Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

SacC MUN Bulletin #10: And then there was one . . . .

We have one meeting left this coming Tuesday, April 16! And it's mandatory for Ambassadors and a parent. We'll split our group up between parents and Ambassadors for the first part - parents will get a logistic rundown in one room while our Ambassadors finalize their pre-summit tasks in the other. Then we'll group up for final pre-conference info. 
New Business

1.) Final Payment Due April 12 - Final payments are due April 12. Each family received an updated balance reminder based on our lowered fees for this year. Please let us know if you have any questions about your remaining balance. If you wish to pay by check, bring the check to our next meeting. Instructions for paying online can be found at the bottom of this bulletin. 

2.) Volunteer event THIS SATURDAY, April 13. Please meet at Burberry Park (2400 Burberry Way, Sacramento, 95835) at 10am. Amanda will be your contact. Please call her at 916-595-8755 if you need to locate her on arrival. Please return this waiver if you did not fill it out at the last meeting. Please wear your delegation sweatshirt (tie it around your waist if it's warm). Please bring a water bottle and wear sunscreen. After the event, we'll have lunch at In-n-Out (2900 Del Paso Road, Sacramento, CA 95834) per our delegation vote (yay #democracy). The Y will cover Ambassador's lunches. Parents need to transport their Ambassador from the park to In-n-Out at the conclusion of the service event. If you plan to carpool, please make sure to email Amanda about your plans. We won't be able to leave the park until all Ambassadors are with their parent or a pre-planned carpool parent driver. 

3.) Save the Date! Our Awards Banquet is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 7. This will be a chance for Ambassadors and their families to gather in celebration of all their hard work and accomplishments this year. Details coming soon - but mark your calendars, now! 


Summit Preparation

Bring any updated info to this week's meeting! You can find Summit prep handouts and Topic Preparation Guides on this Airtable chart (looks best on a desktop/laptop rather than on your phone). Here is what each Ambassador needs to accomplish.
  • ECOSOC (Dylan): Position papers about how Mozambique would view your committee's topics (2 papers total). (See the "How to Write a Position Paper" Document) TOPIC: Universal Primary Education: Subtopic A-Primary education of girls in the Middle East, Subtopic B-Access to education in rural counties.
  • ICJ (Kennedy): Summit Case Worksheet (pages 14-15 of the MUN Training ICJ Packet). Available on the Airtable
  • IPC (Autumn): News article and video about Mozambique. Details available on the Airtable. Final is due via email April 19. 
  • NGO: Summit Preparation Guide document (page 5-6 of NGO Packet - See the Airtable). NGO Ambassadors must prepare their ideas from the point of view of the assigned NGO Country (note: this is a DIFFERENT country from our assigned Delegation Country.)
    • Jessica: Topic - Access to Clean Water. Country  - CHAD
    • Cooper: Topic - Access to Clean Water. Country - AFGHANISTAN
    • John: Topic - Deforestation. Country - MEXICO
The Airtable chart has a LOT of information including the CIA Factbook summary for our Delegation Country and your Program Area countries (if applicable). MAKE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT! Do you have questions about what you need to prepare? ASK! We are happy to help! One more reminder: all handouts from the Training conference and topic preparation guides are available to download from the Airtable

Parent Corner

Summit Arrivals: It seems from our survey that most Ambassadors expect to be in the LA area between 2 and 4pm. We will set our meet-up time as 4pm at the Sheraton. More info about check-in procedures will be available at the April 16 pre-conference meeting. 

 Preparation - Parents, please take some time to review the Summit Preparation information with your Ambassador. Ask them to explain to you their task and their topics. This will help them better understand the information and help them identify questions to ask advisors or program staff. 

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy & Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
Join the Sacramento Central YMCA Annual Campaign! (Give online or return this form)
April 12: Payment #2 Due. (Pay online or bring check payable to Sacramento YMCA)
April 16: Pre-Conference Meeting - Required for Ambassadors and A Parent
April 23: No Meeting
April 25-28, 2019: 18th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

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