Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, March 25, 2019

SacC MUN Bulletin #7: Five Meetings To Go (or Fewer)!

What a wonderful Training Conference! We hope your Ambassador had a great weekend at Camp Jones Gulch. We caught a lucky break with the weather on Saturday and it seemed like everyone had a good time. Please make sure Ambassadors complete this Training Survey while the experience is still fresh in their minds. Their feedback helps improve the program for next year! 

We have one month to go until the 18th Model United Nations! There are 5 Tuesdays between now and then. It's very important that all Ambassadors attend all meetings. If you have spring break travel plans or other Tuesdays on which you know you will be absent, please let us know ASAP!

News of Note: Mozambique is still experiencing a terrible natural disaster. Make sure you keep up on current events by reading the news each day. Here is a recent article on what Mozambique is dealing with. 

Summit Survey: Ambassadors, make sure you complete the Training Conference Survey. Your feedback helps improve the program for next year. Your opinion matters! 

Summit Preparation
This past weekend, you learned all about your program areas. Each Ambassador has a task to accomplish between now and April 25 (if not before). You received handouts and information this weekend. You can find those handouts and Topic Preparation Guides on this Airtable chart (looks best on a desktop/laptop rather than on your phone). The information here is specific to each Ambassador. The last column describes your task to complete before Summit. We will discuss these tasks during our meetings as well. If you have questions - ASK! (Note: the IPC prep guide is coming soon!)

READING TEST - Ambassadors: are you reading the bulletin? If so, complete this reading test and earn a prize at tomorrow night's meeting! 

Meeting Calendar:
At tomorrow night's meeting, you'll receive a detailed outline of our meeting topics for our remaining meetings this year. Make sure to look for it! 

Parent Corner
 Preparation - Parents, please take some time to review the Summit Preparation information with your Ambassador. Ask them to explain to you their task and their topics. This will help them better understand the information and help them identify questions to ask advisors or program staff. 

- Meeting Schedule - As mentioned above, we have 5 Tuesdays left until we leave for Summit. We have a lot to cover to make sure our Ambassadors are prepared and get the most out of their Summit experience during our remaining meeting time. If you know you will be out of town for Spring Break or have any other conflicts on any of these dates, please let us know ASAP so we can plan our meetings accordingly:
  • March 26
  • April 2
  • April 9
  • April 16 (SCUSD and NUSD Spring Break)
  • April 23 (Tuesday right before Summit, SFE Spring Break)
- Summit Arrival Time - Please help us plan our Thursday Summit logistics by completing this survey form
  • This form also surveys you for Ambassador shirt size preference for our Summit polo shirts. Each Ambassador will be provided with a polo shirt (included in your program fees). During the Summit, everyone must wear Business Casual attire and the polo shirt is one option to meet dress code. More on dress code at an upcoming meeting! 
- Excused Absence Letter - Participation in Youth & Government Programs (MUN and MLC) is an excused absence under the California Education Code.  Here is a sample excused absence letter you can download to use with your Ambassador's school. Consider including a copy of our program brochure to help spread the word about this great program for next year! 

- Parent Day RSVP - Coming Soon! CalYMCA will be releasing a Parent Day RSVP form soon. Parent Day occurs on Sunday, April 28 and offers parents the opportunity to attend a special MUN Presentation and the closing Joint Session. Only 200 spots are available and they fill up withing 24 hours of the form's release. We will send out the link to RSVP via Remind as soon as we get it. Make sure to fill it out QUICK if you wish to attend! 

- Last Payment Due April 12 - Final payments are due April 12. Last week, each family received an updated balance reminder based on our lowered fees for this year. If you didn't receive that email, let us know! 

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy & Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Looking for forms or handouts?

Mark your calendars:
Join the Sacramento Central YMCA Annual Campaign! (Give online or return this form)
April 12: Payment #2 Due. (Pay online or bring check payable to Sacramento YMCA)
April 25-28, 2019: 18th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

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