Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Y&G CapCo Combined Bulletin #19: Countdown to Sac Conference

Check your email inbox for referenced attachments

Dates to know:
Feb 8/9: MANDATORY Delegate and Parent/Family Meeting, pre-conference prep
Feb 15: Sac Central Delegation: No meeting
Feb 16-20: 69th Model Legislature & Court

Here's what you need to know this week:

1.) End of the Year Celebration Banquet: Join us for our first-ever (we hope first annual!) Celebration Banquet. Delegates and their families are invited to join us for an evening at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova on Thursday, March 2. Tickets and more information available hereGet yours today!

2.) Delegate & Parent/Family Meeting, Feb 8 (Sac) and Feb 9 (Eldo): Delegates and a family member are required to attend next week's delegation meeting for pre-conference information. If you or a parent/family member has a known conflict that evening, you must contact me in advance to let me know. Each year brings slightly new information and slightly different rules. Don't assume you know all you need to know for the year even if you are a returning delegate.

3.) Annual Campaign Corner: Thank you to those who have donated so far. To date, our coalition has raised $657.51. It's a start but it is by no means what I think we're really capable of.
If each delegate works to collect or donates a minimum of $34, we'd hit both of our fundraising targets for the coalition. Without the nearly $14,000 in Y-Assist we receive each our, our coalition would be missing 25 delegates right now. And each of those 25 delegates brings a unique, irreplaceable spirit to our family. We wouldn't be the same without them. We each need to do our part to ensure program access for all students, regardless of financial means. Democracy must be learned by all of  each generation!

A pledge form is attached or you can donate online. There are pages for each delegation: El Dorado at http://bit.ly/EldoDonate and Sacramento Central at http://bit.ly/SacCDonate

To be considered for the various raffles and competitions, pledge forms must be received or online donations made by 12 noon on Thursday, February 16. 

4.) Y&G Awards, Conference on National Affairs (CONA), Governing Board Youth Member apps are all available via google form or reggo with QUICKLY APPROACHING deadlines. See last week's bulletins for more on each.Some require lead advisor letters of recommendation. You must request a letter of recommendation no later than 11:59pm on Feb 9.

5.) Sac Attire: We reviewed the dress code at our delegation meetings this week. You can review the presentation here and a copy of the dress code is attached. Please review it carefully.

6.) El Dorado Delegation Elections - Successful primary candidates received an email with next steps. Candidates MUST complete this form by 11:59pm onThurs, Feb 9 or they will be disqualified from their race.  They should fill out forms for EACH office in which they are a finalist.

Delegates/Voters should review candidate statements here. Delegates should also review the officer duties and ask candidates questions specific to their desired job as they campaign. The descriptions can be found here.

Run-off elections will be held Monday, February 20th at 9am at Sac Conference.

7.) Program Area Specific News:
- Bill Primary and Secondary Sponsors should make sure they meet up between now and Sac conference to make sure each has everything needed for a successful bill presentation. Primary Sponsors need to have their 2 min sponsor speech ready for committee and the floor (if your bill passes committee. Secondary Sponsors need a floor speech ready if the bill makes it over to their house.
- NIC Delegates need to have a 2 minute sponsor speech ready to go on their proposals. Keep in mind the criteria used for evaluating your proposals. Make sure you're ready!
- Court delegates should be preparing their cases
- DOF delegates should be preparing to present their proposals
- This list is not exclusive! If you have stuff to do before Sac conference, get workin'!

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
February 8/9, 2017: Mandatory pre-conference meetingsFebruary 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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