Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Y&G CapCo Combined Bulletin #17: 3 more meetings, 1 more conference, 1 more event, and 1 big campaign

After a big weekend and a week off, I hope you're ready to give into the last few weeks of our Y&G year!

1.) Meetings return this week for both delegations. We only have 3 meetings left, make sure you attend all 3.

2.) NIC, DOF, and Legislative Analyst delegates had proposal submission deadlines this week. The approval deadline in Reggo for NIC proposals is tomorrow. Only about half of our NIC delegates have uploaded their proposals (meaning they missed OUR coalition submission deadline of 1/23). If you're in any of these program areas, make sure you look for the email I sent on Friday with proposal submission information. If NIC delegates submit late and without notifying Christiana, they risk not having their proposal approved.

3.) End of the Year Celebration Banquet: it's been a year of firsts and changes, so here's one more. We want to hold the first-ever coalition-wide celebratory banquet after Sac Conference. We need information from you to do so. (Eldo delegates who complete this form get 3 points towards their family group competition totals. That award will be presented at the banquet). Please complete this form ASAP. We hope to see most delegates and their families at this event. READING TEST ALERT: anyone who completes this form before 6pm on Thursday, Jan 26, will be entered into a gift card drawing.

4.) T&EII Survey. You should've received an email from CalYMCA with a link to a conference survey. Make sure you complete that survey. It counts towards delegation of distinction. If you can't find that email, use this link (make sure to indicate your delegation).

5.) Y&G Awards. Each year, Y&G recognizes outstanding delegates, advisors, program supporters, and program innovations. You have a chance to nominate people for these awards. Here is the form to nominate (includes descriptions of the various awards). Nominations are due by 11:50pm on Feb 16.

Annual Campaign Corner: Last week, I sent information to both delegations about this year's annual campaign. This week, I want to share with you some of my favorite data about our program - the value our volunteer advisor corps donates to our community. Each volunteer hour has a recognized value. In California, it's currently valued at $24.75 an hour. In 2016, our advising team donated the equivalent of $123,861 worth of their time to our community. That's pretty phenomenal. Donations you make to Youth & Government enable more delegates to benefit from the education we provide. And the total value contributed to our community is even higher, as you can see. Our advisors love to serve - so help us give them more delegates to serve! Your donation is 100% tax deductible and makes a measurable impact in your community. A pledge form is attached or you can donate online. There are pages for each delegation: El Dorado at http://bit.ly/EldoDonate and Sacramento Central here http://bit.ly/SacCDonate

El Dorado News:
- All leadership (delegation officers, elected, and appointed leaders, including family group leaders) must attend the leadership meeting on Thursday, Jan 26 at 6pm in B3
- Non leadership delegates must be arrived, checked-in, and in their seats by 7pm. That means get there by 6:45. We're starting without you at 7pm if you aren't there.
- For the Jan 26 and Feb 2 meetings, NIC sponsors and bill sponsors should be prepared to run through their 2 min speeches (as time allows)

Sacramento News:
- Quick leadership meeting tonight at 6:15pm
- Regular meeting begins promptly at 6:30pm - please arrive on time.
- For the Jan 25 and Feb 1 meetings, NIC sponsors and bill sponsors should be prepared to run through their 2 min speeches (as time allows)

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
Jan 25/26 - regular meetings
Feb 1/2 - regular meetings
February 8/9, 2017: Mandatory Delegate AND PARENT pre-conference meetingsFebruary 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court
March 2, 8, or 9 (TBD) Celebratory Banquet

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