and have our presentations ready for Bill Hearing Night. Contact your Lead Advisor if you have a conflict (after you figure out whether you can avoid having a conflict). Note also that October 26 is a mandatory pre-conference meeting. All parents are welcome. Parents of new delegates are strongly encourage to attend from 7:30-8pm for our conference information review.

Save the Date! Bill Hearing Night: Wednesday, November 2, Sacramento Historic City Hall (915 I Street). You can find the Facebook event listing here. (Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)

EL DORADO Delegation Information:
While we expect you to attend each meeting, there are several meetings throughout the year that are mandatory. The first two mandatory meetings are coming up.

November 3 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting: We'll review all the information you need to know to have a successful conference. Those in attendance will earn 5 points. Those who do not attend and who do not let the Lead Advisor know in advance that they will not attend risk not being able to go to the first conference. If you have a conflict that night, contact Christiana ASAP.  All parents are welcome. Parents of new delegates are encouraged to attend from 8:30-9pm for the presentation of our conference information.

Bill Hearing Night Mandatory: NEW DATE! We'll convene our bill hearing night at the Oak Ridge Theater on November 10. Points: 10 for delegate attendance IN Sac attire. Bonus 2 points for bringing a family member/parent (Sibling inside a delegation doesn't count as a family member. However, siblings can count the same family member guest). You can find the Facebook event listing here(Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)

Meeting attendance/on-time arrival points: Delegates earn 2 points for each meeting they attend IF they arrive on time and are in their seats and ready to work by 7pm. Think about how long it takes to check in? Don't arrive at 7pm and expect to earn full points. Meetings START at 7pm. Consider arriving by 6:45 to ensure you get your full points.  Leaving early also results in a points-deduction.

Points: We now award points for meeting attendance, conference registration, and other activities. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing. More points = higher chance you get your first choice.  Don't leave points on the table!

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
October 26, 2016: Sacramento Central Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day (El Do 3 pts)
November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting (El Do 5 pts)November 9/10: $400 Payment Deadline (El Do 3 pts)
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night  (10 pts + 2 pts)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)

December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November) (El Do 8 pts for attending)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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