Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #11: Do Your Research + Leadership and Special Programs Galore!

This may shock you: we have only 7-8 meetings left this year given all the holiday breaks we have coming up. We'll work to make each meeting and event count as we get ready for the second and third conferences this year. Make sure to check out the updated calendar at the bottom of this email. We have lots of important events coming up!

At the next meeting:  We'll give out Secret Santa assignments, discuss Role Selection, and continue our Criminal Justice/Death Penalty discussion - but this time with more facts, right? Here's a great resource page for you - with the bonus that many reports are co-authored by Eldo advisor Brandon Martin! Of course, there are lots of resources out there on these topics. Take a look around the internet, but always remember to consider the source

  • Since we're all about the Legislature, here is some legislation to review before next week. One side, and the other, and yet another. Don't forget to check out the Bill Analysis, where available. Also, for fun, check this out - it's the Standing Rules of the Senate. READING TEST: How many votes are required to amend the Death penalty Reform and Savings Act? 
What's due: Leadership Applications, Secretariat Application, I&A program area application
Now overduePayment #3; Mitchell's CapCo Survey Response :) 

1.) Elected/Appointed Leadership Apps - round 2 due Nov 17 11:59pm! Help me get the program areas we need when the swap process opens early Monday morning. Get your elected/appointed leadership application in NOW!

To see how to access apps, click here. For a list of available elected and appointed positions, including qualifications, click here. I strongly encourage you to apply for a leadership position! Campaigning and interviewing can be stressful but the experience is so rewarding, regardless of the outcome!
  • New Opportunities! For those with 1 year of Bench Trial, there is now a Lead Prosecutor Position and a Lead Defense Attorney position. Both are appointed. Applications are in Reggo.
1a.) NEW: Role Assignments. I am pleased to share this year's role assignments. Everyone was able to be placed in their first or second choice program areas:
  • Appellate Court: Miraya
  • Bench Trial: James
  • Board of Ed: Miranda
  • CIB: Trisha
  • ConCon: Connor, Sam
  • IAC: Ting, Priya, Carenna
  • I&A: Liam, Jenni, Jimmy
  • Houses: Mitchell (primary bill sponsor), Aaron (secondary bill sponsor)
  • NIC: Kathina
2.) LAST CALL: MUN Secretariat Program: MLC has a companion program for middle school students called Model United Nations (MUN). MLC delegates are eligible to serve as MUN Secretariats - leaders who help the Model UN Ambassadors succeed in their roles at conferences by teaching them and being role models. Details on the Secretariat duties can be found here. (disregard the deadlines in this document, however) Applications are available now in Reggo and are due by November 17.

While not required to attend local MUN delegation meetings (expected to be on Tuesday starting in January), Sac Central Secretariats are welcome and encouraged to do so. There are two conferences to attend, however, over March 14-15 (Santa Cruz Mountains) and April 23-26 (Los Angeles). There is a $515 cost to participate and financial aid is available. If you are interested in applying for financial aid, make sure to complete the Secretariat application on time and let an advisor know.  

3.) LAST CALL:  Issues & Activism Program Area Application. If you are interested in serving in I&A this year as your program area,  you must complete this application by TODAY - Friday, Nov 15. This deadline has changed.

4.) California International Marathon - Sunday December 8 - 6:45am-12:30pm: It's that time of year again! Grab your mittens and get ready to stir some Nuun, this is an all-hands event! Thanks to those who completed the survey and signed up. I'm thrilled that we have ALMOST 100% sign-ups for this fun event. (Mitchell, still need your survey form) Make sure you've noted this date on your calendar. We'll review details the meeting before the event.

5.) Swim With Santa - December 13 - Sacramento Central YMCA: Thank you to James, Jenni, Kathina, Priya, Ting, Trisha, and Sam for signing up to volunteer at Swim With Santa on Friday, December 13 at the Y. If you indicated "no" on the survey (Aaron, Carenna, Connor, Jimmy, Miraya) but your availability changes, let me know. Ideally we need 10 volunteers. Thanks!

6.) January Parking Lot Fundraiser: Thank you to Connor, Jimmy, Miraya, James, and Kathina for signing up for the January 12 Parking Lot Fundraiser. We could still use 2-3 more volunteers. Let me know if you're available.


CalYMCA Conference Survey: Make sure to complete the CalYMCA conference survey (counts towards Delegation of Distinction!

DoD Lanyards: Make sure you put your blue, Delegation of Distinction lanyard in a safe place so you can bring it to the next two conferences. We won't be provided with replacements if you lose/forget yours.

Political Party Swaps. If you want to change your political party then complete this form by Thursday, November 21 at 11:59pm. This is the only opportunity to change parties this year. Let me know if you submit this form. You are not guaranteed your first choice of new party assignment.

Letters of Recommendation Feeling the college application stress? Y&G Advisors are happy to provide letters of recommendation upon request. For info on how to request a letter, check out the last bulletin.

Family Corner: 

Model United Nations Family Info Night, Tuesday December 10: Do you have a middle schooler at home? We have a program for you! Join us on Tuesday, December 10 for a Family Information Session on the YMCA's Model United Nations program for grades 6-8. To sign up for the MUN mailing list, click here

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
November 15 - Payment #3 Due
November 27 - No Meeting
December 4 - Elected/Appointed Leadership and Program Apps due in Reggo
December 8 - California International Marathon Volunteer Event
December 11 - Delegation Holiday Party/Meeting
December 13 - Swim with Santa Volunteer Event at the YMCA
December 13 - Payment #4 Due
December 18-January 1 - Winter Break - No Meetings
January 8 - Meetings resume
January 12 - Parking Lot Fundraiser
January 15 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
January 16 - CONA, NJC, Governing Board Apps Due in Reggo
January 18-10 - Training & Elections Conference II
February 5 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 13-17 - 72nd Model Legislature & Court
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020 (tickets on sale in January) 

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

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