Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #10: Pre-Con Special!

This weekend will be overwhelming, fun, exhausting, exciting, and challenging in all the best ways. Get ready to make your voice heard, to make a stand for your values and opinions, to try something new, and be more than you were before. This is when everything starts to come together. Get ready . . . . .

1.) Pre-Conference Info: Here is the pre-con letter, with packing list, distributed at last night's meeting. Parents/Family: if you were not present at last night's meeting please review this letter carefully with your delegate. To view the pre-conference slide presentation, click here

2.) Schedule: If you would like to preview the conference schedule, you can review it here. You do not need to print it out now as you will be given a copy when we arrive in Fresno. 

3.) Links to bookmark: Save these sites on your phone's browser:

  • Sac ScheduleAt-a-glance Sac Central Schedule and delegate contact info: https://airtable.com/shroMn8d6YgnFC67T/tblopUVabYgoA5mj5 
    • Note that you need to use this WITH your printed schedule as the times are approximate. Some sessions overlap and some don't. This is a reference but the printed schedule and any updates sent by advisors rule. 
    • Stuff changes! Keep an eye on groupme and remind! 
  • LeadershipIf you are a leadership applicant, candidate, or delegation president, here is your special event schedule: https://airtable.com/shrHOSpLDiVO2dE3Q/tblopUVabYgoA5mj5 
  • Group AssignmentsHere are the group # assignments for all of Capitol Coalition. Most everyone is with at least one other member of our coalition in most sessions (and remember that multiple groups are frequently in the same session together. Look around! Meet people from our coalition - and from other delegations, too!https://airtable.com/shrqpHnmgVb9Bam9y/tblopUVabYgoA5mj5 
4.) Travel Info:  
  • Departure: Be at the YMCA (2021 W Street) by 6:15pm. Parents - please do not leave until you have checked your delegate in with an advisor.
    • Eat dinner before you come or bring a sack dinner for the bus. NO FOOD ORDERS PERMITTED ON FRIDAY NIGHT IN FRESNO.
    • When we arrive, your patience will be appreciated as we work through hotel room assignments. Expect to wait a bit before you move into your room. Take the time to review your schedule, if we have them at that point, or to meet new people in the coalition.
  • Return: (estimated) 5:30-6:30pm, Sunday, November 11 to the Sac Central YMCA
    • The YMCA will likely be closed when we arrive back. PARENTS/FAMILY MUST ARRIVE ON TIME TO PICK UP THEIR DELEGATES.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday, and Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday will be provided. 
  • Spending Money? Not required however many delegations (including ours) sell souvenirs or snacks that you have the option of buying if you wish to bring some pocket money with you. 
5.) Hotel Housing Note: At our Fresno conference, we'll be staying at the Comfort Suites hotel in the River Park area of Fresno. We will be taking a shuttle bus from the hotel to the conference in the morning and back again in the evening. Please Note:
  • Delegates will be housed 4-to-a-room. Hotel rooms generally have 1 King Bed or 2 Queen Beds. Some of the rooms at our hotel will also have a pull out couch. We have no control over whether the room block we are given has rooms with one bed or two beds or pull out couches. Roommates should discuss with each other potential sleeping arrangements and prepare to bring sleeping bags if necessary.
    • Click here to see roommate groupings. Use this opportunity to make new friends. As mentioned, you'll be spending very little time in your rooms and you'll be sleeping while in them for the most part. 
6.) Special Schedule Needs: Several delegates informed me last night about special scheduling needs for this weekend. In light of that, a quick review of our delegation policy on these requests: 
  • For T&EI: If a delegate needs to arrive to conference late or leave conference early, that is general permissible with advanced notice and communication from a parent or guardian. I need to know your exact travel plans with precise arrival/departure times. If you are carpooling with another delegate-family who participates in the same activity, I need clear permission from your parent/guardian that you may be transported by another delegate-family.
  • For T&EII: Partial attendance is not permitted except in extraordinary circumstances. Regular season sport events, meets, regular season academic club meets, finals, school projects, etc, are not extraordinary circumstances. You are expected to travel to the conference with the delegation, attend the entire conference, and travel home again with the delegation.
  • For ML/C ("Sac Conference): Partial attendance is not permitted
Your advisor team is managing the safety of 140 people, coalition wide. It makes things more complicated for us and potentially less safe for you if we need to manage different travel schedules for different delegates. Additionally even if this is your second, third, or fourth T&EI and you know everything you need to know about all program areas, your delegation needs you as a leader and role model. We are not as strong when people are missing.

If you have a special schedule for this weekend you must communicate that to me no later than tonight (Thurs 11/8) at 8pm or we may not be able to accommodate your request. Requests and details must be sent to my email by a parent/guardian with details about your plans. 

7.) Earn your button! Last night we reviewed again the important fact that you are NOT ANONYMOUS! The things you do matter. The choices you make impact the world around you - for better or for worse. This weekend, if you get caught living any of our CapCo Values through your actions, you'll earn your Not Anonymous button. As a reminder our values are: the YMCAs - Caring Honesty, Respect, Responsibility; ours - Respect, Responsibility, Purpose; Eldo's - Empathy, Encouragement, Dedication; and Gold Co's - Empathy, Open-Mindedness, Perseverance. 


Review the Code of Conduct: Please review the Code of Conduct (en espaƱol) which all delegates and parents signed as a part of the registration process. We will review this during the meeting along with our delegation rules and expectations

Buddies! Check out the buddy challenge info here. Each new delegate has been paired with a returning delegate. Returners - make sure to check in with your buddy frequently during the conference to answer questions, offer advice, and build a new friendship! 

Check the website first! In addition to our bulletin, a lot of valuable information can be found at our website. Here, you'll find all past bulletinsdelegation information, a program calendar, and a link to our forms and downloads folder. Remember to check the site first - chances are you'll find answers to most of your questions!

Parent Corner
- Are you part of our parent text list? If not, Text @sc71parent to 81010 to join!
- Please review the Code of Conduct, linked above, with your delegate. Discuss with them the importance of making good choices.

See you on Friday!

Sac Central Delegation Stands For RespectResponsibilityand Purpose
Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
November 9-11, 2018: Training & Elections Conference I, Fresno
November 15, 2018: Post-Conference survey and CIM sign-ups due (link comes out 11/11)
November 16, 2018: Payment #3 Due
December 2, 2018: California International Marathon Volunteer Event
January 19-21, 2019: Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno
February 14-18, 2019: 71st Model Legislature & Court, Sacramento

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. 

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