Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Y&G Bulletin #4: Bring your Bill Resarch, Your Money, And Your Order Forms

1.) Money

OUR THIRD PAYMENT DATE IS NEARLY HERE: We have passed two due dates already, so you should have paid $480 in program costs so far. The next payment due date is October 31. We will not have a meeting that night. You are strongly urged to bring your payment to this coming Monday's meeting.  The amount due is $240 (or the amount listed in the letter Morgan provided to you last week).

Delegates whose accounts are not current as of November 1 will not be permitted to attend the first Training & Elections Conference.  Don't miss out!  Get your payments in.  Have your parents contact Morgan Bauer at the Y immediately if you have additional financial concerns. (916) 452-9622.

2.) More Money

Please bring Mixed Bag order forms and money to the meeting on Monday.  We may extend the deadline an additional week, however, bring what you have sold so far so that we may credit your account.

3.) Calendar changes

There is a newly updated delegation calendar available here.  Note that there will be no meeting on Monday, October 31 (happy halloween) and that Bill Hearing Night will be held on Monday, November 21.  Please be reminded that Bill Hearing Night is mandatory for all delegates.

4.) Mixed Bag Sales at the Y

For those interested in raising more money toward their program fees, the Y will allow the delegation to set up a sales table in the YMCA lobby in the evenings and on the weekends.  We have many sample bags and signs to set up an eye-catching display.  If you're the only sales person working at a time, you will get credit for the bags sold during that time period. Multiple delegates will share the proceeds.  Given the number of swim classes and members generally coming and going, you stand to earn some good money.

Currently, no one has expressed interest in weeknights nor for this coming Saturday.  The Y is open until 10pm on weeknights, 8pm on Fridays, from 8am-6pm on Saturdays, and Sundays from 12-6pm.  If you're applying for financial aid, please take advantage of this opportunity.  If you're not applying for financial aid, the delegation could still use your help.  Please email Christiana immediately to schedule a shift.

5.) Bills

The legislative kind.

We will select bills to move forward in the development process next week.  This document will help get you in the right frame of mind.  And now is the time to fill out this form (you can omit "group members" for now) and bring two copies to the meeting (if you don't have a printer, email to Christiana by 5pm on Monday).  One major part of bill development is conducting some basic research into whether your proposed law exists and if it does/doesn't, where in the California codes it lives.  An easy way to start looking for where you bill lives is to visit this site.  You'll find a list of all the codes of California law.  Click on one of them and hit "search" without entering text in the search box.  That will take you to the code section's table of contents (like this one for the Penal Code - where all statutes criminalizing behavior live).  You need to do this basic research or your bill will not be permitted to move forward in the process. 

6.) Pen and paper

You should be bringing them to meetings. Start bringing them to meetings.  Delegates without these basic supplies are hard to take seriously.

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