Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #5: Values and Leadership Week

“You are not anonymous," - CapCo

What's(over)duePayments and Y-Assist application are now overdue. Please contact Christiana ASAP if you have questions or concerns about payments. Our conference registration is now overdue as well but we're still waiting for a couple last payments or Y-Assist applications! 

At our next meetingIt's time to jump into values and leadership. These next two meetings are really important for setting the stage for the rest of our work this year so make sure you attend both!  

Here's what else you need to know this week:

1.) Complete this scavenger hunt and you might win a prize! Last week, we ran out of time to move on to our research scavenger hunt. Never fear, though, you can try your hand at navigating some handy research sites you'll need to be familiar with this year. Complete this scavenger hunt by Wednesday at 6pm and you may win a set of California icon lapel pins (one winner per delegation). Fun! Here's what you'll need to do:

2.) Read this article before this week's meetingRead this article on people from different backgrounds living their values in a way that helped others. 

3.) PolicyFest Reminder: Our first virtual conference of the year is coming up! Make sure you have saved the date and times: Sunday, November 8 from 10:00am - 4:00pm. 

4.) Zoom Link: here's this week's Zoom meeting link. Officers should log on at 6pm. All other delegates will be admitted to the meeting at 6:30pm. CHECK EMAIL FOR LINK


Join our Remind Text Group: If you haven't already, text @saccentral to 81010 to join our remind text group.

Thanks for watching S'moresfest! If you missed the live stream on Saturday, you can see our Y&G highlight reel here or the entire event here. S'moresfest supports our Y-Assist fund that ensures everyone who wants to participate in our YMCA programs - like Y&G! - can do so regardless of financial means. You can support our efforts here

Payments and Financial Aid: This year's program fee is $250. There are two payment options:

  • Option 1: Pay the entire fee online here. (On the "Review Order Screen" make sure you click the blue "Pay full amount instead" link). 
  • Option 2: Option 2: Make a $25 deposit online and submit your completed Y-Assist application with supporting documents. Note: applications cannot be processed without the required supporting documentation.



Lead Advisor


Helpful Links:

Weekly meeting overview

Missed a bulletin?

Need to make a payment?

Looking for forms or handouts?

Mark your calendars:

Sunday, November 8 - PolicyFest 2020; 10am-4pm

Sunday, December 13 - Conference 2; 10am-3pm

Sunday, January 10 - Conference 3

Sunday, February 28 - Conference 4

Sat-Sun, March 6-7 - Final Conference Weekend

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

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