Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #1

Below is your weekly El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #1. 
This is what you need to know this week:

"Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on."
-Thurgood Marshall 

1.) Registration: Please return your signed registration documents ASAP. You can find them here

2.) Camp CapCoSign up for Camp Cap CoOn Sunday, August 27, we'll convene at Camp Pollock along the scenic American River Parkway for a day of coalition bonding, leadership, and s'mores. Free CapCo t-shirt for the first 80 delegates to register and we'll be tie-dying, too. This will be a great way to get to know both your fellow El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegates!

3.) Parents' Night: Parents' Night is in two weeks - August 31. A parent or guardian from each delegate family is required to attend. Delegates are also required to attend this meeting. If you cannot have a parent or guardian attend, then please contact me.

4) Communication: Our delegation communicates through a few different ways. If you do not already have it, please download for your phone (or login with a computer) GroupmeRemind, and your personal email. Groupme is use to message each other (especially at conferences) and our family groups and Remind is how we send out need-to-know information. 

For Remind: Once you have downloaded the app, use this link: https://www.remind.com/join/derekd to join our class. 

You are required to have, use, and check all three of these forms of communication to be apart of our delegation.

5.) Delegation Leadership Positions: Are you interested in being a Family Leader or another appointed leadership position? Check out this link for more information: http://bit.ly/2wm53Tx. Leadership positions will be filling up soon so don't delay! Please contact myself and your officer's if you are interested in a position.

6.) Recruiting: We're looking for new delegates from grades 9 and 10 - help us recruit them! We are currently at 86 delegates and would like to be at ~100. Please spread the word to your friends, especially 9th and 10th graders about Y&G. They do not have to be Oak Ridge students to be apart of our delegation. 

Helpful Links:

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
August 24: Camp CapCo payment deadline ($20 check or cash; bit.ly/CampCapCo2017)
August 27: Camp CapCo 
August 31: Parents' Night 
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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