Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #20: Get set . . . .

 “Thirty years ago my [10 old] brother...was trying to get a report on birds written that he’d had three months to write. It was due the next day. He was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said, ‘Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.’” - Anne Lamott

It's time to get ready for our Model Legislature & Court. It kicks off THIS COMING SUNDAY, February 28 at 9:45am. 

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Officer Elections - DUE FEB 24 at Noon: Your delegation needs YOU. Click here to review the expectations for all officers and the duties for each position. You are all qualified to run. Take a chance, have fun, become a delegation officer! 

Program Bulletin: Did you read today's NorCal Y&G Program Bulletin. You need to!

MEETING SCHEDULE THIS WEEK: There are two Caucus-sponsored candidate forums this week. I'd really like folks to attend both, however, I know zoom fatigue is real. Do you best to attend tomorrow night's Sec of State and Chief Justice Candidate meeting. On Wednesday, we're going to alter our meeting schedule slightly. I'd like everyone to log on to the Governor Candidate forum at 5:30 at the link below. At 6:30 when that concludes, we will have a short delegation meeting on our regular zoom link (SEE EMAIL FOR LINK) that will wrap up by 7:30pm. Being an informed voter is important in a democracy - so taking time to hear from candidates is essential!

  • Forum 1: Tuesday, February 23, 5:30-6:30pm: SEE EMAIL FOR LINK

  • Forum 2: Wednesday, February 24, 5:30-6:30pm: SEE EMAIL FOR LINK

Bill Presentation Schedule: Visit the Bill File (Public Roster>Bill File Tab>Introduced Bills View) to see when your bill is scheduled for hearing on Sunday. Each bill that will be heard in subcommittee has a specifically assigned time it will be heard. Make sure you know when you'll be presenting if you're a Legislator, Firm, or Analyst!

BEAR ProcessAdvocates, Legislators, Caucuses, and Leadership - if you’re wondering what you should be working on right now, the answer is BEARs. Click here for everything you need to know about the BEAR process.  Here are some highlights:
  • Anyone can take a position on a bill and advocate for/against it.

Legislators who didn’t introduce a bill and Firms whose bills weren’t introduced need to complete one BEAR form and related advocacy action. (Deadlines in the doc.)


Y-USA Advocacy Days: Come see how what you've been learning this year unfolds in real life! Learn all about YMCA of the USA's Advocacy Days hereThe advocacy days themselves occur on school days, so talk with your parents and teachers. The training sessions, I believe, will be available on video. You should totally do this

Bill Hearing Script: Legislators, Firms, and Analysts should start getting comfortable with the bill hearing script we'll be using for subcommittee and committee hearings on February 28 and March 6. 

Analyst Information: Analysts have assignments and information posted in the Analyst Classroom which can be joined via this link. You have been assigned your bill(s) to analyze. Make sure to check the google classroom for information and details! 

Courts Case Prep:  Courts folks, you know your role, right? Look it up on the Public Roster (first tab, "Courts" view), if not. After you look up your case and role, join the Courts Google Classroom and begin reviewing your case materials. 

Program Area To-Dos: As ever, check out this document to make sure you're taking care of things between conferences. 

Advocacy in Action Module If you haven't yet, watch this video or check out the slides for Advocacy in Action. Most of you will be producing some of these items between now and the end of the program year. 

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
Wednesday, February 24 - Candidate Forum at 5:30, then Regular Meeting at 6:30pm
Sunday, February 28 - Conference 4
Wednesday, March 3 - Regular Meeting
Sat-Sun, March 6-7 - Final Conference Weekend

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